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I could feel my head being moved, and a blanket being pulled over me. The warmth consumed me, and I started to slip into a sleeping state once more. But before I did, I felt a pair of lips on my own. They were gone as soon as they came, but they felt nice. I wanted more, except, they left before I could reach out. Feeling a quick kiss on my forehead, I heard my front door close, and soon I was asleep again.

I woke up a little while later to my alarm going off, I was about to hug snooze when I realized what time it was, and jumped up. Hurrying up the stairs to my room, I quickly got ready and then proceeded to finish packing up some things. While doing so, I came across a little picture frame, that had a picture of Christian, Clinton, Mitchel, and I from when we were little kids. I smiled, wondering when this got put in my luggage. Carefully wrapping it in a shirt, I laid it in my suitcase, and shut it. My dad came into my room, asking if I was ready, and I nodded, but he knew I didn't want to leave.

When we got to the airport, I started to cry again, because I wasn't going to see my dad for a while, and I was going to miss him.
"I'm going to miss you so much pumpkin," He murmured.
"I'm going to miss you too dad."
I hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back, kissing the top of my head.
"Pumpkin, I have a little surprise for you."
I looked at him confused, but he let go of me and turned so I could see straight in front of me. I cried out, and ran. Christian, Clinton, Mitchel, and Jesse were here.
"You guys! I didn't know you were coming to say goodbye." I exclaimed.
"That was the point stupid." Jesse replied.
I rolled my eyes, "Shut the fuck up. Anyways, thank you guys."
They all gave me smiles, and I turned to my dad.
"Thank you."
He nodded in reply.
"Cel, you need to hurry though because you need to get to the waiting area in time." Clinton said.
My eyes were beginning to sting from all the crying, and Clinton quickly embraced me.
"Angel, stop crying. There's no need for that. I'll see you soon and we'll be in contact with each other. Don't cry."
I smiled at him, " I know, I know."
He gave me a soft kiss, and then I moved onto giving Christian a hug.
"My little sister, leaving, and crying once again."
"Uhm, you were the ones that left last time, not me so shush." I retorted.
He laughed and gave me a tight hug, squeezing me as hard as he could.
"Christian, I can't breathe."
He let go after, and smiled. Next was Mitchel, but Jesse butted in and made me hug him first.
"Now, Celestine, if you ever get tired of Clinton, let me know."
I raised my eyebrow at him, to which he replied with, "Cause then I can steal him back. Come on. Get with it."
I gave him a light smack on his bicep, but laughed after and gave him a hug too. He lifted me up, and shook me. My back popped in the process, and when he let go, he had a look of satisfaction.
"Thanks Jurassic Park. That felt nice."
"Anything for my good pal Celestial." He smirked.
I moved to Mitchel. I felt a little awkward due to all that happened last night and this morning, but I quickly got over it.
"You saved the best for last. Thanks." Mitchel pointed out.
I smiled, and gave him a nice long hug. Missing him wasn't going to be hard.
"I'm going to miss you best friend." I said.
He released me from our hug and looked at me in the eyes, and in a soft whisper said, "I'm going to miss you too Celestiny the zucchini."
I cried a no, cringing at his childhood nickname for me. He only laughed.
"I honestly hate you right now." I sighed, laying my head on his chest.
"I know. It's okay." He said while lifting my chin.
He flicked my nose.
"Don't miss me too much." He kissed my forehead, and I jabbed him in the side. Except, I stopped in the middle of my second jab, remembering something. His lips on my forehead felt familiar. I looked at him, and blushed because I remembered them as the same lips I felt this morning. The ones that were on mine for a split and sweet second. They were ones I wanted to kiss so badly.
As a result of my realization, I quickly pushed him away, but made it seem as normal as possible.
He laughed, and just messed with my hair.
My mind was reeling, how could I have wanted to kiss Mitchel? I played cool, and went back over to Clinton, wanting to say goodbye to him one last time before I went on.
"We're gonna miss you angel. I'm going to miss you."
He said while wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I set my head on his chest, and just breathed in his sent. It was soothing and I could have fallen asleep if it weren't for the time crunch I was in. I looked up at him and could only smile, kissing his chin. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then my lips.
We kissed for a few moments before we were interrupted with an awkward cough.
"Alright, I think y'all can stop. You need to catch a plane Pumpkin." My Dad interrupted.
I blushed, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I'll call you when I get home."
He smiled, "Alright Angel."
"Alright." I kissed him one more time not wanting to leave him.
I finally let go, and hugged my dad one last time before grabbing my bags and moving towards the security line.

When my plane finally landed and I was done picking up my luggage, I went looking for Finley and Lance. I immediately recognized Lance's blonde mop of hair, only because he was so tall.
"E.P!" I yelled out.
He snapped his attention in my direction, hearing me, but not seeing me right away. When he finally noticed I was waking towards them, he immediately lit up in a smile and waved as enthusiastically as a five year old. I laughed and picked my pace up a little. My suitcase was luckily one with four wheels, so it was easier to roll around, but it still kept me from going at the speed I wanted. However, they met me about halfway, and Finley immediately I engulfed me in a hug.
"I've missed you girly. How was the your last day in Cali without me?" She asked.
"To be quite honest," I sighed, "a little bit of an emotional drain."
She gave me a questioning look, but I just waved it off and said I would tell her in the car.
"Gurl, you best be giving us all the deets." Lance said in the highest pitch voice he could go, while making sporadic hand gestures.
"Oh, you know I will." I answered , snapping my fingers in a 'z' formation, emphasizing you know I will.
He just laughed, and hugged me, "We've missed you hoe. And by we, I pretty much just mean Finley and I."
I rolled my eyes, but hugged him back. As I let go, he took the luggage that was beside me and carried it.
"You know you don't have to do that right? I can take it myself."
"I know, but what kind of a gentleman would I be if I let you take this heavy suitcase all by yourself?"
I sighed but went along with it, because I knew he wasn't going to let me take it.
I walked behind them, not wanting to disturb the conversation they were having. They seemed to be getting closer, and it looked to me like Lance was starting to develop feelings for Finley. I smiled, and got out my phone to check my notifications. I had a few from Instagram, some snaps, and a bunch of texts in the group chat I have with the boys. We added Jesse and Pat after a few days, and it was funny to see their reactions to some of the things I called the boys. Watching Finley and Lance talking made me miss having Clinton around.
Dammit, it hasn't even been a full day and I already miss him.
Finley looked back to make sure I was still behind them and smiled. She stopped and waited for me to catch up, and when I did, she wrapped her right arm across my shoulders.
"Come on. Let's take you back to your favorite place."
I scoffed, but followed along anyways.

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