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The water's getting colder
Let me in your ocean, swim
Out in California, I've been forward stroking, swim
So hard to ignore ya', 'specially when I'm smoking, swim
World is on my shoulders
Keep your body open, swim
I'm swimming, I'm swimming, I'm swimming, yeah
I'm swimming, I'm swimming, I'm swimming, yeah
Out in California, I've been forward stroking, swim
So hard to ignore ya', keep your body open, swim

As the song finished, I paused the music, and closed my laptop. I put my head on it and let out a sigh. The history paper I was working on was becoming a real pain in my ass.

"Everything alright Cel?"
I groaned and turned to my roommate, pinching the bridge of my nose in the process.
"I'm alright Finley. Just Mr. Samson is only us giving us three days to get all our information for the topic, write a paper, and make a PowerPoint of some kind and it's stressing me out."
Finley got off her bed and gave me a hug, "You'll do great. You'll be fine."
I sighed again, I sure hope so.
"Do I need to get some pizza and then we just jam out to Chase Atlantic?"
I smiled, "You got a deal."
Finley rolled her eyes and put her shoes on before walking out of the door.
I connected my phone to the speaker we had and just waited. I was so pumped. The slightest mention of Chase Atlantic and I get so happy and proud. The boys have come a long way, and they deserve all the recognition, and yet, I want to keep them my secret.

Finley returned about 15 minutes later, and we just ate pizza, jammed out to the boys, and talked a little about the music.
"So, Cel, you excited to go see them in concert?"
"I am beyond excited to see them, and I even get to hang out with them for a bit. I really hope the recognize me though."
She gave me a confused look while biting into her cheese pizza.
"Don't worry about it."
"Uh huh. Okay. Whatever."
I laughed and threw my plate away and turned off the music.
"Time to sleep. I have to wake up early tomorrow. Night Fin. Love ya girl."
"Love ya too."

I woke up the next morning sleepier than I would have liked, even though I went to bed at a decent time the night before. I grabbed my phone and turned on some music to wake me up. As I was getting ready, I got a text from my dad.

Dad: Hey Celestine, I was wondering if we could meet up for lunch today? I have some things i want to talk to you about.

I was a little concerned, because my dad usually called me if he wanted to tell me something, and he never kept anything from me either.

Me: Of course. Where do you want to meet?

I put my phone down and tied my hair up into a ponytail before grabbing my book bag and then my phone. I was walking out the door when it buzzed again.

Dad: The usual spot.

I giggles, and replied with a simple okay. I went to the library to study the rest of what I needed before my test in sociology. This was going to be a while, so I decided to plug up and listen to some music.

As the time came around for lunch, my stomach began to do let out whale noises.
Great... just what I needed. Especially in a silent class room full of people I hardly know.
The guy next to me snickered. I sighed, but then stood up and turned in my test. When I sat back down in my seat, the guy I was sitting next to leaned over and whispered, "I can take you out to eat after this if you'd like."
I rolled my eyes, "Thanks, but no thanks. I already have plans."
He gave me a fake pout, but then smiled, "Maybe another time then."
I nodded, and class was over not too long after. I quickly got my stuff together and went to my dad and I's favorite restaurant. I saw him sitting already, waiting for me.
"Hey Padre. How are ya?" I questioned, sitting down in the seat in front of him.
"Hey Celestine, I'm doing well. What about you?"
"I'm good. So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well, I am getting transferred to Los Angeles this coming Friday, and I just wanted to let you know, and make sure you knew that I'm not abandoning you."
My eyebrows furrowed together, "I'm happy for you dad, but why would you think that?"
" Well, I just thought since your mother left us, and then me going now, you might feel abandoned. "
I grabbed my dad's hand, and looked him in the eyes, "Dad, I would never. Mom was a completely different story."
"Alright. Well, if you want to go with me you can. But I figure you'll want to stay here to finish school."
"Yeah, but thank you."
He gave me a soft smile.
"Alright, now, lets eat Dad. My stomach sounds like a whale."

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