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Spring break was finally here, and Finley and I were off to Los Angeles. Her and her family would go there every spring break since she was little, and so she decided to travel with me so I wouldn't be alone.
"Finley, you know you didn't have to come with me."
"I know, but what kind of a "sister" would I be if I didn't?"
I smiled, getting to our seat and quickly putting my carryon on top. I sat down, situating my book bag, and buckled up. Taking out my phone, I texted my dad that we were on the plane now, and we should be there in a while. I figured he would see it later, considering it was really early here in Atlanta. I then shot a text in the group chat that I created qwith the boys, telling them I would be in Los Angeles later this morning. I then turned my phone off, and waited for us to take off.

When we got to LA, I was shocked. It was beautiful, and warmer than I thought. I texted my dad saying we had landed, and I waited to get off.
The lines were crazy, and I was starting to wonder how long this would take. But we were out of there in no time. When we got to the pickup area, I could see my dad, and I ran to him, excited to see him after not being able to for the past two months.
"Hey Pumpkin. How are you? You look so big!"
I laughed, "Dad, I look the same."
He smiled, "I know, it's just good to see you."
Finley was right behind me, and my dad and her greeted each other. We were going to drop her off at her house, and then we would go to ours.
While in the car, I sent a text in the group chat, saying I was on my way to the house. I got various replies. Christian's was enthusiastic and sweet, Mitchel's was more straight forward, but still sweet. And Clinton's was the normal banter. I laughed, and turned off my phone, looking out the window.

When we got to our home, after dropping Finley off, I couldn't believe how gorgeous it was. Plus, we didn't live that far from her either.
"Do you like the house Celestine?"
"I love it Dad. I can't wait to spend my week here." I admitted, grabbing my bags and walking to the door. When we got inside, it was just as beautiful as the outside. While my dad was a businessman, he picked up a lot of decorating tricks from my grandma and my four aunts.
"Your room is upstairs. It's at the end of the hall to the left."
I thanked him, and went upstairs. In my room, I had a few boxes, but most of them were empty and unpacked. My room looked like my room. I smiled, thinking about my dad coming in here when he missed me, and doing a little unpacking.
My phone went off, and I saw it was a text from Mitchel.

Little Melephant : Cel, we're planning on going out tonight, do you want to come?

Mitchel and going out.

Me: I'll think about it. Depends how tired I am.

I put my phone down, and decided to unpack, since it was still early.

When I finished, it was around 1:00, and I was getting pretty sleepy, so I decided to take me a little nap. I was comfortable and about to fall asleep when my phone started to ring, I groaned, and looked at my phone, seeing it was Christian calling me.
I picked it up, "The hell do you want Man?"
"Someone is cranky, aren't they?"
"Well, wouldn't you be too if you were almost asleep, and someone calls you?"
"How was I supposed to know. Besides, shouldn't you turn off your ringer if you want to prevent that?" He sassed.
I sighed, "Whatever. Seriously, what is it though. I wanna take a nap."
"Well, I think Mitchel already texted you, but we're going out tonight. Alexa is coming, so you won't be the only lady."
"How thoughtful. And I already said I would think about it. I need a nap, so you won't know until afterwords." I grumbled.
"Alright. Just wanted to let you know. By the way, have you been avoiding Clinton as of late?"
"Sorta. It's just, talking to him is very strange for me. My head gets all swirly and my stomach erupts in butterflies. I can't think straight and... holy fuck. I'm a mess."
"Going out will do you some good. Take that nap. We'll pick you up around 7:00. Send me your address." Christian insisted.
"Will do." And with that I hung up. I sent him my address, and then turned off my ringer to finally take me my nap.

I woke up two hours later. My stomach was grumbling, so I groggily got up and went downstairs to see what we had to eat. We mostly had cereal, so I made me a bowl, thinking it was better than nothing.
Once I was done, I rinsed my bowl and put it in the sink, and went upstairs to figure out what I was going to wear. I had brought a few dresses, considering I never knew what could happen while I was here. I decided to wear my favorite dress. It was a burgundy sequin dress, that had a skeletal looking back. I paired it with a some strap like heels. It was currently 4:25, so I had to hurry. I quickly got in the shower, and freshened myself up.
Once I was done getting dressed and my hair was dry, I decided to loosely curl it, and then I did my makeup. When I had finished, it was around 6:30, and I was looking pretty good. I went downstairs and saw my dad on the couch, watching TV. He turned his head when he heard my heels click on the hard wood.
"Hey pumpkin, where are you going?" He asked.
"I'm going out with some friends."
He gave me a confused look.
"How do you already have friends, you just got here."
I laughed, "Dad, don't worry. You'll see them soon enough.
I waited for the bell to ring, and when it finally did, I went and opened the door, and saw Mitchel standing in front of me. He scanned my body, and then looked at me.
"That dress looks good on you. But you know where it would look even better? O-"
I cut him off, "In Church, worshipping our Lord and Savior? Because I think so too."
He gave me a little glare, and I just smirked.
"Dad! Come here. There's someone I want you to meet."
I heard my dad get up, and walk towards the front door.
"Dad, this is Mitchel Cave. Remember him?"
I looked at my dad, and I could see he was racking his brain for where he heard the name before. Then he had that look of when you've figured something out.
"Mitchel Cave? Wow. You sure have grown. How old are you now?"
"Twenty one." Mitchel replied to my father's question.
"Wow. A young man. I feel old now."
"Dad, you are old."
My dad turned and gave me a funny look, and I laughed.
"I'll be home later tonight, okay? I love you dad."
"Love you to pumpkin. Be safe."
I gave my dad a hug and then walked out, hearing the door lock behind me.
"Pumpkin?" Mitchel asked.
"Yeah. And?"
He didn't say anything, but he had a smile play across his lips.

When we got to the club, Christian and Alexa were like glue, and I thought it was cute. I had talked to Alexa before, when Christian was FaceTiming me one night. She's super sweet, and I couldn't think of a better person for Christian. I was a little nervous though, because this was my first time having the boys see me all dressed up. As we entered the club, I could feel the music pounding in my chest, and I could barely walk with how many people there were. I felt someone grab my hand gently, and I turned to see it was Clinton. I smiled at him.
"So you don't get lost in the crowd. Come on short stack."
I laughed, realizing I wasn't going to achieve a normal nickname from him. When we got to a table that was to the side of the dance floor, Clinton let go of my hand. He sat down and scooted in the booth, and I followed.
"We'll wait a little until the crowd had thinned a bit. Let's get some drinks, shall we?" Christian asked.
Everyone nodded, so Christian and Mitchel got up to go grab some drinks for everyone. I stopped Mitchel,
"Can you get me a water or a soda?" I asked.
He nodded, and went to catch up with Christian.
Clinton turned to me, "You look really nice short stack. That color suits you."
I could feel my face get a little warm at the compliment. I cursed myself for getting flustered so easily.
"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself. But that'll probably change when you get wasted."
He chuckled, "Probably."
I looked away from Clinton, and looked at Alexa, who was watching our little talk, even though Jesse was talking to her. I got up and went over to sit by her.
"Hey Alexa," I said.
"Hey Cel. You look quite comfortable with Clinton over there." She taunted me with a wink.
I felt my face get warm again, so I excused myself, and went to find a bathroom. When I got in, I went to the sink, and wet my hand, patting my neck and cheeks to cool myself down.
"Okay Cel. Calm down." I looked at myself in the mirror. My brown hair was luckily still in loose curls, but my pale skin was pink from embarrassment. I breathed some deep breaths before going back out.

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