Chapter Twelve: TS-19

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Chapter 12

Kendra turns on the shower and waits until it warms up. She enters the water when she sees steam rising up. She happily laughs to herself, her fingers running through the top of her head. She stands under the shower for a long moment before grabbing the shampoo. Dirt and blood travel down the drain along with the water.

She squirts the shampoo on her hands, bits of it dripping down around her hand. She lightly massages it into her scalp, smiling wildly. Kendra then begins to wash her body with some coconut shower gel and she takes her time at that as well, wanting this moment to last forever.

After some time, Kendra finally steps out of the shower. She drys herself with a cream towel and she grabs another one for her long brown hair. She gets changed into a light vest top and some black leggings. She wipes the steam of the mirror in the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror. Kendra smiles at herself, relieved that she is cleaned and refreshed.

Kendra opens up the door and Fava is waiting for the shower. "You can go in now," Kendra says to her, rubbing her mint hair. Fava smiles and walks into the shower with a set of clothes. Kendra walks back to the room.

When she opens the door, she is met with a cushion in her face. She gasps and sees Daryl drinking a bottle of wine straight from the bottle on the bed.

"Did you just throw that at me?" She asks, putting her hands on her waist. Daryl pouts, sticks up his middle finger, and continues drinking. She rolls her eyes and throws the pillow back at Daryl, the wine spilling down his clothes. His mouth is wide open. Kendra chuckles to herself. "You have to go to the shower anyway," she explains.

Daryl shakes his head. "Unbelievable... That was my best shirt at that too."

Kendra walks up to Daryl and puts her head on the headboard along with Daryl. "Where did you get the bottle of wine?" Kendra asks Daryl, a playful smirk appearing on his lips.

"Found it," he says, taking a long hard gulp of it.

"You mean you stole it?" Kendra says.

"Borrowed it," Daryl corrected her. "Here, take some... I'm already drunk as it is."

Kendra accepts the alcohol and it smoothly travels down her throat, bitter at the end. She looks to Daryl who is already staring at her. She laughs into the bottle.

"What?" Daryl asks, laughing as well.

"If this is some way to seduce me then it's working."

The realism hits her straight after she says that, the drink working on her. She feels embarrassed for saying such a thing and her head heats up.

"You want me to seduce ya," Daryl says in a hoarse voice, leaning in closer to Kendra. They're inches apart and Kendra's stomach is on fire, uncertain if this is really happening or not. Daryl puts his paw on Kendra's clean face and brings her forward to him. "Kelly..." Daryl whispers and he closes his eyes and leans in closer, their lips only millimetres apart.

Daryl presses his rough lips against Kendra's soft and delicate ones. Kendra kisses back gently, enjoying the moment. It has been so long that they had kissed that Kendra almost forgot that Daryl was such a great kisser. He was so careful with her like he was kissing a diamond.

Daryl wanted more and he placed down on Kendra's shoulders, pushing her down onto the bed. But Kendra pushed back, not wanting it to go any further. Daryl was too drunk to notice and he continued, making sober Kendra mad. "No Daryl..." She said, opening her mouth, trying to get Daryl's body weight off her. Daryl took this opportunity to slide his tongue inside her mouth, his arms snaking around her body. He tasted like alcohol and Kendra felt like she was drinking a bottle with how much she tasted it off Daryl's mouth. She found it revolting, arching her back but only for Daryl to press down on her again, using his body weight to prison her.

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