7: The Leader

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"I'm pregnant."

Is the words that fall from her mouth, feeding off my skin, nibbling away and leaving nothing but my skeleton.

"What?" I say back, not really knowing what to say. I'm blown away. I'm going to be a father?

"You heard me," Diana says, lighting a cigarette, inhaling the venom that is known as nicotine. I become wide eyed, snatching the cancer on a stick and stomping it into the ground, wanting it to disappear.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demand, looking into her beautiful eyes, the ones that remind me of an angel's sent from above. She places her blonde hair behind her ears, pouting her pink lipstick.

"I'm getting an abortion," she says as calmly as the night as we stand outside at the bar. A fire ignites in my soul.

"You're doing no such thing! This is my baby too!" I yell, a couple of people looking over who's standing outside as well. She zips up her jacket, stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"It's my body. I can do whatever I want," she snaps back, staring at the cars passing down the dark street, their headlights beaming. I grit my teeth, shaking my head.

"No," I say. "No. This isn't right! We can look after a baby for Christ's sake! I'm getting married to you next month! We'll be okay. I promise."

Diana huffs, biting her lip. I see her eyes shining, trying to hold back her tears. "I don't want this child," she blankly states, not looking at me. I walk in front of her so she can look at me. I put my two hands on her shoulders.

"Please," I whisper. "Don't do this, Diana. Give it a chance. That's what everybody wants. A choice, a chance. A chance of life. So please, Diana. I'm begging you. Don't get rid of the baby. We can do this. I love you."

Diana can't keep her tears back any longer, and she lets them over take her, her mascara running down her cheeks. "Oh god," she sobs. "I love you, too, but-"

She tilts her head down, shaking. She brings her head back up to me, looking me deep in my eyes. "I c-can't."

I let go off her shoulders, taking a step back. I begin to tear up myself, but no tears fall. There's none left to cry. I can't believe her. Why is she doing this? To me? To herself...?

"I'm getting an abortion and that's final," Diana says quietly, rubbing her mascara off her cheeks. I want to sink into the ground.

"Diana..." I trail off.

"Lance. Don't even start," she warns. "Come. Let's go home."

My head is throbbing like my heart. I don't say anything while walking to my car, my mouth not speaking words because I've forgotten how to. I open the car door, Diana riding shotgun. She places her bag on her lap, coiling her fingers around the handle and I'm feared it's going to snap. I just sit there in the driver's seat, not speaking nor moving. And this pisses Diana off.

"Oh my god!" She yells. "Drive Lance! Drive!"

I get confused at her yelling, sounding out of fear. As I look up, I can't believe what I see.

A man takes a bite out of another man's arm, chewing and blood going everywhere. I yell along with Diana, turning the car on and stepping on the gas, reversing back and hitting a street light accidentally.

People around us scream, a police car swinging into view, gun shots being fired into the air. Cops shoot at people. But these people seem different. They're not exactly people.

These people look dead, some wearing clothes you would find back in the early 20th century, walking towards a police car where four cops are shooting, the people still walking, taking no damage at all.

I drive down the streets and out of the city, hitting one of the people and him going over the top of my car, hitting with a loud splat on the road.

"Lance!" Diana yells, holding onto my hand, squeezing hard. "LOOK OUT!"

I zap back up, seeing that we are heading straight for another car that is abandoned in the middle of the road. "Jesus!" I exclaim, hitting the breaks as hard as I can. But it's too late.

We hit the car, Diana flinging out of her car seat and straight through the window in front of her, landing in the road. I groan as I hit my head of the steering wheel, blood dripping down my face. "Diana...?" I whisper, my eyes going blurry and my ears ringing. I see them people surrounding her, kneeling down and digging into her body. They begin to eat her, picking up flesh and swallowing it, chewing it with their rotten teeth. I cry out, watching the scene. I try to move, but something is piercing my side and I whine and wince, the pain striking me sharply. I think it's a bit of glass.

I try to get up as these people have spotted me trapped inside my car. I shout out, cursing to myself as I drag my body out of the door, falling down on my back. I gulp, my heart pumping everywhere. The monsters get closer and closer and I can't help but to feel as if this is the end.

That's until a flying knife comes out of the bushes, a little girl kneeling down beside me. "Mum!" She shouts, a woman and a man appearing into my view. My eyes are going more and more blurry, their faces disappearing. The last thing I see is a black four legged creature and the colour mint.

Welcome to the apocalypse.

FALLEN ANGEL ➵ DARYL DIXON [1] ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora