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The car ride wouldn't take long, but none of us wanted to see the college campus just yet, so we decided to stop at a restaurant to eat before we went back. However, we didn't know which restaurant, so we were currently debating over which one to go to. Well, more like Lance and Finley were, because I was okay with anything.
"Either we go to Chic-fil-a or we can go to Waffle House. Pick one Lance."
"Why do I have to pick. I didn't want to go to those in the first place."
"My car, my gas, my rules. If you don't want food you don't have to eat, but Cel and I are hungry and we'd like some food." She sassed him.
I tried to hold back a laugh. They sounded just like a married couple.
"How about," I piped up, "we go to Waffle House? I mean, it's the only choice that's open considering it's Sunday."
She nodded her head and started for the closest Waffle House.
"So, why was your last day emotionally draining?" Lance asked.
I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Well, I cried most of the morning cause I didn't want to leave. And then later when I went out with the guys, Mitchel ended up confessing to me, whi-"
Finley cut me off, "Wait, he did not." Disbelief was evident in her voice.
"He did, and it shocked me. I cried too."
Lance winced, "Ah Cel, you didn't."
"What? Of course I cried. If a childhood friend, whom you haven't seen in years, comes back into your life, and tells you they like you, while you're dating their brother, wouldn't you cry too? I was terrified I was going to lose him, and Clinton. I think I was in the right to cry Lance." I fumed.
He was quiet, not having a come back.
"Were you able to fix things?" Finely asked, breaking the little bit of silence that had fallen in the car.
"Yeah. He came to my house really early this morning. He's bruised though, because Clinton punched him when I told him not to."
"Well, I would too if my brother told my girlfriend he liked her." Lance commented.
"Yeah, but I didn't want Mitchel getting hurt because of me. But I guess I can understand. He broke a promise, and Clinton was mad about it. Although something interesting happened and I am disappointed in myself." I stated.
"What was it?" Finley asked.
"Well," I breathed, wondering if I should say why happened earlier this morning, "Mitchel kissed me this morning after he got me situated in a blanket."
Finley's jaw dropped, and I gave a nervous laugh.
"What did you do?"
I gave her a small smile, "Well, I was mostly asleep when it happened, but I," I sighed, "I wanted more."
"Celestine May Allen you did not just say that." Finley scolded me like a mother.
I winced, but gave her a sheepish smile, "Yeah, and I hate myself for it. But I-" I stopped myself.
"You what Cel?"
"I honestly don't even know, I lost my train of thought." I lied.
"Uh huh. Sure, whatever you say."
I smiled and checked my phone, more specifically the group chat. They had stopped texting for now, probably busy going out or something.

Little Melephant: Cel, I live with idiots.

Your Favorite Aussie: Those idiots are also in this gc.

Sax God: If anyone is the idiot, it's you Mitchel.

Little Melephant: Stfu

Jurassic Park: now now children, do I need to separate you guys.

Your Favorite Aussie: Mommy and Daddy will punish you.

Sax God: wtf Kras, that's some kinky shit. Get that out of here.

I laughed, and looked up to see we were getting close to the Waffle House. I looked back down at the conversation.

Little Melephant: I bet you and Cel would enjoy that. 😏

Jurassic Park: I didn't want that image, stop

Your Favorite Aussie: you're welcome

Sax God: We're all in the same room minus Cel, why are we doing this?

Little Melephant: That's exactly why we are doing this. Cel isn't here. We have to entertain her somehow.

I rolled my eyes, these boys were crazy. We pulled up to the Waffle House, so I shut off my phone and went in with Lance and Finley. Sitting down at one of the empty tables, Lance put his arm around my shoulders and laid his head on mine.
"Oh, how I've missed my favorite short stack."
I groaned, "Not you too."
He lifted his head and looked at me, "What?"
"You called me short stack... that's what Clinton calls me."
He chuckled, "Oh, well it suits you."
"Hey," He said, " you call me entertainment prostitute. I think I can call you short stack. It's a fair trade."
I jabbed him in the side, and he let out a little yelp.
Our waitress came over at that exact moment, and asked what we wanted to drink, saving Lance for last and lingering on him. When she left, I turned my head and looked at him.
"Look at you Lance. She thinks you're attractive. Man, I wish I had waiters fawn over me." I commented.
"What can I say," he said, flipping invisible hair over his shoulder, " I'm gorgeous."
"That you are and you're fucking lucky." Finley replied.
"Damn right I am. And, Cel, I'm pretty sure you turn heads. I mean, you turned mine when I first met you."
I jabbed him in the side again, "Yeah right."
"Ow. Stop that. I'm sensitive." He whined, while rubbing his side.
Our waitress came back, and gave me a slight dirty look. I brushed it off though, thinking she was just jealous or something. I got my drink and thanked her.
After we ate, we paid and left, and started the drive back to campus when I felt my phone buzz.
I looked at it and saw I had been mentioned in a tweet. My phone unlocked, and I opened up Twitter, to see exactly what it was. It was a picture of me, leaning into Lance's arm. And it was recent too, because it's what I look like right now. It was captioned with, "@ClintonCave isn't that your girlfriend?"
I scrolled down and saw some of the comments.

Wow, what a whore. Cheating on Clinton like that.

I never really liked her, I just went with the crowd. Good riddance.

She better not have hurt baby clinton or imma stab someone.

This bitch thinks she can just get anyone she wants, doesn't she?

Those were only a few. There were also some positive ones.

Stop it guys. Celestine would never cheat on Clinton. Have you seen her posts about him?

She is one of the sweetest people ever, how could you assume she would do something like this?

Don't assume anything. That could be friend or something. He could be gay for all we know.

I was a little upset with the person who took the photo, because this seemed like a very childish thing to do. Why not just ask me? I quickly retweeted it, with, "This picture is of me and my friend Lance. I am NOT cheating on Clinton. I would never cheat on him. Next time please just ask me who it is, I won't mind answering."
I sighed and shut off my phone, not wanting to deal with people at the moment. We were pulling up to campus, and I was happy because I could finally go to bed.

Heyo peeps. I'm a terrible author, Ik, but hey. Look, you guys got an update. It probably needs some editing still but ya girl is lazy and I figured it's time I gave another chapter. Ik it's kinda slow, but I'm trying my best to build up characters and then move into drama. Love all the people who are reading though!💜💜 (I realized that I forgot to take out one of my place holder words, so I fixed that and now it's good. Whoops)

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