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Clinton's P.O.V
I knew Celestine was lying to me. Being childhood friends, it was easy to tell. Her bottom lip would tremble the slightest bit. You could only tell if you looked really hard, but I could almost always notice it immediately. However, I didn't want to pry to much because seeing her cry was the worst thing.
She was currently talking about her plans for uni next year, and coming out here to Cali to finish school.
"You don't think you'll miss Atlanta?" I asked her.
She nodded her head, "Of course I will. But I've fallen in love with this place, and honestly, I didn't realize how much I missed my dad until this week. It's hard being so far from your parents. And I know I shouldn't complain, because you're family is all the way in Australia. But, I- sorry. I'm rambling now."
I smiled at her, because she didn't know how much I loved her voice. It was one of my favorite things to hear.
"You're fine angel. And yeah, it does suck, but you learn to appreciate the time you do get when you go back home."
She nodded in understanding, and then grabbed my hand, "Clinton, I want to tell you something. I was going to originally not tell you because I didn't want to see your reaction, but you deserve to know."
I nodded, but I was a bit surprised she was telling me. My heart started to pound a little bit however, because I could feel what she was going to tell me wasn't good.
She took a deep breath, and I lightly rubbed her hand to let her know I was listening.
"Clinton, please, for all things holy, let me finish before you give a reaction."
"Alright. Go on angel."
Celestine took one more deep breath, "I have no clue where it came from, but Mitchel confessed to me tonight at the club. We were dancing and he did it out of no where. And I know you're going to be mad. Trust me I know. That's why I was crying earlier. I don't want to lose my best friend over my relationship with you. But I sure as hell don't want to lose you either. I told Christian, and he told me you're agreement. He was pissed. Clinton," she raised her hand to my face, "I really don't want to lose you. But I don't want you to do anything bad to your brother either. I don't know what the hell i'm going to do with him, but I'll figure it out. Just promise me, baby promise me, you won't hurt him."
I was beyond pissed honestly. My fucking idiot baby brother broke our agreement. He always does this. But looking at Celestine, I could tell she was beyond hurt, and struggling to keep it together, so I calmed myself. I moved from where I was sitting, and kneeled in front of her, hugging her in the process. She cracked as soon as she laid her head on my shoulder. Celestine started to breathe raggedly and I could feel her tears start to soak my shirt.
"Angel, I am so sorry. Do you want to go home? I'll come with you."
She shook her head, and looked at me. Her face was pink and eyes red. Even though she was in such a messy state, she still looked beautiful. I wiped at her eyes, getting rid of the tears. She looked at me intently, and I looked into her eyes. Every emotion was going through her, and you could see it.
"I don't want to ruin the evening. We came to have fun." She said with a determined look on her face.
"That we did, but I wouldn't mind because if you're there, anything is fun."
She gave me a soft smile, in turn making me smile.
"Okay," she whispered, "then I guess it's alright."

