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In the car, i sat behind with Jinyoung and looked down for a while. All of these were too sudden, i was blank for a moment.

"I will take care of her, dont worry" Jinyoung spoke before he ended the call and eyed me. "Lift your head"

"I wont for someone like you. Traitor"

Those words irritated him as he gritted his teeth, making a sound in anger "I'm not-" He looked away, holding his anger.

As we arrived, Jinyoung pulled me and entered a building. "Where is this, this is not dad's house" i said, looking around and tried to run awa but failed. As we entered a room, i saw a bed, and a bathroom.

"This is a special place for you until everything is done. Now, stay in here and dont do anything unless you want to be beated up" Jinyoung warned me and closed the door.

I ran to the door and banged it, telling him to let me out but stopped when i remembered his last words before he left.

"Dang it" I held my head and sat down near the bed, thinking of what should i do. Quickly, i took out my phone and checked the connection, it's low.

I didn't know what happens outside because there's no window at all. The only things i have with me now are clothes and a phone.

"what should i do" I started to be panicked because i left mom and daeun behind. But it's alright i guess.. Since Namjoon was there.

That's weird, why won't Jinyoung bring Namjoon along? What's in his mind actually?

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Jinyoung.

"What" i tried to act tough. Well, 'tried'

"Are u hungry?" He asked using his normal tone. "N-no" I looked away, didn't want to look him in the eyes.


Come" He walked to me and grabbed my hand, brought me to the outside. "Hey what are u doing?!" I tried to release my hand from his grip on our way but stopped when i saw something on the table.

That's must be his

I saw a plates with foods and a glass filled with somekind of drink, plus a side dish next to it.

"Sit here" He said and pushed my shoulder down slightly, to make me sit on the chair.

"Wait, these are mine?" I asked, looking up to him in shocked.

"Yes, go on" He sat down next to me and took out his phone. "wait, you are not eating?" I asked

"I already ate" He answered shortly and stood up, going somewhere else.

Yes! this is my chance! Since im out from that freaking room now

A smile appeared on my face secretly, smiling as i planned it. Suddenly Jinyoung stopped and turned his head a bit to me

"Dont you ever think of escaping. It's just you and me here, which means eventhough you are be killed, nobody will know"

The smile earlier has gone due to his words and only sweats came out from skin, looking at him nervously and nodded awkwardly.

By that, he walked away as he left me behind, in that gloomy place. "This creeps the hell out of me, where am I?" I asked myself and walked to the nearest window there, peeking through it without opening the window.

"It's so dark, there's only one lamppost in front of the building. Which means this place is far away from the highway" i gulped down and suddenly felt the wind blew up my hair, gave me goosebumps.

"N-no ghost will pop out right" I whispered to myself.

"No but the flies will if u dont finish your foods now" Someone whispered to me at my left ear, makes me startled and turned around automatically to see who was it.

Of course it's him, only both of us are here. Stupid me.

"Go finish your foods and go to sleep"


That night i couldn't sleep at all, i walked around, sat on the bed, holding my phone so tight. Out of sudden, he knocked the door.

"Are u asleep?" He entered without my permission. I just shook my head "Here, your clothes. I forgot to give you" He said in monotone and about to close the door but i opened my mouth

"how could you do this to us? You told me to trust you, but.. This is what we get?"

"Yes i told you before. I was ready to help, but one time i heard you said to your mom, that you are not trusting me completely"

My mouth shut, looking at him in surprised.

"Now take your bath and sleep" he said before he closed the door and locked it

I went to take a bath, there's no way i could get out from here, eventhough i could hide, but it's dark right now.

I grabbed my clothes but not pyjamas. I was still aware of surroundings or anything that could happen. I wore my shirt and a pair of denim jeans, be prepared in case of anything.

That morning, i woke up early by the sounds of my alarm clock. I washed my face and tried again to get connection, at least anyone can trace me using the gps. This is the best that i could do for now!

But when i was wandering around with my phone up, he opened the door and saw me with the phone.

He was shocked to see the gadget in my hand as i quickly hid it behind me. He will take it for sure! I should've be careful much more..

"Why didn't i realise you have that.." He clenched his fist and walked toward me in anger.

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