Chapter Seventy: Fallen Angel

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Chapter 70

~ If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention to the middle, or the start, and everything in between. ~


The seconds bleed by, dripping its way for destruction. The tank crushes the fences, moving up the path and Lance has no choice but to retreat. The tank explodes yet another guard tower, the fulmination and detonation causing everytime to shout out. Their home for over two years will never be repaired, walkers already stamping into the prison with the fall of all their defences.

His army move up, shooting everything in their way. Girl just stands there, watching The Governor raise his sword yet again, and slicing Bobby's neck. He does it again and again, until his head rolls off. Kendra cries and cries, The Governor covered head to toe with his blood. But he doesn't attack Kendra, he just leaves, walking up to the prison.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Fava mumbles, rocking back and forth with her knees tucked up into her chest. The pain is getting worse as time ticks by, another person that she cared for just took from her right before her eyes. She can't even open them, not wanting to see the hell unfold. She just sits behind the wall, Daryl with two automatics in his hands.

He kneels down, holding out the gun for her to take. She does so slowly, Daryl nodding to encourage her to get up and fight. To stand up. To move.

To take revenge.

She lets out a shaky breath, Daryl helping her to stand to her feet. She wipes her tears with her hand, but when she sees Bobby's body on the ground without a head, then the fire is back.

Stronger than ever.

She never lets go of the trigger, shooting down many soilders that run up the path. Lance has eventually made it, Daryl also handing him a gun.

"Jesus Christ," Lance exclaims, taking cover as the tank bursts through the courtyard.

It crushes the picnic bench and Tilly's stall, crushing the poor animal as she whines for the last time.

Suddenly, this makes Fava think of Tamiko. Her head was so wrapped up, that she forgot about her best friend. She starts to worry, throwing her eyes around the area.

"Tamiko!" She calls, Daryl's heart deflating more if she lost her life long pet as well as Bobby.

"Hol' on," Daryl instantly says, running from the cover so he's in the middle of the fire. He runs and ducks to the other wall, the tank on his side. He holds his breath, grabbing his grenade that he has in his back pocket.

He takes it out, tearing out the pin with his teeth. Fava watches from afar in amazement.

Everyone does.

Daryl runs and jumps, throwing the grenade into the barrell of the tank. The man in the tank immediately hops out, the tank exploding and going up in flames. It was like something from a movie, Jane shuddering as she continues to fire.

Daryl comes face to face with the man, him throwing his hands up in defence pleading for his life.

Daryl doesn't even think twice, taking his crossbow strapped to his back and shooting. The arrow goes deep into his forehead, the man falling to the ground. He then runs off in another direction, grabbing a walker for cover, his shield as he shoots his gun from the side, killing the soilders.

Kai takes the same idea, using his flat cap with razors blades to cut off the jaw of the walker. He then pushes on the walker, having full control and being able to move more flexible to get a good aim.

FALLEN ANGEL ➵ DARYL DIXON [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now