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Mitchel's P.O.V
"So what? I bet she would enjoy it. All the things we could do. Man, maybe one day I can steal her and hear her scream my name. Tha-"
My words got cut short by Clinton punching me in the jaw again, knocking me to the ground in the process.
"Don't ever, and I mean ever, talk about Celestine like that. You know damn well what she's like."
I looked at Clinton while rubbing my jaw, not saying a word.
" You don't even deserve her friendship. But she loves you Mitchel! She's probably sitting at home right now, crying over the thought of losing you! I'm leaving. I can't be in the same house as you."
He quickly turned and left, slamming the door behind him. I looked up at Christian, and could tell he wasn't too happy either.
"You're fucking lucky I don't punch you either. The hell was that Mitchel?"
I shrugged, getting off the floor and patting my pants.
"A shrug is all you can give? I think you had one to many drinks tonight because damn, I don't think you would have said that about Celestine if you were sober."
Truth was, I only had two drinks tonight, so I was fully conscious of what I was saying, and I regret saying that last part. I probably deserved to be punched more because Celestine was not that kind of person, nor would she ever be.
"You better fucking hope you can fix this, because like Clinton said, she loves you, and I know for a god damn fact she doesn't want to lose you. Either of you for that fact. So get your shit together Mitchel, because you're wasting a good friendship."
And with that, Christian was off to his room, slamming the door behind him.
I sighed, laying on the couch, to tired and frustrated to go to my room.
Clinton's words kept playing in my head. I made Celestine cry, and she might be crying right now. She didn't deserve that, but she got it because of me, an asshole best friend. I pulled at my hair, frustrated with myself. Apologizing was the right thing to do, but a simple text wasn't going fix the mess I made.
Jumping to my feet, I quickly grabbed my keys from my room, and ran out the door, going to the nearest gas station that was still open.
Finding Cel's favorite candies, drink, and ice cream, I quickly paid and ran to Celestine's house. I really hope she was awake.

When I got to her house, my legs were aching, and I was taking deep breathes of air. Knocking on the door fervently, I didn't stop until it opened up. I saw Celestine, and she looked tired, her eyes a little puffy and cheeks tear stained.
"Cel," I whispered, scared I was going to frighten her.
She stared at me, a look of confusion on her face.
"What are you doing here Mitchel?"
"I had to see you Cel. Can I come in?"
She moved, and I made my way through the door. The door closed behind me, and I turned to look at her. I extended my arm, the bag hanging from my hand.
"First, here's this. I know these are your favorites."
She took the bag, and looked inside, indeed finding her favorites.
"Mit-" I put my hand up, stopping her from talking.
"Stop right there. I want you to hear me out before you say anything."
She nodded, so I continued.
"Celestine Allen, I, Mitchel Charles Cave want to apologize deeply for everything that has happened tonight. I know saying this won't take back the fact that I made you cry, and my feelings for you, but, it needed to be said. You're one of my most treasured friends Cel, and I can't bare the thought of losing you. I don't want to say forget what I told you, because I don't want you too. I want to have hope that maybe one day things won't work out between you and Clinton. It's selfish and cruel, but seeing you with him hurts. However, I know you're happy with him. My feelings will be here for a while, and there's little to nothing I can do to change them, but I'm going to try my damned hardest to not let it affect our friendship because I would be the biggest fucking idiot to let such a great friend go. Cel, I much rather deal with my feelings, and see you with him, than lose you. Please forgive me."
She had a few tears escaping, and she put the bag down before engulfing me in a hug. My arms wrapped around her tightly, and I set my cheek on her head. I winced however, forgetting I had been punched twice in the same place. Cel noticed, and pulled back and looked at me.
"You okay Mitchel? Did I do something?"
I shook my head, "No, my jaw just hurts."
She raise an eyebrow at me.
"Clinton punched me twice."
"I am so sorry. I told him not to hurt you. Let me get you some ice for that, come on."
She dragged me by my hand into the kitchen, and sat me down at one of the bar stools. Cel opened the freezer, pulled out and ice pack, and wrapped it in a towel before coming over to me and place it on my jaw. I winced, and moved my hand to the ice pack, letting Cel take her hand from it once I had a good grasp on it.
"Mitchel, it means a lot that you came here. I was so worried about losing you. Mitchel, I love you so much, and I would hate to lose you because I was dating your brother. But, I would hate to lose your brother as well. The both of you and Christian mean the world to me, and seeing you fight with Clinton truly upsets me. Except, I know I can't do much to fix that considering you're brothers."
I nodded, absorbing her words.
"Mitchel, I'm sorry. Believe me, I love you, but not in that way."
"And I'll accept it because at least I get to keep a great friend."
She hugged me, and I wrapped my free arm around her. I didn't understand how she could be such a forgiving person. She was always so stubborn when we were kids.
"I should probably head home now. I hope you enjoy the things I brought." I said, pulling back from our embrace.
"Uh no. I leave at six, so I have," Cel pulled out her phone to check the time, "four hours until I to go to the airport, so you might as well stay here and keep me company until then."
I sighed, nodding my head, but not minding spending time with her. I grabbed the bag, and pulled out the candy, opening it up to snack on some of it. Her back was facing me, but I watched as she moved about the kitchen. I almost jumped when she turned around out of nowhere, and made her way to me quickly.
Something was put on my forehead, but it wasn't heavy or wet, so I figured it was fine.
"Explain the straw," she laughed out.
I chuckled, seeing her so entertained by this.
"Mitchel, come on. If I'm going to quote a video, you need to quote it back."
I put my hands up in mock surrender, but I was confused on what she was talking about. She sighed in frustration, and grabbed her phone and showed me the video.
I laughed, completely forgetting about it, and smiled at her.
"How can you find such entertainment in that one video?" I asked, curious to her answer.
"I just can. How can you not? It's hilarious."
I shook my head, "You're so weird."
"Hey, that's a compliment. Now, let's try this again, explain the straw."
I rolled my eyes, but went along anyways, "What straw?"
She smiled at me, "Explain it."
I forgot what I said in this moment, so I just said the closest thing possible, and I could feel myself cracking up.

A good 2 hours passed, and Cel was fast asleep on my lap. I didn't want to wake her up, so I decided to set an alarm for 5:50, so she would have enough time to get dressed and then leave. I turned on her phone, and saw a picture of her and Clinton together, kissing.
Of course. Now, if I were Cel, what would my password be?
I decided to do the basic thing and type in her birthday, but that didn't work, so then I typed in the day her and Clinton started dating, having it engrained in my head from all the alcohol I consumed that night when we arrived at the house.
It unlocked, and I immediately went to her camera, taking two funny pictures of myself, before setting one as the home screen, and the other as the lock screen. Afterwords, I set her alarm, and then put her phone down next to her. I slowly and quietly lifted her head and set a pillow underneath it before covering her up with a blanket.
I stopped, and admired her for a few minutes. She was so peaceful and cute, I couldn't help what happened next.
Before I knew it, I was leaning down and lightly pressing my lips to hers. I quickly pulled back however, knowing that nothing would happen. She had Clinton, and I was being an ass not keeping my promise. My lips moved to her forehead, and I left a light kiss on it before heading out the door, leaving my only wish behind.
Let me know if you guys are actually enjoying this fic and stuff in the comments. I wan to know your thoughts.

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