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As soon as we arrived at my place, Daeun was there with someone unknown. She grabbed Daeun's hand, but she hesitated and pulled away her hand saying "No!" I saw her mouth moved and quickly Namjoon stopped the car next to them.

I got out from the car, running to them. "Who are you??" I asked with anger. "Well who are you?!" She raised her tone. "Im her sister, what are u doing here"

"She wants me to go with them again like before" Daeun said while looking down and held her arm. "Are u guys drug addicter too??"

"She is too" The girl pointed to Daeun. "Was" I shot her a glare. "Leave before i call the cops!"

"She started it first!" The girl yelled, walking toward to Daeun. "Stop or i might be harsh on you. What did she do?"

"My friend came on the other day and asked her to come along but she refused. After that day, Daeun reported it to my friend's parents, telling everything that she's a drug addict"

"Then it's your friend's fault! I would do the same if i be her. Now, leave before it gets worse. Dont make me put you into the jail or maybe a prison.

This girl is something, she doesn't afraid of me eventhough i said that i will call the cops. Thank god Daeun is now not one of them, or i would maybe dig my own grave.

"One day, you will regret of the things u do Daeun" The girl threathened her and ran away, leaving the place. We were shocked yet speechless because of it "Unnie.." Daeun looked up to me, being afraid.

"It's okay, nobody is going to hurt you" I calmed her down and saw Namjoon approached us. "Im sorry" He apologised. "For what?" I asked.

"I can't appear, i shouldn't show myself because i want to let them know that u dont have any guy with you. Usually, if they want do anything to you, they will observe the number of person plus the sex. If there is a guy, they will be more prepared. That's why i hid myself" He explained while we walked into the house.

"That's a long one. It's okay, if i still can handle it by myself, i will do it alone. But if i couldn't, i will ask for your help" I gave him a kind smile and told Daeun to sit down for a while. "Im always under attack, so i know about it. But different person, different way"


"When did her friend that she mentioned came seeing you?" I asked Daeun in front of me, as he sat down on the couch across of the coffee table between us. Namjoon became more comfortable because we were getting closer, maybe that's why he sat next to me and rested his back.

"That time was dark already You went to work and Mom went to the small grocery shop to buy few things. She told me to come along, she wanted me to be there, all of them were but i dont want to. The next day, i told her parents about it"

"Actually that's a stupid action but a good move actually. This has both good and bad effects. Anyway, after school just go home fast and dont go anywhere without informing me. Okay?"

"Okay" She nodded. "Where is mom?" I looked around the house weirdly. "Mom is upstairs, sleeping. I dont want to bother her so i just handle it by myself"

"Uh.. Daeun" i said, looking at Namjoon. "Yes?" She asked while walking to the couch and grabbed the remote, turning on the tv.

"I-it's nothing" I smiled and told Namjoon to go upstairs, into my room. I wanted to stay in the living room to discuss about it because it feels uncomfortable in my room but Daeun wanted to watch the tv so..

I brought a tray with two glasses of juice and a plate of muffins then walked upstairs to my room but suddenly i stopped when i heard mom's voice.

As i placed my ear near the door, eavesdropping for a while, i heard mom yelled.

"You can't have any them! No! not even Ahyoung!!"

My eyes widened and gasped, stood still for a moment before i wlaked away from the door with a heavy breathe. I was nervous and afraid, will dad takes me away from them? I want to cry, no, i can't. I need to hold it longer, i've done this before, i can't do this. It's been a long time since i cried.

"What are u doing?" Namjoon asked when he saw me standing there spacing out.

I just smiled and placed down the tray.

"Dont smile if u fake it"

I startled and looked up to him. "What are u saying?" i asked. When i stood up properly, he came closer to me and used his finger to wipe something under my eye.

"Is this a tear of happiness of sadness" he asked, showing the stain on his finger. I held his finger down and laughed. "You are thinking way too much. It's nothing"

"I just heard mom shouts in her room, telling that no one can have any of us, can't have me. Dad is planning to take one of us" I bit my lower lip.

"Your nose is getting red, just let it out" Namjoon said while closing the door.

I sat on the floor, resting my back by the bed side and hugged my legs. "I jut want to see mom smiles, Daeun being happy again. I dont want to be separated from them, that's why i need you to help me" I started to teared up.

He sat down next to me and pulled me closer, resting my head onto his shoulder. "I dont have anyone else to rely on anymore. I can't involve mom and Daeun in this, they are disturbed already"

"Promise me, eventhough we just met, i hope u won't leave me and i could trust you in anything"

"You have my words" he kissed my forehead and patted my head slightly.

Hacker (BTS K.N.J) [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