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Monday, how I dreaded Monday's. I didn't want to go to any of my classes that day, so I decided to skip. Skipping wasn't something I did often, so I figured it would be alright. I shot Lance a text, asking if he wanted to skip with me because I didn't want to be alone. Getting a yes within seconds of me sending the text, I smiled and told him to meet me in an hour at the entrance of the dorms.
I got up and went to my wardrobe, looking for my outfit for the day. Grabbing an exercise top, and some workout pants to go with it, I grabbed my things so I could go take a shower.

I was running a little behind, so I hurriedly snatches my keys and purse, running out of my room with wet, unbrushed hair. Quickly running down the stairs, deciding it would be better than the elevator, I made it to the front of the dorms, and saw Lance looking down at his phone.
"Hey there E.P. How's it going," I called out, making him jump. I stifled a laugh.
"Oh haha, very funny shorty." He said, a smirk playing on his face.
"You ready to go?" I asked.
"I am, but are you?" He questioned right back, taking in my appearance.
"I'll fix it in the car. Let's go."
"So where is it that we're going?"
"You'll see." I replied.

We were in the car for about and hour, and Lance was dead asleep in my passenger seat. I smiled, at least he could sleep. Looking at the exits I was passing, I soon recognized the ones I needed, and quickly turned off onto it. Food was my first goal, before we went to our actual destination.
I pulled into the Cracker Barrel they had, and tried waking Lance up. Emphasis on tried.
"Come on sleepy head, get up." I said in a soft voice, lightly shaking him.
He stayed asleep. I shook him one more time, but to no avail.
"Dammit Lance. Wake up." I groaned.
"It's not my fault I can't tell the difference between cocaine and sugar." He mumbled.
"What the..." I started to laugh.
I shook Lance as hard as I could, laughing in the process, but doing the job none the less.
When he finally woke up, I started to laugh again.
"Well hello sleepy head. It's nice to see you awake."
Lance rubbed his eyes, and then looked at me, "Where are we?"
"Cracker Barrel."
He peeked up when he heard we were at Cracker Barrel, and I laughed.
"Come on, let's go eat."
He gladly got out of the car, and I locked it.
"It's been a while since I've been to a Cracker Barrel." He noted, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
I wrapped my arm around his waist, "Same. The last time I was here was before my mom left."
"Oof, I didn't mean to open up old wounds. Sorry if I did."
I waved him off, "You're fine. Don't worry about it. Besides, it doesn't bother me much anymore."
He opened the door for us, and I thanked him, walking inside and opening up the other door, waiting for him to walk in. I followed him inside, and to the corner of the room, where the sitting arrangements were made.
"Table for two please," I said.
The girl nodded her head, and put it down, before grabbing two menus and taking us to a table.
"Here you are, your waiter should be here in a moment."
"Thank you," Lance thanked.
The girl walked away, and we were left at the table.
"I don't even need to look at the menu, I know what I'm getting." I commented.
"Me too... actually, no I don't. Hold on," he quickly grabbed a menu and started to look over it.
I waited for him to decide what he wanted to tell him talk to him, so I checked my phone and saw a bunch of twitter notifications, and a few texts in the group chat, and then a few from Clinton.
I decided to check the texts first, and opened Clinton's up.

Sax God: Angel, don't pay mind to those tweets. I know you would never do such a thing, besides, I know Lance, and he doesn't seem like the type to stab someone in the back.

Sax God: Also, have I ever told you how much of an idiot Mitchel is, cause if not, I am now.

I smiled, and then replied.

Me: I will ignore them, thank you for worrying baby. And yes, you have told me that. What'd he do this time?

I went and checked the group chat, and saw Alexa had been added, cause she was talking about something. I wanted to catch up before I knew what that something was, but was interrupted by our waitress.
"Hi, I'm Sharon, and I'll be your server today, what can I get y'all to drink?" The petite, curly blonde asked.
"Uhm, can I get a Sweet Tea?" I asked.
"Absolutely, and for you sweet heart?" She asked Lance.
"I would like some Coke please."
"Of course. Are y'all ready to order, or do you need some time?" Sharon asked us.
I looked at Lance, and he nodded, letting me know we could go ahead and order.
"I think we're ready to order."
I told Sharon what I wanted, and then Lance went. She left soon after, and Lance and I started talking.
"So, shorty, where exactly are we going again?"
"I've already told you you'll see. You're so impatient."
He groaned, and I smirked, "Deal with it Buchanan."
He glared at me, only making me smirk wider.
"If you dragged me out here, and it's for nothing, we're no longer friends."
"Aw man. How am I supposed to obtain my illegal substances after that?"
He shrugged, "You'd find a way. I'm not your only hoe I bet."
"That is true, but I doubt you'll hate where I'm taking you."

After we finished eating, we left a tip, paid, and then left. I decided to take Lance to a pretty popular hiking spot in this town. I had lived here up until my mom left, and that's when my dad decided to move into Atlanta to be closer to his job.
"Now, fair warning, there is quite a bit of walking, but it's worth it. Well, I think it is."
"A little walking can't put a dent in me. Do you see how ripped I am?"
Lance started to flex and do crazy poses.
"Hm. Okay. Come on, let's go see that nice view."

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