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Harry was stuck.

He had no idea to what the purpose of the egg was. He knew nothing. He didn't know if the egg held something concealed inside, or if it was a message, a sign, a symbol. He was stuck. He was not even remotely close. This was becoming a big problem as the next task was only a mere three weeks away. This needed to be solved.

"So, Harry, have you figured out what it is yet," Rosie asked. She was seated in the common room with Hermione and Harry. They were there for leisure time, as they didn't have a class on at the moment, and did not feel like doing their homework, so they did what they always would do in these times. They talked about the tournament. 

"It is only three weeks away Harry," Hermione said, in her inteligent-voice. This was the voice that Hermione used when she was trying to get him to listen to her, hence the 'intelligent' pare of the name.

He ran a hand thorough his jet black hair, a symbol of his obvious worry and stress on the subject. He took a deep breath in, "I know, I know. I know I have to get working on it. I know it is a short while away."

Hermione took a deep breath in and began to give him ideas on how to open it, which included speaking Latin to it, ripping it apart, but none of the options felt as if it would be the right way to go.

Rosie spotted Harry taking a good look at it, from all angles. What was he supposed to do? Talk to it? Hold it? Soothe it? Should he smash it? The number of possibilities seemed endless.

After a solid fifteen minutes in silence watching Harry think, the gang decided to make thier way down to the great hall, for a delicious supper to lighten thier moods, and Hogwarts had yet to let them down in the meal department.


Once they got to the great hall, thier attention was diverteed to their redhead friend gulping down meatballs at an alarming and dangerous rate. With a mouthful of half-chewed meatballs, he asked, "w'ere 'ave ou een?"

"What?" Hermione asked a pained expression on her face from the sight of what was inside his mouth.

Rosie replied,"Um- we were trying to help Harry with his task, weren't we."

"Yes, that is what we were doing," Hermione replied, she turned to Ron with a grossed-out look on her face, "Also, Ronald, you should not talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting."

Ron reached onto his place, grabbed a larger meatball, and put it on his mouth. He then proceeded to open his mouth and chew. Hermione gave him a disapproving look, and she turned away from him to talk to someone else. 

"So?" Ron asked, after he had finished his mouthful, "How did it go?" 

Harry avoided Ron's eyes and he responded, "Not well.: 

Ron slung a hand around his best mate's shoulder, "Don't worry Harry, you will figure it out, one way or another."

"I hope so."


Dear Rosie,

Hello daughter. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed you being around during the holidays. Your grandfather came to visit, hoping to see a glimpse of you. I had to remind him that you were at school for your dance. He told me to send his love, and then he was off after a beer we had together. He also gave me a present, which I have for you attached. That man loves you so much. 

So, the Yule Ball wasn't as great as you had hoped. I'm sorry, Rosie. But, as I always say, life is all about the experience. This was a good experience to be able to talk about, wasn't it? It'll make for some good stories. 

Right now, I am working for the Ministry by consulting about Lycanthropy and it's real impacts. I should have a bit of work for a while. Perhaps when it is over, and you are in schools, I will travel a bit, I don't know. 

Anyways, Molly tells me that Harry's second task is just on the horizon, has he figured out the clue yet? I hear it will be an interesting task, but that is all I am able to say about that. 

I miss you a lot, Rosie. I am so looking forward to the summer when we will be able to see each other once again, You will be fifteen by then. Wow, my little girl is growing up. 

Please stay safe, and as always, keep an eye on Harry. He always seems to get himself into some kind of mess. 



Rosie smiled to herself, it was nice to read his letters, because she could not see him all of the time. She missed him so much. She missed the way he would talk, the way he would walk and his little mannerisms like how his lip would twitch before he said something that he would deem important. 

She didn't waste much time and wrote back to him, telling him that Harry hadn't figured out anything about the task and how she too was excited for the summer to come. She told him about the little things that had been going on and what she wanted to do for summer. 

After she had finished writing the letter, Rosie sat back for a moment. She hadn't told him anything about what had happened with Seamus, or the conversation that they had afterward. That was the kind of thing that she would talk about with her mother, and then he mother would tell her father. But, Rosie did not have a mother, at least she did not have one that was with her, and she didn't know who her mother was either. It was times like these that she really wished she had a mother. 

Awww, my baby. I hate seeing Rosie like this. I have grown so attached to these characters and exploring different things with them, like a more caring side of Ron and a more emotional side of Harry. 

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