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When I got there, it was still pretty early, so there weren't as many people as I thought waiting, but still quite a few. I got to talking with some of the other girls, just talking about what we hoped would happen, and who our favorite was.
"Personally," I said, tucking some of my hair behind my ear because it was getting on my nerves, "I can't choose. I love them all."
A girl with the raven hair spoke, "I feel that. But, at the same time, I have more of an inclination towards Clinton. I think it's the whole, saxophone thing."
The other girl and I giggled, and we soon realized that we were moving inside. I could feel the buzz of the fans excitement. The energy was so good, and I felt like I was on top of the world.
I was in the second row, but able to see everything perfectly. The girls I was with earlier were next to me, and I kept the small talk with them until the show started. As the time got closer to the actual performance, everyone was screaming the boys names, and I laughed at how enthusiastic people were. The show was about to start, and I didn't know if I was ready or not.

The boys had done two songs before moving onto "Okay", and when it came to Christians part, he scanned the crowd, and then landed on me, and just kept eye contact with me until he was done. I knew I was smiling ear to ear the whole time, and he gave a little smirk once he was done. I soon noticed Mitchel in the front, and I sang the lyrics along with him, and then he threw water on the people he could in the first couple of rows. I was pretty damp, but I could sacrifice dryness for their wonderful music any day.

Once the show ended, people were waiting to go meet the boys, me included. I was getting so nervous, I had butterflies in my stomach and my arms and legs felt weak. I really wanted them to recognize me, but who knew after so long.
As the line got shorter, I realized I would be up soon, and it added to my initial nervousness more. I got a little shaky, but breathed deeps breathes. As I walked up, Christian smiled brightly at me.
"Aye, it's you. I was wondering if you were going to come and see us."
Mitchel and Clinton gave him a confused look, and he told them that he held eye contact with me during his part in "Okay," and found me interesting.
I smiled at them, "I've been waiting for this day for so long, where I would be able to see you guys again. I've missed y'all."
"Oh, have you been to one of our previous shows before?" Christian asked, giving me a soft smile.
"Nope, this is my first one," I laughed awkwardly, and then rubbed myself because I was getting cold, " I figured you guys wouldn't recognize me. After all, it's been years."
Mitchel was the next one who spoke up, "What do you mean? Who are you babe?"
I smiled brightly, "I'm Celestine Allen. I remember hanging with y'all when I would go visit my family in Australia."
Clinton repeated my name under his breath, and then a moment of sudden realization hit him, and then Mitchel and Christian.
"Holy shit. It's you Cel?" Mitchel asked me.
I nodded my head laughing, and had a few tears escaping my eyes, so I quickly wiped them away.
They stood there, dumbfounded that it was me, and I started laughing more.
"You guys, give me hugs."
Each one of them awkwardly gave me a hug, and still managed to keep the look of surprise on their faces.
Mitchel spoke up, breaking the silence that had happened, "You've changed so much. I can't remember the last time we saw you."
I started to cry with happiness, overjoyed that I got to see my childhood friends once again.
Clinton gave a small step forward and then reached and brushed the tears off my cheeks, "Shit, don't cry."
I laughed and wiped my tears away.
Christian pulled me to the side and told me that I should stick around because they still had to meet the other fans. So I agreed and just went and found a place to sit until everything was over and the people were gone. I watched the boys for a bit, watching how appreciative they were towards the fans, and would make eye contact with Clinton, every so often, and at time I could feel a pair of eyes on me, but knew it was him.
As everyone left, Christian yelled, "Cel, come here! We have some catching up to do."

