A Strangers eyes

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"Since when did I ever ask for your opinion sassy pants. You need another drink chicka, so how's the singing career going?" I look around to the people enjoying their drinks as well. I know she's been working hard on her vocal range to sing pro one day. As for the moment she has to settle for bars and local club.

"You know not good but I'm not giving up. I will make this dream happen all I need is the right set of ears to make me famous. How's the love life? And you do need to ask me for my opinion because we know how you make decisions based off snap fly by night whims. That guy over there keeps checking you out. His friend super sexy too I'm ready for another drink how about you ?"

I take a peak and sure enough there's a table not far from us with two guys. One with longer brown hair and one with hair cut short with his hand covering his eyes. That hand needs to move so I can see-

"Oh my god he's cute I saw him early today speaking of which. Annnnd now he's here right now." For some reason he made me nervous as he finally looked my way. His eyes were intense as hell so was his eyebrows. Very different from men I've noticed in the past. Then it happened just like it always does.  "Well he's taken there's his girlfriend , at least your eye candy is free for the taking." 

I could feel her eyes burrow through me. I know what she was about to say.

"How do you know that's not their friend don't assume they are dating darlin." She grabbed the glass from the bartender taking a sip before sorting it back down. "Besides, guys are allowed to have friends as girls right?" 

"Yea your right, I'm not looking anyways, to focused on my future on the skies.  Speaking of, so I just spoke with them on my way here about my schedule and it seems like I'm doing co pilot this weekend destination your not gonna believe!" 

Her eyes widened, "Paris? America ? China ? Where tell me don't leave me one suspense here!" 

"Spain! I've never been there in my life! I'm so excited to go see the sights!"  I knew in my heart I wasn't a  flight attendant but a pilot so sight seeing would be far and in between. I was gonna give it my best shot though.  The trip would entail a landing in Spain then it was off to Japan after that. My schedule wasn't all work and no play mind you.  My schedule did allow me to enjoy some off time in Japan.  Yet another beautiful destination I was eager to see. 

"Do you get any free tickets for let's say your bestie or for family, but mostly your bestie first because you love me the most."  She looked over my shoulder at the long hair man that happened to be headed our  way.  "Oh god he's coming how's my makeup ?" 

"You look rich let's just put it that way!"  I felt a hand on my shoulder and long fingers making me jump. "Oh hello!" 

"I noticed you two ladies are left to enjoy your drinks  all alone , how about you come join my brother and I for some conversation and drinks on us?"  His eyes were intense shade of blue.  Intimating was an understatement.  "I promise we won't bite unless your into that kinda play ?"  He winked making Kali perk up with delight.

"We would be happy to , lead the way!"  Kali said.

She followed him to their table while I grabbed my purse from the back of the chair only to notice my phone had disappeared from where I had set it last. "Oh my god why is this happening right now !" I scrambled looking everywhere for it praying it had fallen somewhere on here on the floor. "Kali my phone is gone!" I felt like balling and screaming because I had just purchased that phone two days ago now it's gone just like that.

"Oh my ok, ok calm down let's see if we can find it ,ok?" She and I looked all around the bar and then outside by my car and even inside the car to make sure it didn't drop on the seat. No luck it was nowhere to be found. "You can get another right tomorow?"

"It's not that easy Kal all my numbers emails and messages are on that phone. What am I gonna do about my new job getting ahold of me now ?!? I just wanna go home and sleep I'm so over tonight. If you wanna stay feel free to but I'm out." I turned to leave until I felt a hand grab mine and it wasn't Kali's

"Looking for this ?" There stood mystery man with my phone and a smile too boot. "I couldn't help but overhear you had lost a cell phone and thought maybe this was what you were looking for?"

I could have hugged him if he wasn't a stranger to me. "Thank you so much you saved my night big time!!" I extended my hand to take it as his thumb lightly brushed over the top of my skin making me shiver just a little.

"Names Shannon and you are?" He said still holding onto my wrist.

"Giselle, nice to meet -"

"You too , it's a pleasure!"

We stood and locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity that was until- "Are you two gonna have starting contest or can we all enjoy some free drinks ?" Kali was warming up to the other guys sitting at Shannon's table. The girl has left the bar leaving us to get to know these guys much better.

"Are you guys from around here ?" Sipping my Pale Ale and reaching for another cheese bread stick.

"On vacation from Louisiana visiting some relatives that live in Crete Little House right by the waters edge.  Need a break from work ya know ? How about you two ?" Shannon asked looking at us both. 

"We both grew up in Athens , known each other since birth practically. I want to leave and move to the states but I just started a new job so I'm not gonna do anything right now till I save up more money." 

"What do you for a living if you don't mind me asking ?" The dark hair blue eyed man asked us looking at Shannon then us again.

"Well she's a pilot,  me well, I'm an aspiring singer. I grew up knowing that's my dream career". Kali said with a huge smile. 

"I sing as well , except in a band that's still trying to make name for ourselves. I would love to hear you sing maybe one day. ".

I just knew she was high on life hearing him say those magic words.

"Maybe one day , we will see." She looked down smiling as he smiled too.

"When do you start your pilot job?"

"Tomorow I'm going to Spain!"

"Maybe I will see you again somewhere then, I hope" he winked at me.

The night rolled on into the wee hours of the morning which meant we had to part from the guys and get some sleep. "It was nice meeting you both!" Shannon said as Kali hugged him.

I looked over to mystery man with longer hair," We didn't catch your name?"

"Jared, I'm Jared good to meet you Kali and Giselle see you again someday." He walked over to Kali handing her a piece of paper and kissed her cheek.

"Do you mind having some coffee in the morning before you have to board your plane? I won't take much of your time I promise." A fellow coffee lover , magic words to my ears!

"I'd like that , where should I meet you?"

He got close to hug me then said, "Meet me back here and we will go from there, see you in a bit." His hands caressed my back pulling me closer to his body. He smelled so damn good too!

"I will be here , nice meeting you Shannon." I left him to join Kali back at my car. My skin still smelled of his cologne.

"We are in serious trouble bitch, I have a feeling these two guys are gonna be a little to hot to handle." She said sliding her sunglasses back over her eyes grinning ear to ear.

I couldn't help but think, she just might be onto something.

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