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It was today.

The choosing of champions. That had everyone in conversations, why would it not? Hermione, Rosie, Harry and Ron were joined with Seamus and Dean at the Gryffindor table, talking about the tournament.

"What do you think the tasks will be?" Seamus asked, in pure delight, his eyes twinkled at the thought.

Ron landed his fist on the table like some barbaric viking, "I bet they are incredibly dangerous and absolutely awesome."

"Ronald," Hermione interjected, "That could also not be a good thing. I don't know about the lot of you but something of this tournament makes me extremely anxious. Do you know how many students died in these tournaments? Let me tell you.... many. Many had died. Despite the fact that Dumbledore has made it safer, I am still not convinced."

Dean rolled his eyes, "You are such a killjoy."

He turned his back to her and Hermione crossed her arms and turned away from the lot of them to talk to a few girls. Dean snickered, he loved to annoy Hermione at times.

Dumbledore's voice rang across the large room, catching the attention of all of the students who were there. Immediately, they sat down and shut up. Dumbledore extended his hand, and slowly moved it to the side, spanning out around the room. He was taking out all of the flames without a wand. That kind of magic was extremely hard and only the most advance wizards would be able to do so.

The only light that remained was the bright blue light on top of the goblet. Dumbledore reached over and put his hands on the goblet and then took a step back. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

All eyes flickered to the Goblet of Fire which had changed colors from a light blue to a dark, blaring Red and then it switched again back to blue. A small piece of paper shot out from the goblet and Dumbledore caught it in the air between two fingers. The paper contained the name of the contestant.

"The champion of the Durmstrung institute is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore yelled out, his voice, so powerful, reaching all corners of the room.

Viktor's fist shot up in the air, declaring victory. All of the boys around him began hitting their fists on his chest and clapping his back, the manly way of saying, "Congratulations." Cheering could be heard all over the Great Hall. It was a time of triumph.

He stood up and walked through the crowds of tables who were all cheering and clapping. He greeted Dumbledore with a firm shake of the hand. He stood next to Dumbledore for a moment, letting everyone have a last clap, taking in his glory moment. He then turned around and walked to the teacher's table. Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrung Institute,gave him a pat on the back and began to whisper with him.

All attention was then off Viktor and it was placed back at the front of the room as the Goblet ran red again. Another champion was chosen. A frilly piece of paper flew out of the Goblet. This time, it was more graceful when it flew, and it landed softly inside Dumbledore's hand. The professor shouted out announcing the champion, "The Triwizard Champion of Beauxbatons Academy is Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur flashed a gorgeous smile, and the classmates around her began to hug her. They all clapped elegantly, almost in sync with one another. Rosie made a side note to herself that she was glad her father had not sent her to that school. It was way too prissy for her liking.

With a triumphant smile and a poised walk, Fleur made her way up to the front of the Great Hall, just as Viktor had. She shook Dumbledore's hand, which was greeted with a smile from him. She took a step away and stood in front of the alumni with a hand placed firmly on her hip.She remained there for a second before joining Viktor at the teacher's table with Madame Maxine.

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