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In the morning of Rosie's first day of her fifth year at Hogwarts, Mrs. Weasley was absolutely paranoid that the lot of them would miss the Hogwarts Express. She practically kicked her boys in their rear to get them out the front door. Rosie dragged her trunk along with her, heavily. It was every person for themselves. 

As soon as the lot of them had walked onto the platform of 9 and 3/4, Fred and George ran away from the group without so much as a word. They were older, and on top of that, they were older boys. They didn't want to be stuck with their little brother and sister, and their friends. They had an entire summer worth of that. But, it was okay, they understood. 

Neville ran up to the remaining kids, "Hey guys." 

"Hi Neville," Ginny said with a smile, "Want to sit with us?"

He nodded, "Yeah." 


He went into the Hogwarts express with the five of them, and they had a lot of trouble with finding a compartment. There was not so many around. A lot of them were full, or half full, or had some of their enemies. There was no way that Harry was going to sit in a compartment with Blaise Zambini. That was a no-go. 

"Well, here's one," Ginny said pointing to a compartment, "Look it's almost empty. There's just loony Luna in there." 

"Who?" Harry asked, turning to Ginny's side.

"You'll see," She said before opening the door, "Hi Luna." 

"Hi," The girl said, she had an airy voice, and she had a sort of feeling about her that made you want to stay away, not that she was evil or had evil intentions, but it was more of a charisma about her that just warned you to keep your distance. 

"HI, I'm Rosie," Rosie smiled, trying to gain Luna's attention. Her focus was prodimently on Harry. 

Harry smiled at the girl, "And I'm H-" 

"Harry Potter," She intterupted him, her airey voice shown through her phrases, "The boy who lived." 

Harry nodded, and arrogantly added, "I know who I am."

Luna nodded and shifted her eyes to Neville,"I don't know who you are."

"I'm nobody," he said quickly, trying to get the attention off of himself. If one thing was for sure, Neville hated when all of the attention was on him. Usually, when all of the attention was on him, it meant he had done something stupid or careless, and he hated that feeling of embarrassment and self-consciousness. 

Ginny intervened, "No. You aren't nobody. This is Neville Longbottom." 

"Hello Neville," She said, her eyes never leaving him, "And what are you like?"

"Hmmm?" Neville questioned, looking up at her. 

"What are you like?" She repeated her question, in the same tone she said the last one. She seemed to be a patient girl. 

He scrunched his face, "Well, I uh- like Herbology. It's my favorite subject." 

"I fancy that one too," Luna said, speaking truthfully. 

Ron muttered, "And no one else does." 

Hermione, to the side, kicked Ron in his leg, "As prefects we have to be role models, Ron and not act rudely like that. It is our responsibility- where's your badge?" 

Hermione pointed to her own badge which was on her left side as it was supposed to be, despite that she was still wearing her casual clothing. 

"It's in my trunk," Ron said, avoiding eye contact of Hermione. 

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