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Clinton's P.O.V.
I woke up and my head was pounding. Searching for my phone to see the time, I found out it wasn't here. I got up quickly, but regretted it soon after because of the surge of pain that went to my head. Walking out of my room slowly, I saw sunlight and groaned. Hopefully Mitchel or Christian knew where my phone was. As I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I saw Mitchel sitting at the table eating some food.
"Have you seen my phone?" I asked him.
"Good morning to you too. And I have it"
"Why do you have it?" I asked a bit nerved.
"Because, Cel asked me to take it away from you. Apparently something happened and she was not happy. You might want to call her to talk and apologize."
He pulled the phone out of his pocket and slid it to me.
"Don't say anything stupid," Mitchel added.
I flicked him off and then dialed Cel's phone.
She picked up on the third ring, "You sober?"
"I'm more hungover than anything."
"Good, because we need to talk Clinton. I don't know if you remember anything you said last night, but I'm not the happiest with you right now."
"No, I don't remember anything..." I trailed off.
"Well, the most important thing is you tell me how you actually feel about Lance. He's been nothing but kind to you, and last night you go off on me. Telling me he's a backstabber and this and that."
"I was drunk Cel."
I saw Mitchel cringe, and he held up a finger.
"No shit. But being drunk isn't an excuse. I know there was some truth to that. Intoxication can make a person say things they were originally keeping a secret."
"But why does it matter Cel? I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was talking about."
Another cringe from Mitchel and he held up another finger. He mouthed words 'two'. I flicked him off and turned around.
"Clinton Jules Cave, I swear if you use that you were drunk as an excuse one more time, you can kiss talking to me goodbye for a while," She said in the calmest tone possible, but it sent a small shiver down my spine.
I sighed, "Okay. In a way I guess there was some truth to what I said last night. I just hate that you're so far away, and I don't know. I'm worried you might find someone better than me."
"Clinton, I'm dating you. That means I have a commitment towards you, and only you romantically. Lance and I are just friends for fucks sake. It hurts to know that you think I would cheat on you."
"Cel, it's not so much you cheating, but the guy. There are plenty of other guys out there who are way better than me. And they would all be willing to date you."
"Listen, you still accused me of it, and that stings. But what I can tell you is that you don't need to worry. You're my boyfriend, not Lance. My commitment is to you. As long as we're together, I only have eyes for you. Clinton, take some deep breaths, relax. Look, I'll talk to you later this week. You need to cool down."
"Okay," I whispered into the phone. She bid me goodbye and then hung up.
"I'm impressed, you managed to only say two stupid things."
I turned around and glared at him,"Mitchel, I fucking swear I will throw you out that window."
He just smirked and got up, "No balls."
I lunged at him and he quickly scrambled up to his room.
Laying my phone on the table, I sat down and let out a frustrated groan. I messed up. She was mad. No, she was pissed. Dammit, I don't know how to act, talk, or do anything around her. It's like my brain refuses to let me be smart about issues or things in general, and then Cel ends up upset. I need to apologize, but that's easier said than done. What I need to do first though is look at pictures of them together to see if there really is nothing going on between them.
Grabbing my phone off the table I unlocked it and then opened Instagram. Searching up Cel, and then going to the people she followed, I searched up Lance. His name popped up and I clicked it, and was on his page. I saw a lot of pictures of Cel and him, and Finley as well. Clicking on the first one where they were together, I read the caption, "Cel-ebrated my birthday with this dweeb. Next time you see her, ask about the cake."
Then I scrolled to the comments and saw that Cel had put a long no. Underneath her comment was a reply from Lance with a laughing emoji and a winking emoji. I went back and scrolled until I found a picture of both Finley and Cel kissing Lance on the cheek, and the caption read , "What can I say? Everyone likes me."
Exiting and then going back to his pictures, I scrolled to the top and saw a new picture was posted. It was him, Cel, and what I assumed to be his family because they all looked similar. The caption of this one was, "Things are getting pretty serious between us. She's met my family. Now we're mega friends."
I left his page and then shut off my phone and groaned.
They're so close, and I'm afraid to lose her to someone else. But I just need to breathe. I stood up and walked out the front door, needing to smoke to relieve some stress.

Very short chapter, and I apologize, but it's been a while and I wanted to give y'all something before Christmas 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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