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Seamus became missing in action over the course of the next few days. Rosie tried to talk with him, she wanted to level the air. She felt terrible about the whole ordeal, she still wanted to be friends with him. But it didn't work because he hid from her and walked away every time she spotted him. It was a terrible feeling.

And, it wasn't like Rosie knew how to handle it. She had never, in her entire life been in this sort of situation. She had no idea of what to do.

That night, she came back to Hermione who was crying about the situation of what Ron had told her and what Harry had "just let happen." She was very upset about it, that was for sure. Rosie had comforted her with a hug and soothing her from her crying. The next morning, Rosie told Hermione about what Seamus had told her. Hermione was just as confused and swore to not tell a soul, all in Seamus' sake.


It was a day until classes would resume. Still no talk happened between Seamus and Rosie. No reconciliation between the two. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Hermione asked, "is he still avoiding you?"

Rosie nodded, "He is. I get why he is avoiding me, though. He's hurt that I didn't feel the same way about him that he did about me. I couldn't fake something like that. I couldn't lie."

Hermione agreed, " it wouldn't have been fair to him if you did. Rosie, you did the right thing."

"Yea." She said as she looked down at her plate of food. Hermione and herself were in the Great Hall, eating some lunch. It had been an uneventful Christmas break, besides the Yule Ball, that is. All the did be sleep in, read books and talk to one another. Nothing of substance.

Harry had been trying to work on the egg but to no avail. Rosie had tried to help him. But nothing, she had no idea. And, Harry seemed to be acting strangely around her. Treating her as if she was a piece of fragile glass.

So, in conclusion, for the first time in a very long time, Rosie could not wait to be back in class.

Fred yelled at Rosie, snapping her out of her gaze. He ran over towards her, his hand waving at a high speed. George was right beside him.

She looked at the two boys who had ginormous grins on their faces, "What now?" 

George and Fred looked at her, "Tired of us-"

"-Sister from another mister," George finished.

She half-laughed and then linked an arm with each of them so that she was in the middle, "How could one ever be tired of you two?"

They both smiled at her and said in unison, "That's the spirit!"

"So, what has been your best prank thus far?"

They both formed cheeky smiles on their faces, "Neville Longbottom."

"What on earth did you do to him?"

"It all started with a dung-"

In the middle of dinner, Hermione jumped up and exclaimed, "Merlin's Beard!"

Harry turned to her,"What is it, Hermione?"

"We have exams in 6 months, big exams!" Hermione fretted.

"Calm down Hermione," Ron said, "It's not the O.W.Ls, we will be fine."

She turned her face over to look at Ron's, "Listen, Ronald. I don't know about you but I don't like a troll for my exams!"

Ron replied, "Well, I don't know about you but I don't like being a worry-rat for the last months of school."

Hermione looked at him, her face showing him that she was mad at him, "Well, Ronald I-"

The two continued to bicker and moan while Harry and Rosie had a conversation, "Have you found any way with the egg?"

Harry shook his head, "No, not yet. It is so confusing, I don't know what I am supposed to do with it."

"I'm sorry Harry, I haven't been helping you with all of this, I promised to," Rosie replied, looking at the boy, into his green eyes that captivated her.

He leaned closer, "It's okay, I heard about what happened with Seamus. You must be heartbroken."

"Yea, I mean he- wait, what did you just say?"

He looked at her, "I didn't know that you liked him that way, Rosie, I mean, him asking you because he felt sorry for you, and being rejected from him, that must have hurt-"

Harry couldn't finish his story as Rosie went over to where Seamus was sitting, she grabbed him by the collar, "Spreading rumors about me, Seamus? Now that is low. I'm sorry that I didn't feel the same way for you-"

"W-what are you talking about Rosie? You threw yourself at me," Seamus replied, which resulted in a slap from Rosie.

"No, I didn't and I will be damned if rumors spread around about me being heartbroken because I didn't love you, the way you loved me," Rosie replied, and took a few steps, walking away from the scene. 

She turned around. The entire great hall was quiet now. No one dared to speak a word. They all wanted to know what happened next, "Seamus, that's not fair. That isn't fair to me, or to yourself for that matter."

Rosie sat down and continued to eat her food. Harry replied, "So, I- uh, got the wrong information." 

Rosie nodded at his comment. 


"Good?" Rosie questioned, her head lifting from its downward position, "Why- why is it good?" 

He replied, "I'm- you aren't the type of girl to make your entire world after a guy like Seamus. I'm glad you aren't that kind of girl.

"Me too."

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