Chapter Forty: Learn To Love Again

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Chapter 40

Disclaimer: The chapter you are about to read contains sexual content. You have been warned.

Merle stabs the long wooden table with his blade, dragging it up slowly to where Kai is tied to a chair. Kai follows his blade, his breathing increasing as it gets closer and closer, until the blade swiftly comes to the end of the table, Merle placing it be his side again.

The room Kai is tied in looks to be a small storage room, boxes, crates and tools engulfing the area. Four stone walls prison him, a large wooden door with a lock about nine metres away from where he is sitting. Small light bulbs hang around the room like a decoration a teenage girl would use, the dim lights being the only thing keeping the darkness at bay.

Merle lets out a sigh before he speaks. "Ya don't even know why you're here, do ya?" Merle asks, a stupid smirk playing on his lips that Kai just wants to rip off. "I didn't mean ya no harm. But ya didn't give me much of a choice."

Kai doesn't respond to the man he has nearly known all his life. Instead, he keeps his stare forward, not even looking at Merle.

"You were an asshole out there," Merle says, his words slithering and slipping around Kai's ears like a rattle snake ready to pounce at any given second. "Jus' like ya always were all them years ago. Hell, all your group are. What they did to me, leavin' me at the side of the road to defend for myself, people wouldn't even do tha' to an animal."

Kai takes a deep breath before he replies. "Apparently you were dangerous to the group, a threat to them. But, I don't know..." Lies, you know he was.

"Ain't you a peach," Merle taunts, now making direct eye contact with the Irish man. Merle sits down on the table, one leg up on a crate that is beside him.

"The rest of the group doin' alright, um? How 'bout ma baby brother? Ya can't tell me he's alive, then hold back on where he is..."

Kai turns his head to avoid Merle's breath as it smells of strong alcohol, pushing up his nose forcefully. Kai doesn't respond. He can't risk it.

"No?" Merle says, leaning in when he waits for a reply but doesn't get one. "Well maybe Kendra's mum will help me, uh?"

Merle cracks a smile showing his yellow stained teeth, Kai beginning to sweat as he mentions her.

Jane is next door to Kai and Merle in the other room listening in, the strong tape around her wrists strapping her to a chair just like Kai.

"Tell me, Kai," Merle lowly says, dragging out each syllable slowly. "When she's scared, an' she's holdin' ya close, an' her trembling skin... is close to you. Her soft lips touching you here-" Merle drags his blade up and down Kai's neck gently. "-here. An' over here... Feels so fuckin' good, don't it?"

Kai tries to stay still as Merle is now dragging his blade around his chin area, Kai looking up at the ceiling trying not to show that he's scared. His breathing increases as Merle's blade doesn't leave his skin.

Jane lets out a small whimper in the next room, her heart thrashing everywhere by listening to Merle's low and threatening daunts she doesn't want to hear. But she has no choice.

"I remember you," Merle speaks. "Yeah, you're the sneaky one, you an' Daryl. You've got nerve, ya don't scare easily, do ya? I like that..."

Merle gets up from the table leisurely, going over and standing behind Kai in his seat.

"Now," Merle mutters, putting his large blade over his mouth horizontal, adding pressure. "I wanna know where ma brother is."

Merle puts his hand on the edge of the blade, pushing it inwards towards Kai's mouth hard, Kai moaning with the sudden pain.

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