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A week past, and my dad was already in Los Angeles, setting down, and getting used to no sweet tea and actual warm weather.
"Celestine, they're animals over here. I stopped by McDonald's on my way to work this morning because I didn't have enough time to make breakfast, and when I asked for sweet tea, do you know what they did?"
"They gave me sugar packets with unsweetened tea. I can't believe it."
I started to laugh. My dad was always so dramatic.
"Dad, you'll be fine. Just make your own."
"Anyways. How're y'all doing down there."
"Well, Atlanta is as busy as ever. I swear every time I walk outside though, it drops like ten degrees."
My dad chuckled a little, "Well Celestine, I hope you have a good nights rest. Love you."
"I love you too dad. Talk to you tomorrow."
I hung up and put my phone away.
"How's your dad?" Finley asked.
"He's adjusting. He can't get over the fact there's no sweet tea over there."
"The harsh life of no tea of sweet. How wretched."
We both burst out laughing, knowing that my dad would go crazy without his tea.
"Whatever, he'll manage. But I won't because I finally get to see my babes tomorrow. My boys, my homies!"
Finley gave me a weird look, and held up her hand, "Please never say that again."
I stuck my tongue out at her, and turned off the lights.
"Night brat."
"Love you too Cel."

The next morning I was beyond excited. The excitement and happiness was radiating off of me, and nothing could knock me from my great mood.
I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find a nice but comfortable outfit to wear to the show tonight. I wanted to wow them, because I was finally going to be able to speak to them after years.
"Well isn't someone excited."
I turned to see the guy who sat next to me in sociology, at my door.
"Hey Lance, come in," I replied, waving him in, " and yeah, I eat to see my favorite band tonight and I'm excited."
"Ah. Are they good?"
"But of course. But then again, I'm kinda biased cause I like them, so..." I trailed off.
"Could I listen to some of their songs?"
"Yeah. Go ahead. Look up Chase Atlantic, and just click on the first album."
I saw him get out his phone and type it into the search bar on YouTube.
"Cool, thanks."
"Mhm," I turned back towards my wardrobe and picked out two tops. One was a floral off the shoulder, and the other was a simple grey striped crop top.
"Okay, Lance, which one?"
He looked up from his phone and paused the song.
"Hmm... the grey one. If you're going to a concert, wear something comfortable."
"That's what I was thinking but, beauty is pain."
He rolled his eyes, "Well, I think I'm going to go and binge listen to this band now, and I shall see you in class." He got up and started for the door, before I stopped him.
"Lance, let me know what you think."
"I don't know if I want to do that. You like them, and if I end up not, then you might try something. Let me just say, I am too young to die, so I rather not."
I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the door, "Whatever, crazy."
He smiled at me and then walked out. I watched him walk down the hall, and then I turned and grabbed a pair of ripped, high waisted blue jeans. Getting ready took no time, and I had some spare time before I had to be at the venue. I decided to go bother Lance in his dorm room, so I went to his side of the building.
"Knock knock," I exclaimed.
I heard Lance groan, and he opened up the door.
"Oh, it's just you Cel."
"Who else would it be? You have like two friends," I retorted.
Lance glared at me, but then stopped and thought about what I just said.
"Fuck, you're right. Sadly you're one of them and the other is my imaginary friend Sean."
I rolled my eyes at his sass, "Har har. So funny."
I lightly pushed him to the side and walked into his dorm. I looked around, never being inside, just waiting outside.
"So this is what a hormonal college guys dorm looks like on the inside."
He scoffed, while walking to what I presumed was his desk, "It's not even that bad. You should take a look at your own dorm though."
I chuckled, and sat on one of the beds, hoping it was Lance's.
"So what brings you to my humble abode Celestine Allen?"
"I wouldn't call it humble, and I'm was just looking for something to kill my time, and I ended up here."
He put his hands to his heart, "I'm honored."
I gave a low laugh, "Don't be. You're like my prostitute of entertainment, except I don't have to pay you."
He flashed me a smile, and the turned around to work on whatever he was doing before I interrupted him.
I played on my phone for a while, just enjoying the silence and company. I looked at the time, and saw that it was getting closer to the time that I should leave, so I got off the bed and started walking towards the door.
"See you later Lance."
"Bye Allen. See you later."
I waked out of his dorm and made my way to the venue, hyped for the concert tonight.

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