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It was Saturday, and I was in my room a mess. I had tears streaming down my face, and I had locked myself up.
"Pumpkin, what's wrong? I want to help you, but I can't if you don't come out."
I closed my eyes, I could feel the tears streaming down my face.
"Dad, I'll be fine," My voiced cracked as I replied to my dad, "I'm just realizing," I wept, " that I leave tomorrow, and I'm going to miss it here."
"Celestine, let me in please."
I begrudgingly got up and opened the door for him, and he hugged me as soon as he saw me. He released me after a few moments.
"Pumpkin, if you want, you can move out here this summer, and I can transfer you to a college here, or you can take online courses. We can figure that out later, but do you want to do that?" He asked me, wiping away the tears that were in my eyes.
I loved my dad so much because he was such a kind man. I don't understand why he hasn't found anyone yet.
"Yes, I would very much like that. And dad, how have you not found anyone yet?"
He gave me a sad smile, but replied with, "Celestine, I did find someone. Years ago actually, but she left me for another man."
I was surprised by his answer, and I saw him kiss my forehead then leave. My poor dad. I never realized how much he hurt when mom left him. I guess he tried to be strong for me because it was really messing with me at the time.
I walked back to my bed, and flopped down on it. My mind was slipping into thoughts of Clinton, and how I was going to miss him. I never realized how much leaving his side was gonna suck. My phone was in my hands within seconds, and I was going to text Clinton, but I realized that he had told me he was going to be busy the rest of the time I was here, and that I may not be able to talk with him that long.
He was right too. The past two nights he had called me just to see how I was doing, but I could tell he was tired, so I didn't keep him for too long.
I would have tried Finley, had it not been she left already. She went back early this morning, and so I was going home alone tomorrow. But at least she would be there with Lance when I got to the airport. I sighed, and turned on my TV, not knowing what to do since the whole four people I knew here were either busy or on a flight back to Georgia.
As I was watching the tv, my eyes started to get heavy, so I quickly set a timer so my tv would shut off once I was asleep. I got under my covers, and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, and the house was silent. The sun was setting, and I realized that I was asleep for a while, because it was still bright outside when I went to sleep. I checked my phone, and saw I had a few texts from Finley, telling me she had gotten home safely. My fingers flew across the keyboard, typing out that I was glad, and I would see her tomorrow night.
My phone buzzed, and I saw it was a text from Mitchel.

Little Melephant : What are you doing right now?

Me: Ntm. Just woke up from a nap. Why?

Little Melephant : Come our with us before you leave.

I thought about his offer, and decided to go. It would be my last chance to hang out with them and Clinton. I shot my dad a text really quick saying I was going out for a little bit, and that I would be home later that night.

Me: Alright. When and where?

Little Melephant : We'll take care of that😉

I rolled my eyes, and put my phone down, getting up to search my packed suitcase. Inside, I found a white spaghetti strap dress, that had black lace. If it was going to be my last time seeing Clinton for a while, I might as well make him miss me too.
Getting ready didn't take long after I decided I was just going to put my hair in a simple high ponytail. My dad still wasn't home, but he sent me a text saying that I should stay safe while I was out. As I was walking down the stairs, I heard my door bell ring, so I quickly went to answer it, seeing Christian and Alexa waiting in front of my door.
"Alexa!" I yelled. I gave her a tight hug, and she laughed.
"Hey Cel." She said as we disconnected from our hug.
"I am hurt. Of all people, you said hi to her before me?" Christian feigned hurt.
"Well, you know, we're secretly going out. We just feel it would be too hard to lay the news on you and Clinton, so we've been keeping it a secret." I remarked sarcastically.
He gave me a funny look, and then took Alexa's hand and walked towards the car. I locked the door behind me, and followed them. I could see both Mitchel and Clinton staring at me, and I felt my stomach get butterflies. Tonight, I didn't see Pat or Jesse, so I'm assuming they didn't want to come or they were busy. I sat down in the seat in front of Clinton, and tried not to look at him because I knew my face would betray me.
As our Uber was driving us to our destination, I saw Clinton's arms wrap themselves around me as best he could with the seat in between us.. From the corner of my eye I saw him lean in towards my ear.
"You know Celestine, you can't dress like this. I don't want others seeing my beautiful girlfriend wearing this tantalizing dress. I really want this outfit to be just for me." He whispered, his voice sounding a bit strained.
My cheeks felt hot, and I knew that my face was red from embarrassment. I set my chin on his forearm and covered my face with my hands. He chuckled, and kissed my head. What was he doing to me? I was the one who was supposed to get this expression out of him.

I had gotten dragged onto the dance floor by Mitchel, and I was just dancing away when I felt him touch my arm. I looked at him, and he motioned for me to move closer. I did so, and moved a little closer to him, and wondered what he wanted.
"Why'd you pick him?" He asked me.
"Pick who Mitchel?"
He gave me a serious look, "Why'd you pick Clinton Celestine?"
"Why did I pick Clinton? What are you getting at Mitchel?"
"For fucks sake Celestine. How can you be so goddamn thick headed? Why is it that when I actually want something, he has to steal it from me?"
He fumed.
"Mitchel, seriously. What are you getting at? Tell me." I pleaded.
He looked me in the eyes, and I could see he had an internal rage going about, but he was trying to keep cool.
"Celestine, you seriously can't tell?"
"Tell what? For God's sake Mitchel, what is it?" My voice rose, and I gave him a stern look.
"Bloody Hell Cel. How do you do these things to me? My mind has been reeling with thoughts of you, and only you. I haven't been able to focus on things for days, even weeks! I smile when I get a text from you, I am constantly checking my phone. Hearing your voice drives me insane, and seeing you," his voice steadily dropped after what seemed like him shouting. He moved closer and moved to my ear, " When I see you, I just want you to be in my arms. I want to kiss you, and whisper sweet nothing in your ear. Shit, i don't understand how you make me feel this way, but Celestine, I like you. No, I fucking adore you, and I don't understand why you chose Clinton."
Hearing his words put me in shock. My body froze, and I could hear my pulse. Mitchel had his hands on my waist, and I could barely breathe.
"Cel, will you please say something?" He urged.
I looked up at him, and saw his eyes were filled with question and fear. I looked in his eyes for a few more seconds before looking away. My voice refused to work, and I had a lump in my throat. Swallowing it was hard, before I finally looked up again.
"Mitchel," was all I could conjure up in a soft whisper. It was carried away in the music of the club, but I saw he understood that I said his name.
"Mitchel, I don't know what you want me to say. I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything. Don't give me an answer then. Just know. I just wanted you to know."
My eyes could see he was fighting something, and I had to lightly push him away before something happened. Feeling like jelly didn't help my walk back to where we had agreed to sit, and I saw that no one as the table, and gave a sigh of relief. Sliding into the booth quickly, I could feel myself shaking from all the information I had just received.
Mitchel likes me. How long has he liked me? What did he mean that Clinton steals things away that he wants?

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