Chapter Thirty-Eight: When The Dead Come Knocking

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Chapter 38

Twenty Days Later

The sun was hardly risen, the dying purple and red coming to an unforgettable end.

Especially for Clementine.

She loved the colours clashing together. She wanted to take out her toy camera that she had got for Christmas to take a shot at this natural beauty. But all she could do was to gaze in wonder and awe. Never to touch it, never to see this exact sunrise ever again. This made her sad.

The sadness evolved into fear as Kenny came sprinting at her, his face completely in terror as he runs with Sarita, his axe dripping with blood. Even his hat was dripping with blood.

"Run, Clem!" He orders, not wanting Clementine to wait up for him as she was far ahead from the walkers that were chasing them.

Clementine doesn't need to think twice, and she turns on her heel, running further into the woods. Her heart is pumping, it ready to burst from her chest; her hands shaking as her legs keep her moving forward. She wants to look back, to see if Kenny and Sarita were still following her, but she knows that would be too risky, too dangerous.

Her short black hair is drenched in sweat, her neck getting all the moisture as her hair is tied back into two low ponytails.

What if I look back for a spilt second. Surely that wouldn't do any harm...

Clementine shakes her head, trying to clear the thought out of her mind.

Just look back. To see if they're alright.

"No!" Clementine shouts out loud, keeping her stare forward, her running becoming even more faster. "Lee told me to never look back..."

She kept pushing herself, the morning cold brushing up against her making her shiver, embracing herself while she ran.

It'll only take one second. What if they're in trouble?

This thought convinced her. She turned her head to look back quickly, slowing down her pace but still running.

Kenny and Sarita have stopped...

Clementine stops as well, going the opposite direction and heading back to help them.

Kenny is holding Sarita upwards, Sarita's arm up over Kenny's neck leaning and applying weight on him. Clementine thinks the worst, her breathing getting heavier as she approaches the pair.

"What happened?!" She asks, panicking like crazy, then looking down to see Sarita's other arm is covered in blood, a bite wound on her lower arm near her wrist.

"We gotta keep going!" Kenny yells, pushing Clementine to go forward. "I-I saw a tower, Clem. We can go there."

Clementine dilates her deep brown eyes back and forth, grabbing Kenny's axe he has in his pocket, and holding it above her head.

"What are you doing?" Kenny manages to say, brushing past Clementine to reach the tower he claims to have saw.

Kenny's back is turned on Clementine, the walkers not in range view. Thank god. But now a new problem elevates in the young girl's mind. Sarita is bitten. The wound is on her arm. I have an axe...

"C'mon, Clem! Don't stop now!" Kenny yells back to her, determined to get to his destination. "It's alright, honey. You'll be okay." He says to Sarita, her giving him a little smile to indicate that she believes him. Even though it's impossible.

Kenny drags Sarita through the woods, the woman from Indian origin getting weaker and weaker by the second. Her golden skin begins to fade away like magic, her brown eyes feeble, trying to keep open. And Clementine grips the axe harder, knowing this is the right thing to do.

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