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We made it to the top about 30 minutes later, and Lance was giving me a piggy back ride, trying not to trip on any of the rocks. 
"Okay Cel. We're at the top now and I don't see anything that impressive yet." He sighed, letting me off of his back.
"Well, it's not gonna be some city you see below, but I think it's cool and pretty." I led him through some trees and closer to the edge so he could see what exactly I was talking about.
"Oh. Wow, this is nice. It's a change from the city."
"Yeah. I miss it sometimes." I sighed.
I moved to one of the rocks and sat down, and waited for Lance to join me.
"Let's talk. We've known each other for a few months, but I still don't know that much about you. So tell me your life story."
Lance chuckled, but obliged.
"Well, my full name is Lance Holloway Buchanan. It sounds a bit weird, I know, but I've grown to like it. I've lived in the Atlanta metro area my whole life so going anywhere out of Atlanta has felt weird. So there's that. My Mom and Dad are Rebecca and Bill. I have an older brother and a younger brother and sister. She's honestly the cutest, and I love her so much. Her name is Ruby. I'll show you some pictures later."
"Oh. Cute, I can't wait to see these pictures. And interesting middle name. This conversation sounds really forced."
He laughed, "It does. But now you know some more about me. What about you Cel?"
"Well, my full name is Celestine May Allen. I lived here up until six grade and then moved to Atlanta. My mom is from Australia, and I would go there almost every summer to visit family. That's how I met Mitchel, Clinton and Christian. After my mom left, it became my dad and I against the world. We're really close, and I really miss him."
"Hey now, no sadness on my watch. Your entertainment prostitute is here and I don't want to see a frown on that face of yours." He lightly shoved me.
"Okay," I smiled, "No sadness. All smiles."
"Good. So, where did you live?"
"You can't really see it, but," I pointed off towards the east, "I lived in that general area."
He nodded, and then leaned back on his palms and looked up to the sky. Lance seemed to enjoy it.
"Do you ever miss your mom?" He asked after a few moments of silence.
"I mean, sometimes, but most of the time I'm angry at her for leaving my dad and I. She didn't even try to reach out to me."
"Do you want her too?"
I looked over at Lance, and saw he had a puzzled look on his face.
"Not now. It's too late. Even if she tried I'd shut her out. She has no right to talk to me now."
"Isn't that a bit harsh? She's your mom." Lance reasoned.
I sighed, "She may be my mother but she is no longer my mom. The person that has gotten the closest to being my mother is Finley's Mom. She really helped me after my mother left. I call her mom now too."
Lance gave me a soft smile, "I'm glad you had someone fill in. Celestine," he paused, mulling over his next words carefully, "I've been thinking recently, and I've come to two conclusions. One, Clinton makes you more happy than I probably ever could. And two, I seem to be moving on. To be more precise, I'm starting to like Finley, and was wondering if I could ask her out?"
My face lit up in a bright smile and I gave him a small push. "Of course Lance. It's not like I'm her father and your asking for her hand in marriage. Besides, I think she likes you too."
He chuckled and returned the push, "Well, we'll see when we get back to campus."
A comfortable silence fell between the two of us and a nice breeze was blowing. Being here at the top with Lance felt nice. He was so comfortable to be around I didn't know what was gonna happen once I moved to Los Angeles.
"Lance, I have something to tell you." I finally said.
He turned to look at me, a look of puzzlement on his face.
I took in a deep breath and then continued, "I'm moving to Los Angeles over the summer and I'm going to attend a college there. To be quite honest I didn't think my dad being there was going to be so hard until I saw him last week for the first time in weeks. Leaving my home here in Georgia is gonna suck ass though. I'm going to miss you and Finley and even the college classes we're taking. Okay, well maybe not the courses, but I will definitely miss you guys. I hope you're not mad at me."
He chuckled, "I could never be mad at you Cel. And besides, it's completely understandable that you miss him. I would miss my parents if they were that far away too. Plus I bet it also gives you more chances to be with Clinton, and possibly do the deed." He nudged me as he said those last words.
"Did you just?"
"Say do the deed? Yes, yes I did."
I shook my head laughing a little, "Lance, you do realize I could push you and you would fall right?"
"You wouldn't dare hurt your E.P would you?"
"Try me hoe."
He glared and me and I laughed some more. My arms snakes around him and I just stayed pressed against his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me as well.
"Don't forget about me," he whispered.
"Not in a million years Lance. Not in a million years," I looked up at him and saw he had a sad smile on his face.
"I hope not."
I hugged him again, "Lance, it would be hard to forget you."
I felt something wet on the side of my face, and I knew instantly he was crying. His arms weakened around me and I looked up once again, moving my hands so they were wiping away his tears. This was probably the first time I've seen Lance cry. Probably the last time too. His tears just came in streams, and I couldn't bare to see him like this. My eyes started to water as well, and within seconds we were hugging again, both crying.
"And here I thought you would be perfectly fine with me leaving." I heard and felt him chuckle. He let go again, started to wipe at his eyes.
"Before you leave, will you meet my parents? They've been wanting to meet you for a little while now."
"I would love to. Besides, I want to see where your obscene cockiness comes from."

We stayed at the park for a little bit, just talking. Neither of us wanted to leave yet, but we knew we would have to eventually.
"Do you think we might have ever gotten together?" Lance asked me. His tone of voice wasn't pushy, but just one of pure curiosity.
"I don't know," I mumbled, "Maybe."
I looked over at him and saw he was just sitting with his eyes closed, enjoying the breeze once again.

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