We ended up going to the place they were staying at, and Christian bombarded me with question, as did Mitchel. Clinton had the occasional ones, and I answered all of them. I told them that my mom left my dad a week after we got back from Australia, the summer before my 6th grade year. And how since my mom had all of their contact information, I lost contact.
"But why did you never try to reach us on social media?" Mitchel asked, raising his eyebrows at me.
"I just wanted to tell you guys in person, and see y'all face to face."
Mitchel smirked, and I rolled my eyes.
"So did you enjoy our show?" Christian added.
I nodded my head, "Yes! I loved it. You guys were so good. I am so proud of y'all, you have come so far and just, I'm happy to see this is where you've gotten."
Christian gave a soft smile, "Thanks."
"By the way Christian," I said while rubbing my arms once again, because while the water dried, I was still cold, "you still owe me that ice cream you promised me."
Christian and Mitchel laughed, and I noticed Clinton wasn't sitting anymore. I felt something fall on my head, and noticed it was a jacket.
"You looked cold, so take it."
I gave a soft thank you with a sheepish grin. He gave me a wink and sat down again. I put the jacket on, and instantly felt myself feel better and get warmer. I checked the time on my phone soon after, and mentally screamed.
"Holy shit. I didn't realize it was this late...."
Mitchel gave me a confused look, but I was to occupied in grabbing my stuff in a hurry.
"What are ya doing Cel? Why the sudden need to leave?"
"I have to be back at school by now Mitchel. I stayed out way later than I should have."
"Oh don't worry then, you can crash here," Christian said with a laugh.
My cheeks warmed up a little, and I tucked my hair behind my ear.
" I wouldn't want to bother you guys, but thanks for the offer," I replied, while fumbling for my phone.
Mitchel grabbed my arm gently, and looked me in the eyes, "It would be safer Cel. You never know what could happen."
I broke our contact, feeling myself get hit, and I quickly typed in Christian's name into my phone, and pressed the number slot.
"Ah, if it's alright, could I get your numbers? I hope this isn't too weird."
Clinton chuckled, and then said, "Of course it's fine. Cel, there was no need to ask. We were planning on giving you them anyways."
I gave another sheepish smile, and handed my phone to Christian, and I felt Mitchel looking at me. I looked over at him, and saw he had a look of annoyance on his face.
I quickly looked away and waited for my phone to be passed back. When I got it back, I laughed at what Clinton put in as his name.
"Sax God? Really?"
"What? I mean, I am. Have you heard me?"
I laughed and just shook my head. I looked at Christians next. He ended up changing it to Your Favorite Aussie, and I laughed, and looked at him with another one of those "really?" looks. He just winked at me. I then moved onto Mitchel's and saw it was just plain.
"Come on Mitchel, you gotta be more creative than that. I give you A for effort but, actually, no. You get and F for effort."
He glared at me and the other two just laughed.
"I'm going to bed," he said while quickly standing up and moving to his room.
"Someone has their panties in a twist," I noted.
"He gets like this. Don't worry about it. Now, if you need some clothes, I can lend you some," Clinton piped up.
I blushed, but agreed none the less because I had no other real clothing except what I was wearing, and it was not comfortable. I saw him stand up and I followed him to the room he was staying in. He unzipped his luggage, and rummaged through, before pulling out a pair of sweats and a graphic t shirt.
"I hope this is alright. It'll probably be a bit big, but it's better than nothing."
"Thank you. So where do I change?"
"Oh, I'll get out and let you do it in here." He left the room and closed the door behind him. I locked it and quickly changed. Like he said, they were big on me, but they smelt nice and were comfortable. I walked out, my other clothes folded and in my hands, and saw Clinton just waiting. He looked over once I was done, and smiled, "Feel better Celestine?"
"Much. Thank you."
I walked back into the little living room they had, and put my clothes into the book bag I had, and grabbed the blanket off of the back of the couch and laid down. Christian walked in, and saw me.
"Sorry to make you sleep on the couch, but it's either that or sleep with one of us, and I figured that'd be too weird."
I laughed, "It's alright. This couch is more comfortable than the bed I have to sleep on at school."
He chuckled. He walked towards me and kneeled down. "Cel, I actually am really glad that you decided to come back into our lives. I think it'll be good. And one more thing, I knew who you were the second I saw you. I just wanted to keep it to myself. But, that's besides the point."
I was leaning on my elbow, and soaking in the words he was saying. I gave him a small smile, "I'm glad you did. I was hoping one of y'all would." I could feel  tears coming out of my eyes, and I felt him wipe them away. He chuckled.
"Why are you crying so much? We're just people."
"You're not just people. You guys were my best friends, and then I lost you, Mitchel and Clinton. I've missed you guys so much." At this point tears just kept coming, and he wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a gentle embrace. I hugged him back tightly.
"We've missed you too Cel. We've missed you too."
I held onto him until I calmed down. He moved away when he felt that I was alright, and smiled.
"Now get some sleep. I'll try to make something in the morning."
I nodded and turned around, and shut my eyes. They were already heavy from crying, so it was in no time I fell asleep.

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