Standing on the edge

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In Louisiana three weeks later ;

"Baby please, I don't believe for one minute you wanna kill me or Giselle she's probably high or shit I believe you baby! Give me some more I need another hit...dammmmn that stuff is good!" She opens her mouth for him to drop in two small purple pills and some water to wash it down.

"Good girl that's right you know I would never lie to you , now swallow that down so you can use that mouth on me some more." He grinned knowing she was brainwashed enough to fall for his lies. "Lemme see your phone I wanna see something!"

She laughed and kissed on his chest moaning as she licked down his body. "Your like a drug to me I want you all the time baby!"

"Shut up and use that mouth to please me!" He shoved her head down and scrolled through her texts and calls deleting each one sent and received form Giselle. The last thing he wasn't was for her to blow their cover. "Stop suckin my dick and fuck me!"

She obeyed as he dialed up Shannon's number once more.

"What the hell does this prick want , HELLO?" Giselle said pissed as hell.

"Where's Shannon?"

"I don't give two fucks! I kicked his ass out for trying to kill me. You won't get away with this Jared I will get her on my side against you!"

He laughed darkly and said, "Over her dead body you will!" Hanging up he set it on the floor again.

"Oh god I have to get to her and fast before he does something crazy!" Giselle stormed out the door only to bump into who else , Shannon. "I thought I said I never wanted to -"

"I wanna help you save Kail, I will do anything to get you back!"  His eyes now bloodshot and he looked like he hadn't sleep or eaten in days. "I'm broken without you I love you, you have to believe me!"

"It's only been three weeks Shannon, how do you expect me to forgive you so fast ?"

He stepped close to her and grabbed her face kissing her and felt her try and push away but he held firm. She resisted yet still couldn't turn off what her heart wanted , him. "You broke my heart I trusted you Shannon.  How am I ever gonna know of your telling me the truth anymore?"

He laid his forehead on hers as tears streamed down their cheeks.  "I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. I love you Giselle, that's all I really know right now!"

"I need more time, please understand?"  She looked in his eyes wiping his tears away kissing his cheek. "Don't follow me, I need to save her without you!" 

She was gone in a flash as he stood helpless unable to hear her say she loved him back. "I can't do this life anymore I'm done!"  He walked down to the road  and came across a bridge with fast flowing water underneath. His hands shaking and heart pounding he was once again standing on the edge between life and death with no ones hand to save him this time. As he looked down he began to count down to jump ending it all when-


Did his ears  deceive him could that be she came back to save him ?

He looked over his shoulder  and saw indeed it was Giselle standing a few feet away begging him with her eyes not to jump. "Don't do this!"

"Why not I have nothing else to live for! Your not mine anymore, jay will never speak to me again and once the other guy finds out I  bailed I'm dead too. So why not just save everyone the trouble?"

She came to his side and grabbed his hand kissing it gently, "Because, I love you Shannon. I love you!  I drove around and thought about how much I really needed and loved you , that's why I was so scared when I couldn't find you anywhere. And here you are about to end your life, I can't let you do it. Please take my hand."

He closed his eyes feeling his heart come alive again stepping off the edge reaching back grabbing her hand as he placed his feet on solid ground again. "Say it again!" He kissed her lips and held her close as he could. "I love you more then anything in this world!"

She laid her head on his chest, "I love you and I can't do this without you! Now, we have to hurry and save Kali before Jay hurts her and it's too late!"

They hurried off to catch a plane to Louisiana to save her and stop Jay once and for all.

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