New ventures

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It's 2pm on a Friday afternoon and where am I ? Parked at the local high school waiting to pick up my brothers girlfriend, who's still a senior on high school! Why my middle brother Nico , is dating a girl that age is beyond me. My mother is one that doesn't baby her daughter her ONLY daughter mind you. But she will baby the crap outta her six boys. Yes you heard that right, there's seven of us in this big happy family. My eldest brothers Cole ,Cesar,Adonis then middle brothers Nico Michael and Miles. Lucky me the only girl in a pack of brothers who refuse to let me date anyone.

"Hey, sorry I'm keeping you waiting. I had to turn in my lab report otherwise it would've been late again. I texted Nico I would meet him back at your guys house if that's ok?" She slid her purse down to her feet and we took off down the road.

"That's fine I'm sure mom won't mind. I have to be at an interview in a hour so I'm gonna drop and dash. So how did you come to date my brother, you know he's 19 right?" I knew I might have sounded snarky but she seemed like the type that could roll with it.

"I'm ok with it so is he but thanks for being so concerned. ". She brushed her hair into a long slick pony tail as we pulled into the driveway. "Thanks for the lift. Good luck on your interview!"  Shutting  the door I pulled out again and off I went to nail this much needed position.

Two huge glass door separated me from my future of becoming a full time pilot  and staying home until I'm old and grey. Since I was little I yearned to fly high up in the air.  See the world and never look back.  Now or never here I go.

"Yes may I help you miss?" The woman at the reception desk asked me as she folded her hands together smiling a genuine smile.

"I'm here for an interview at 2:30pm with Micheal, excuse me I mean, Mr. Pittman." My nerves were on edge and I pleated for my heart to stop trying to kill me and slow down even if just a little bit. "Is he available?"

"I do believe so, please have a seat and I will tell him you are here.  Help yourself to refreshments and coffee. It's imported from Cuba so it's pretty strong."  She walked off into the other room leaving me to enjoy some hot brew.  The weather has changed over the last few weeks.  Summertime has finally made its debut. Warmer days equaled clear skies easy flying high above that is  if I get this position. 

"Hello are you Gisele Romanos ? I'm Micheal come with me." He led me to a back room with a single table and three others whom I assumed were here to interview me.  No pressure right ? "Tell is about yourself and your qualifications".

I spilled my guts and gave it my best shot to try and impress them enough to hire me. By the look on their faces, I was doing just that. A half hour passes before the fall man named Michael stands up to shake my hand. "Welcome aboard , we need you to start your training this week of your available."

Was I ever available oh yes! After this I'm going out for celebratory drinks with my bestie. I never did answer her text speaking of which. "Absolutely I can start right away whatever you need me to do! Thank you so much for this opportunity again. I look forward to this new venture!"

Soon I was filling out new hire paper and I could t help but smile and feel like all those years finally paid off. Only thing I never did inquire how much my pay rate would be. Do I dare ask so soon after getting hired on? Hell what do have to lose?

I finished up my packet and approached the receptionist to leave a message about my wages. I got back into my car about to pull away when my phone chimed with a missed call. Speaking of the devil, "Hey Kali ,you wanna go out for some drinks I just nailed that job I told you about !" My best friend since we were born practically, Kalissa but I knew her by Kali.

She screamed almost loud enough to shatter my hearing. "You know I'm done for drinks whenever! Congratulations on the new job when do you start and how much will you get paid?"

"Oh! Speaking of I just got a email just sec -", well that's unexpected! 18 an hour to start and when I accumulate more experience it goes up. "18 an hour man how great is that, that's more then enough to save up buy a house in the states like we talked about and upgrade this piece of junk aka my ride. Guess I'm buying dinner and drinks I'm rich beyatch! Best day ever!"

She laughed and took me up on my offer. I slid my phone away to drive and noticed a man off in the distance. He wasn't from around these parts. I knew everyone on this island I've lived her all my life. His hair was short and he had shades on and a blue tee with the name Gucci in bold print. Name dropper I take it most likely from the states on vacation. I pulled up to the stoplight as he was coming down the sidewalk. For some strange reason I can't help but look over again to him. This time I notice he's tattooed on his shoulder. I don't know what that one stands for. I didn't give it another thought as I pulled into my friends driveway just as she can racing outside wearing some oversized sunglasses the ones she tried to give me I told her no thanks those were more her style then mine.

"Let's go its happy hour down at our fav place we can still beat the crowds".

Off we went to celebrate my new venture and some girl time with my bestie.

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