Burning with desire

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The heat had finally given way to the coolness of the night.  Jared and Kali decided to take a dip in his pool and enjoy a late night drink before sterling ok for bed.  "I'm glad you enjoyed the boat ride on the river I think Tomorrow I will show you some places I grew up around the neighborhood. Did you call your girl , how's she doing ?"

Kali swam over to the middle and dipped her head under wetting her hair some more. "She's good it's your brother I'm worried about." She could tell by the look on Jared's face he didn't wanna hear anymore. "I mean honestly is he using like accused him of in the car or were you just saying that? Honestly Giselle doesn't need that in her life right now she's been there with other guys she swore never again. "

"Can we change the subject please? Really it's none of our business don't you think ? I'm sure she can handle her own relationship. I'm gonna get another drink you want anymore?"

Kali shook her head as she moved up against the pools edge. She didn't know why he wouldn't just say if Shannon was doing her girl dirty or not. He came back out with a full glass and a straight face again. "I'm curious why you wanna know so much about my brother, you wanna fuck him or something is that it ? I'm not enough for you ?"

Flipping him off she was about to tell him off when she heard her phone ringing from inside the house. "That's probably Giselle-"

"Let it got to voicemail!" He sipped his drink.

"No actually I'm gonna answer it bossy ass!"

She climbed up the stairs and felt a whoosh of cool air coming at her as he shoved her back into the pool again. "Did you not hear what I said?!? Stay the fuck on the pool like I told you too!" He wasn't the least bit sorry by the darkness reflected in his eyes back at her.

She remembered what he had said before "I'm not the mush ball type like you think I am," well I guess that proves that. She didn't feel scared of him but also wasn't to shy to speak up for being shoved around.

"You think that scares me when you act like that , you must not know me very well, oh yea that's right you don't know me at all! In fact -" she climbed up the ladder again and came in front of him. "You May have had your fuckin way with other bitches baby , but you won't with me ...ohhhh no! I'm not like anyone you've met before." She grabbed a handful of his hair and lowered her mouth next to his neck smelling his cologne as she bit down deep into his salty skin drawing blood slowly licking it off with her tongue.

His hands ripped off her bikini bottoms tossing it aside  sliding in two long stem fingers deep and quickly into her core. She held on to his shoulders feeling him curve up into her. "You wanna meet the devil , well I hope you ready for the fire you've unleashed!"

She gasped , crying out loudly as she came quickly around his fingers still shaking, "Take me to hell baby, fuck me like the devil!"

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