We got to her house, and her dad greeted us from the living room, where he was sitting watching a movie.
"Dad, I'm going to go to my room. "
"That's fine pumpkin, you go ahead."
I followed her up to her room, and as soon as we entered, I saw the suitcase on the bed, open but packed.
"Clinton, will you help me dress in more comfortable clothes. I don't know if I can do it by myself."
My face heated up at the request, but I obliged.
She stood in front of me, and I unzipped her dress, and watched as she slid the straps off her shoulders and arms, leaving her whole back bare. I couldn't help but touch her, my hand slowly trailing down her spine. I could feel her lean in to my touch, and I started to pepper her shoulder with kisses.
"I don't know how you do it Celestine, but goddamn you tantalize me. This dress has been driving me crazy, and now I can't help but feel insane at the sight of you like this."
I continued my procession of kisses, moving from her shoulder, to her shoulder blade, and down her back.
"Clinton," I heard her breathe out.
I knew she was telling me to stop, and as much as I didn't want to, as much as I wanted to consume her right here and now, I knew I had to listen to her. I stopped, and stepped away, letting her get out of her dress. Celestine made the simplest of tasks seem sexy and alluring.
My eyes stayed fixated on her body as she grabbed her night wear. She was topless, and from what I could tell braless as well. All that could be seen were the white spandex shorts she had on underneath.
"Clinton, I need you."
I walked over to where she was, and waited behind her. She handed me her shirt, and I unfolded it before slipping it over her head and pulling her hair gently from inside the shirt. She half heartedly pulled her arms through the sleeves. I hadn't realized what shirt she was wearing until she turned around. It was the one I gave her.
" Well shit, you might be right about you looking better in that shirt than me."
She giggled, and I smiled.
"I love it when you laugh."
She quickly threw her sweats at me, and I laughed. I picked her up bridle style, and sat her on her bed, watching her laugh out of embarrassment. However, she quickly stopped when I started to pull her shorts down. I looked at her and saw her face turn red.
I slowly pulled them off, and I felt myself get embarrassed when I saw she had on white lace underwear. She giggled, and pulled me on top of her.
"Someone's embarrassed." Celestine smirked.
"No shit Cel. Of course I am." I retorted, "and if you have enough energy to pull me onto you, you could probably get your pants on yourself too."
"Yeah.... I probably could. Except, you already have them in your hands, so it would be easier for you to do it." She said, our noses touching from getting so close. I closed the distance, and kissed her.
This kiss was different from our previous ones though. It was filled with desire and need, it was filled with pain, sadness. The kiss was filled with every emotion mixed together, and I couldn't get enough. My hands worked up the sides of her shirt, her skin feeling like fire against my hands. She had one of her hands in my hair and the other on my neck. Her legs were wrapped around my waist, and I could feel myself start to lose it.
I quickly broke our kiss, and panted heavily.
"I'm sorry Angel. I can't, not right now."
I saw her look at me, but not with disappointment. It seemed to be more like pride.
As much as I liked where we were going with things, I didn't want to go to fast with her. Usually I wouldn't mind what came my way, and I would do what they asked for the most part, but Celestine was different.
She detached herself, and got her sweats from me and put them on. Once she was done, she looked at me, and and tackled me in a hug.
"I'm going to miss you so much baby."
"I'm going to miss you too angel," I whispered.
I heard my phone ring, an I let go of Cel to see who it was. It was Christian, so I picked it up.
"What's up Kras?"
"Well, we kinda forgot our keys, and so now we're locked out."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, and sighed, "Alright I'll be there soon. Bye."
I hung up, not giving him a chance to reply back. Celestine was looking at me confused, and I just huffed in annoyance.
"Let me guess, they did something stupid and now you have to go save them?"
I nodded, and gave her a goodbye kiss, one that would last until tomorrow.
"Goodbye Angel, I'll talk to you later."

I could feel my blood start to boil as I got closer to my home. My mind kept swirling with what Celestine told me earlier, and I didn't think I could keep my promise to her. When the cab pulled up to my house, I paid, and quickly got out. The cool air refreshed my hot skin, and I saw the guys waiting at the front.
"Aye! Clinton to save the day!" Christian piped up.
I looked at Mitchel, and saw he was clenching his jaw, clearly annoyed about something.
My key slipped into the lock, and I opened the door, and let them in. Mitchel went in last, and I called out, "Mitchel, hold on."
He turned, and I swiftly punched him in the jaw. He whipped his head and tried lunging at me, but Christian quickly grabbed him.
"What the fuck Clinton?" He roared.
"That's what you get for breaking our promise you son of bitch! We explicitly made that promise so Celestine wouldn't get hurt, and you fucking broke it! You made her cry! She doesn't know what she's going to do, and it's your fault. You're lucky I don't kill you right now." I roared right back. I was pissed.
"Well maybe that's a good thing! I can't stand to see the two of you together. She should be with me."
I glared at him, and replied with a low tone, "You don't deserve her. I know for a fact if she chose you, you would've thrown her away like every other girl. Because that's what Mitchel Charles fucking Cave does."
I turned to walk away, but he piped up again.
"So what? I bet she would enjoy it. All the things we could do. Man, maybe one day I can steal her and hear her scream my name. Tha-"
I punched him square in the jaw once more.
"Don't ever, and I mean ever, talk about Celestine like that. You know damn well what she's like."
He was on the floor, rubbing his jaw.
" You don't even deserve her friendship. But she loves you Mitchel! She's probably sitting at home right now, crying over the thought of losing you! I'm leaving. I can't be in the same house as you."
I left, slamming the door behind me, not knowing where I was going. However, it didn't matter. A few more minutes and he would've been in a hospital.

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