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"I am still really glad that the two of you are best friends again," Hermione said, stepping in between the two boys and linking arms with them.

They looked at each other, then looked at her, and then back to one another, "We made up ten minutes ago."

She flashed them a pearly smile, "I know, but you weren't the go-between for the both of you, just ask Rosie. It was really annoying."

Rosie nodded her head in agreement, "It was."

The four of them smiled at one another and they continued to walk down the corridor. They were on the way back from the owl post where they had sent Sirius, I mean Snuffles, a letter detailing everything that had went on during the first task.

"How did it feel?" Rosie asked, removing herself from her train of thought.

"What?" He asked, looking back at her.

"The task," she responded, "was it scary?"

Harry nodded, "Yah, definitely it was scary. I was going against a dragon, a very dangerous one. But, I must say it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It actually felt a lot like the quidditch game, the adrenaline the strategy."

"A quidditch game?" Rosie questioned, "How was it like a quidditch?"

"Well, I don't know, it just felt like one. I really like quidditch, you know, and that made it somewhat enjoyable-"

  "You enjoyed it? Are you bloody insane," Ron looked at him, completely bewildered, "I don't know about you mate but I don't really fancy fire being thrown at me." 

Harry smirked, "Let's just say that it wasn't the worst thing that I have ever done."

Rosie half-listened to the boys and Hermione but she was mostly reflecting on the last few hours and the events that had taken place. Before the task, when she had hugged Harry and wished him good luck, feeling his short, nervous breaths. During the tournament when she only had her eyes on Harry and every single move he made, each step he took. And, after the tournament, when she returned to see Harry hugging his best friend. A sight that had brought a warmth to herself.


The golden four stood at the portrait of the Fat lady which led into the Gryffindor common room and dormitories. She barely noticed the four students.

In a clear, crisp voice Hermione told the Fat Lady, "Fortuna Major."

The Fat Lady half-looked at the stuednes and ran her fingers through her hair. Then, the portrait swung open. Ron, Hermione, Rosie and Harry gave a short mumble of appreciation towards the portrait and they continued on their way.

Harry stepped through first, and was immediately surrounded by balloons, confetti and a house full of partying Gryffindors. It was the classic Gryffindor party, spiced up a bit. They always occured when some kind of great achievment had been established, whether that was the house cup, a quidditch game or whatever.

Before Harry had a second to think, he was thrown onto George's shoulders and students that varied in ages surrounded him, shouting his name on repeat. There was laughter, something that was often on short supply those days. Rosie couldn't help but put a smile on her face. Everyone loves a good party, even the worry-rats.

Fred waddled his way over towards Hermione and Rosie, drinks in his hand. He shot one of his famous one-liners, "Like the party?"

"Frederick, is there any alcohol in this?" Hermione asked, looking at Rosie who was also eyeing the drink. 

"No," he said, then Fred winked at her.


He winked again.

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