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Whispers went around the house of Gryffindor as McGonagall had held a "mandatory class," for year four and older, as a "special event" was coming up. What event, you may ask? Well, not a single person could tell you for sure as only rumors circled around the entirety of Hogwarts. 

When the afternoon came, the first thing Rosie noticed as she entered the classroom was that it was an empty classroom. There were no desks and all that remained were chairs which were on the lengths of the classroom. This was quite odd for a classroom to look like and she could tell that herself and all of her classmates were in for an interesting class, to say the least. 

Mostly, the students were confused as they tried to navigate through the rooms and examining all aspects of it. Also, they were quite vocal with their confusion, this was Gryffindor students, after all.  

McGonagall shut up all inquiries when she entered the room, her normal stern glare worn on her face, with a hint of a smile. She immediately instructed for the girls to sit on one side and once the girls had sat down, she instructed the same to the boys. Now they would have some answers. 

She walked into the middle of the large room and began to talk, "Good afternoon. Now, I assume that you all are wondering why I have brought you here today. I am sure you have heard the whispers that a big event will be talking place. The Yule Ball." 

At the mention of a ball, a few girls got excited and began to smile very broadly and pay very close attention. Rosie snickered at the sight of their faces. 

"..Anyway, since this is an event that corresponds with the Triwizard Tournament, the champions, together, will have a dance dedicated to them. Hence, the real reason for our meeting: Dancing lessons." 

The boy's side of the room groaned and laughed a bit. The one with the biggest reaction: Ron Weasley. McGonagall took notice of this and invited him up forwards to dance with her. At this, he gulped.  He avoided eye contact with anyone and everyone. 

  "Grab my waist."  

"G-grab what?" Ron asked, absolutely terrified of what he would have to do in the following seconds. He darted his eyes around the hall. Professor McGonagall scoffed and grabbed his hands and laid them firmly on her waist.

"Now, it goes like this, try to follow Mr. Weasley," She explained moving gracefully as she counted, "One...Two...Three..Four..."

She got faster as she went along, Ron, however, was very terrible at dancing. He was slipping around the place, partially due to his lack of talent in ballroom dancing and partially due to the high-pitching whistling echoing through the room by his two older brothers. They would hold onto this memory for the years to come, speaking of it at family gatherings and with anyone who did not know of it.

After the professor had demonstrated the dance with Ron, she invited the boys and girls to dance with one another. All the girls flew out of their chairs and scurried eagerly to the middle of the room. The boys, however, hung back in their seats, not wanting to dance. But, one young lad decided to take the plunge and dance. Neville Longbottom. 

He stood up and asked the first girl he set his dear eyes on, Alexia Tillsburht, a girl who was in her fifth year. She was delighted to be the first girl chosen to dance with, even if the boy in question was Neville Longbottom. 

The boys eventually all grabbed a partner. Harry grabbed Rosie as a partner so they both wouldn't have to dance with some other random Gryffindor who they hadn't talked to ever. It was a good match for the two of them. 

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