Step into hell

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My body hurts but in a very good way from last night. The man has a sexual appetite for days I swear.  I never had anyone use ties and candle wax to make me cum ever in my life. The way he maneuvered that tongue drive me insane. I'm surprised I have no burn marks from the wax. Time to shower and get ready for another beautiful day exploring his home town. Today I think he said we were going to visit place in a swamp, doesn't sound very romantic at all but I will give him the benefit  of the doubt.

"Next time when I tell you to shut the fuck up and cum you better do so! Or no sex for a week got it?"  He rolled out of bed fully naked and chest pushed out like he'd beat up the biggest guy in town. "Hurry up we cant be late I made us reservations for breakfast before we meet up with the others."

Others ? He failed to mention us meeting anyone else ? "Who's all coming ?"

"Just you tonight! My family has invited me and you to a bbq on the river front. After that we will take that boat ride to the swamp to my secret spot. Don't ask questions any more."  He shut  the bedroom door heading downstairs.

"Bossy little prick, if your dick wasn't so addictive I would leave you." She picked out a dress and some heels then finished up getting ready.

As they arrived later on to meet up with Jared's family, Kali felt at ease not nervous at all. Jared even held her hand and kissed on front of his own mother. This wasn't no I'm gonna marry this girl type family meet up. Oh no , Jared wasn't the marrying kind. He swore that whole mess off when he had his heart crushed by someone who he thought was the one.  Never again he said to himself will anyone and I mean anyone get into that space in my heart and fuck me over again.

"Who's this beauty you brought with you ?" His mother asked extending her hand.

"I'm Kali nice to meet you! I'm his -"

"Friend , she's a new friend of mine.  She's visiting from out of town and was bored so I though I'd bring her along for the ride."

That crushed her , how could he call her only a friend when they had been through so much already , not to mention the sex part. She kept quiet about and would mention it later, now just wasn't the right time.

"Nice family you have here, thanks for bringing me along, friend!"  She looked over to the beach down the way and decided to take a walk.

"Where are you going ?" Angry that she'd leave without asking him.

"Need to get some air , go enjoy time with your family." She turned and walked away leaving wondering what that meant.

A bit later she came back thinking maybe he'd said that to protect her from being judge as someone whom he would soon replace with another girl. His dominate side turned her on to no end but still there were parts of him deep inside she felt she may never reach. 

"We're not gong to the swamp I changed my mind. I'm taking you home, I need to take care of somethings."  His hand gripped the wheel and his eyes stayed glued to the road ahead.

"Why the change of heart ?"

"It's got nothing to do with my heart. I'm just not in the mood to go hang out at the secret spot that's all. There you go asking questions again , it's fuckin annoying!! You don't need to know everything about me for fuck sake."

"Maybe that's just it Jared, I DON'T KNOW a god damn thing about you at all. You won't let me in or let me talk for that matter. Your not my dad!" 

"I'm whatever  the fuck I say I am , just leave it at that!"  He sped up and turned down the road to the house again before shutting it off.  Not even bothering to open her door he went inside slamming the front door.

"I'm going home. I called the airline and changed my ticket , I'm leaving soon as the car pulls up. Don't try and stop me either." 

He didn't budge or try to block her path. He was hot and cold so  very confusing. She grabbed her bag and walked over to the front door-

"Wait! Kali don't leave, come here."  His voice was a bit softer then before. "Come here please !"

She dropped the bag and went to him still hesitant about staying. "What?" 

He grabbed her arm and covered her mouth with his hand sliding in a needle onto her arm making her bite down on his hand. "OUCH YOU BITCH!"  He pulled the needle out and tossed it behind the couch. "This will calm that defiant ass right down, your gonna feel really good in just a bit!"  He smiled darkly and watched as her angry mouth became hungry for him again.

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