Lies can kill

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Lying in bed at 6 am starting at the clock wishing I wasn't feeling so alone. I didn't know what to think about him or what he was up to.  I couldn't get my mind to shut off or let me fall back asleep. Sitting up I headed down for a glass of water to drink and sit out on the back porch to get some fresh air.  The sky was still dark yet hint of blue were beginning to peak out here and there. Birds sang my hurting heart a lullaby, a cool early morning breeze skimmed my skin.

Never had I fell so hard for someone so fast as Shannon.  I was the one girl who you had to break down walls with a jackhammer just to get me to open up and talk.  I was shy for a reason I'd been hurt more time then I can count. His cologne still lingered on my skin as I take it in trying to make believe he was here holding me again.  My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a alarm I had set to go to work and forgot to delete. I hated that sound stupid alarm clock always annoyed me. Then the sound of a text came through. It was Kalis tone I hadn't heard from her in a few so I got up to see what's up. 

"This dirty bitch my god !"  Tell me why she sent me a pic of his dick while he was asleep? Now it was burned on my brain thanks K! I should do that same thing with Shannon, Nah! What's mine is mine I don't intend to share any scared part of that sexy mans body with anyone not even her. "Your a whore you know that ? I mean really when he's asleep ?"

"I know he's gonna never find out though so who cares just delete the damn thing!" 

"That's easy on text but how the hell do I get that Visio out of my brain for Christ sakes woman?!" I pushed answer as she could t resist calling me to make it worse.

"You know I like to brag and how could I not look how fuckin massive that man is he almost broke my ass on two! I had to take some Tylenol after that shit I cant walk right now either. Not that I'm complaining. So how the other guy is he being good ?" 

"Can we not talk about it I'm not sure what's happening at this moment he's not home.  Said he would be in the am yet here I am waiting by myself. I'm happy for you that you found someone your happy with!"

"He's a sex fiend lemme tell ya! Dominate man in life and in bed, I needed a cigarette after that romp!" She whispered something off the phone and I knew jay must have been woken up. "Gotta go call you later !"

We hung up and I slid the phone back on table beside me outside and curled up in the chair falling asleep again.

"Fuck my head hurts I'm beat!" He sneaks up stairs making sure not to make any noise to wake her as he rounds the corner by the bedroom door he sees that she's not in bed.  Then as he turns, there she sleep in the chair outside. "What are you doing out here your gonna get cold." He swopped her up in his arms and took her to bed.  Setting her down he removed his clothes and pulled back the blankets sliding in naked next to her. "I've missed you all night, I hope your not to upset with me."  Kissing her lips once he wrapped his arms tightly around her body and fell asleep.

In the mid afternoon she peaked with one eye and smiled happy to see he'd come home during the morning. Her hand caressed his sleepy eyes and watched him as he quietly slept next to her. "I just wanna make you happy."  She laid her head under his neck smelling his skin as her fingers strummed through his chocolate brown hair. Something about him made her feel wanted, safe and loved.  Even if they'd never spoke the three words.

He woke up and saw that she had turned away during  their sleep and went to sneak  out of bed  to make some thing to eat. He through on some laundry and felt something fall to his feet. More money and pills fell soon after. He quickly picked it up but not fast enough to hide it from her.

"What's that? Show me Shannon, what is it?"  She stood leaning against the doorway knowing he would only lie again about his dirty deeds. 

"It's just Tylenol that's all. And that's my money from the bank that Jay sent me.  If you want you can call he will tell you that's true." He knew it wasn't but he held on to thinking she was to nieve to second guess him.

"Give me one  now wait two I need two because one of those damn things won't work. So let's see if your telling the truth!"

"No I need these we can get you one from the-"

"Shannon! I said give me some now! If your telling me the gods honest truth it won't matter no will it , give me one ."  She held out her hand and he gave her one.

His heart jumps into his throat as she swallowed it down. He prayed nothing would happen and she would just pee it out or something. To his relief nothing happened. She walked away to go take a shower and he continued on with his laundry.

A couple hours had passed when he hadn't heard a peep from her.   Thinking she might be relaxing on the deck he headed up to see what she was up to and ask her if she was feeling ok.  As he came into the bedroom door way he was horrified as she laid lifeless on the floor white as a sheet.

"Giselle ? Giselle ?!? Wake up talk to me! Oh fuck I need to get you some help fast!"  He lifted her up and  took her to the nearest hospital to save her. 

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