Chapter Seven: New Life, New Hope

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Chapter 7

The sound of her dry and croaky laugh fills the whole small bungalow. Even Clover hears it from outside as she was having a smoke.

"Ah," her voice is hoarse. "I remember that. You were so very foolish."

"Me? Nah, sugar, it was a joint effort."

She coughs so much that blood sprays up her throat and into the basin she has on the duvet. He rubs her hand as she lays on the pillow again after her episode. This was the fifth one today. It was getting worse and worse.

"Ya alright?"



The two men stands still for an awkward amount of time. The more time passed, the more Daryl cringed. The RV door flung opened.

Kai gulps. "Vise versa."

Daryl lowers his eyes. "But- how? I-I don't understand! I saw ya getting shot through your own goddamn head!!"

Kai flinchs back. "Your mind must be playing tricks on you, Dixon. It wasn't me it must of been anoth-"

"No!" Daryl cuts him off, gripping his crossbow in his right hand. "It was you! No one else owns hideous ol' caps like yours..."

"Daryl- I don't know what to say."


Lance has enough. "Stop it use two! Who cares if one of use supposedly died."

"I don't give two shits 'bout that!" Daryl sneers. "It's the fact that ya left me and Merle behind. Ya said that you knew somewhere that was safe when the outbreak first started! Then what?!" Daryl raises his arms up into the sky. "Ya left us behind! Huh, 'The three of us will get through all this. Don't worry.' Ya remember that!? You're such a liar!"

Daryl charges at him like he was playing rugby, throwing his crossbow at his side. He wanted combat. He wanted blood.

He wanted Kai to feel pain that he had inflected on him and his brother. Daryl hated liars. Kai raises his knife at Daryl's stomach level.

"NO!" Lance roars at Kai. "Don't- just let him be..."

Kai rolls his eyes. Daryl stops charging for him. Daryl's back was bent like he was an old man, his hands out like herding cows. Kai was amused by his posture. It reminded him of a caveman or a wild animal.

"Not so tough now are ya, huh?" Kai mocks him, his cap covering half of his blue eyes.

Daryl's blood bubbled with absolute rage. "Ya fuckin' bastard," he mumbles. "Get outta here! Before I make ya..."

Kai lifts his pointing finger upwards, moving it left and right, making clicking sounds with his tongue. "No can do, Dixon. I'm here for life."

"Like HELL you are!"

"Stop fighting! Please... You're scaring me..." A soft brittle voice comes from behind Daryl. It was Fava.

Daryl turns around to see that Kendra was running after her with baby Alex in her arms. She gets ahold of her shoulder.

"Fava..." She warns out of breath. "Don't ever do that again."

Daryl thought that Kendra was too overprotective, and he was about to tell her that, but Kai coughs and brings Daryl's attention to him again.

Daryl sees a figure forming behind Kai, Jane, Lance and Tobe.

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