Sushi date

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"You have a beautiful singing voice you know that? I think you should do karaoke or something this weekend at the festival. Plenary of others will be there unless your no into singing for big crowds which is cool too. I'm not judging you trust me I've been there." 

She wasn't the least bit shy and actually took his advice and wanted to for it. "This weekend you say? Hell I'm down if your gonna be there too and sing as well?"

He looked down at his feet pondering that invite. His band was due to try out for a record Labels very soon and he didn't want to risk someone else stealing his music. "Maybe next time , but you definitely should give a try. What have you got to lose?" 

"How come your not going ?"

"Long story cant really get into it.  You hungry how about some sushi my treat ?"

"Love sushi you lead the way !"

Off they went to the little eatery down by the water for some grub and a drink.  They talked and got to know each even better than last night. Kali could tell Jared was on the reserved side ,very private held things right the chest. She was determined to get to know why he was that way.

"Wanna take a boat ride with me ?" He extended his hand and brushed away some hair from his face.

"I'd love too! Such a gentleman."  She took his hand and stepped  over the curb walking up the ramp.  "It's a beautiful day don't you think ?"

"Whatever fragrance your wearing it's sexy, it is a beautiful yes." He couldn't help but notice how her blonde hair laid perfectly over her face as the wind wiped across her.  He was used to high maintenance women who fused over themselves to no end.  God forbid a hair fell out of place or they were seen without pounds of makeup smothered all over their face. To him it was refreshing to be around someone who just didn't seem to care about all that. "I think you should come to my home one of these days so I can help you perfect your singing. I have a studio we can use I promise I won't make a move on you I'm not a predator."  He sat down on the boat as the captain pushed off.  The sun was starting  to rise higher into the sky.

"I would love to take you up on that offer just let me know when.  I'm not to busy these days just a job working at my dads law firm. It will be the death of me I tell ya.  Boring answering calls ,  taking messages and fetching coffee.  Don't get me wrong,  I love helping him out but it's not my cup of tea."

"Don't have to explain it to me I completely get it. Yea that does sound daunting and not fun at all. Lemme ask you something , where do you see yourself once you establish a singing career. Where do your dreams lead you to?" 

He intrigued her so much by asking deeper questions about her life. He knows what to say and how to say it.  "New York, maybe broadway the big shows? I have always wanted to travel there and see the as they call it big apple for myself.  I cant tell you how many shows I've watched online, I envy those lucky souls who get to live out there dreams as actors and singers.  Wishing that was me on that stage under the bright lights. But it's exactly that , a day dream or a wish. Some days I just wanna give it up and move on maybe do what my father has always wanted me to do. Raise a family get married all that normal stuff."

He moved closer to her and slid his finger under her chin to angel her eyes to look at him. "That's not what your heart really wants , is it?"  He could read her like a book and she knew it.

"How do you do that?" She smiled back at him.

"What am I doing ?" Flipping his chocolate brown hair off his cheek.

"That's exactly how I feel yet you knew that before I even said it. I feel like I've known you in another life yet we just met.  Am I crazy for thinking that way."

"Not at all, I just listen to how  people say things instead of what they say. You can hear more when you pick up things someone's saying with their eyes and lips. It drives my brother nuts because he can never lie to me.  I always call his bullshit, though he never catches me I'm good at hiding how I feel I've developed a technique of doing so over the years."

She sat there just watching his lips move as he continued speaking. His eyes would hardly blink it was like he wasn't human.  His hands moved like smoothly as he kept taking.

"Are you hearing anything I just said ?" He tilted his head-slightly. "It feels so easy just talking to you, tell me how do you do that?" 

She laughed as she now was the one in question. "Shall we eat ?" 

"Ladies first !" He handed her the plate of sushi and raised his glass to cheers to a beautiful morning sail on the water.

"Like I said , such a gentlemen." Clinking her glad to his they sipped and enjoyed each the boat ride.

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