Chapter Twenty- Four: Surrounded

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Chapter 24

The video I made up above is for Kendra towards Markus. Please check it out if you like. (NATALIE PORTMAN IS SO F*CKING GORGEOUS. AND IF YOU THINK OTHER WISE, I WILL FIND YOU, AND I WILL FIGHT YOU) love ya xx.  I hope you enjoy the chapter 😊.

"Where is she? I need to see her."

"Have you ever heard the saying 'patience is a virtue?' You need that right now, my friend."

"You are NOT my friend..."

"I'm dreadfully sorry you feel that way, honest... My heart is breaking, Daryl!"

"Go to hell."

"We're taking great care of her! Don't even worry. She's not in the likes of this place that's for sure. She's up resting in my room in my bed."

"She better..."

"Oh my goodness! You are such a BADASS! You could take a shit and still look bad ass as hell. She's a lucky woman, my Kendra. Yes she is! I want us ALL to be one big happy fun family! You could say...we met of the bat..."


Daryl splashes his face with water, crouching down to the little stream and throwing it around him. The water feels so refreshing that he splashes more, rubbing his face and his fingers traveling down his neck slowly getting off any blood or dirt. His hand stings, making him hiss like a snake, flinging his hand side to side to get rid of the pain. But he continues, damping the water around to get dirt out of his wound and maybe try and stop infection from entering. He rips off the side of his short sleeved shirt, getting a piece of clothing to tie around like a bandage. He huffs, looking down at the ripples in the water that has appeared. Markus's reflection - instead of his own - emerges through the water, smirking and mocking him. Markus's wide smile makes Daryl's eyes and nostrils flare with exasperation. Daryl slaps the water in anger, some of the water flying out of the steam and onto the land, making Markus leisurely disappear and vanish right before his eyes. Daryl closes his eyes, putting both of his hands over them, his head throbbing strenuously.

He still couldn't believe what Kendra had told him. He knew deep down in his black heart that there was something up with Kendra when she started seeing him behind his back. He just didn't want to accept it. Now that's it's true, he wishes he would of done something. Anything. He should of knew them bruises were no accident. He should of knew that Kendra was constantly lying to him. He should of knew to comfort her in her darkest times instead of getting wasted and being a dick towards her.

But the honest truth was, he did know. He just didn't want to face the facts and have to deal with them...

Daryl releases his hands, opening his melancholic blue eyes once more. Daryl feels a presence and he gazes up.

A deer has come into sight, standing in the river and drinking water from the stream. The deer is just across from Daryl, and he watches carefully like the predator he is, stalking his prey. He slowly reaches for his crossbow, trying not to bring attention to himself. The deer continues drinking like Daryl isn't there, minding its own business.

Daryl slides an arrow into his weapon, aiming with one eye, keeping his hand steady. The deer's ears perk up, and they go behind like a cat that has just got startled by a loud noise. Even the pupils enlarge. But the deer isn't startled by Daryl. It's startled by something else...

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