His words

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I can't decide what to wear to this coffee meet up with him. I'm nervous as hell but will try and not let it show because the last thing I need is to make the wrong impression. The weather says sun and light breeze so maybe sandals and light dress. Oh and some cute sunglasses. I grab a outfit and head out slipping my hair into a loose bun. The roads are clear thankfully I live in a quiet area. Thoughts race through my head about this new job. Every fiber in me is screaming at me just let it go and relax everything will be fine.

I arrive shortly after to the place we all left last night, he's waiting on a sexy beast of a bike. All black and he's dressed in dark denim and leather jacket. Suddenly my insides began to heat up. Nothing to me was sexier then a man that can look that hot on a bike.

"Happy you finally made it , what time do you have to leave again?" He stood up and came over to my car door.

"In two hours I think , but I'm hesitant to even go, is that bad?" I saw his face change into a smile.

"Your just nervous you'll be fine trust me I've been there. Anyways come have some coffee and breakfast with me before it gets to late." He held out his hand and I slid mine inside. I felt like maybe this was all moving to quickly but something about him made me feel relaxed and not nervous. " What sounds good to you ? Cappuccino,Macchiato expresso?"

I couldn't decide my mind was still reeling on what I should do. "I will have what you have I'm gonna grab us a table."

"We aren't gonna drink here it's to go. I have a the perfect place for us to hang out just down the street." He ordered our coffee and two toasted bagels with spread. "We can walk it's not far from here."

He was right this place is wonderful ; green swaying trees , sandy beach and crystal clear water to dip our toes in. "Are you a musician too like Jared ?" Skimming the warm cup of brew I inhaled the dark fruity smells enjoying the taste of fresh brewed goodness.

"It's not my thing to tell you the truth. It's more his passion to sing and make music. Oh and he problem gonna tell you we will be singing a contract with a record company , that's all in his head. I told him I want no part of it I'd rather just do side jobs and whatever. I don't wanna get caught up in all that fame bullshit besides I have anxiety and thinking about singing on a large stage terrifies me. He's been pushing and pushing me to sing but I'm a stubborn Pisces I don't budge unless I fell fit to do so, ya know?"

I understood him perfectly due to the fact my own family pushed me into pilot school as soon as I graduated from high school. All I heard was get a job find a man make babies blah blah. That's not me at all. I can make a life for myself with the need of mans help. I don't need to have kids or make tons of money to feel something. To each their own I'm not judging that's just how I feel. Talking to him was making me rethink this whole pilot position, maybe I wasn't ready to take this next big step.

"Good coffee huh? Your bagel is probably cold by now, you good?" He sat down next to me on the sand and just stared at me. It felt like he was reading me like an open book. "Having second thoughts about this job I bet".

"I'm not gonna go, I will find something else to do a career. It's what my father wanted me to do , not me. Thank you for helping me see that Shannon!"

"Whoaaah! I didn't say anything about you should bail on this job, I don't want you blaming me if you end up regretting that choice. You made that bed all by yourself, ok? Not trying to be a dick just being honest that's all. Your completely sure about this?"

I laid back on the sand and closed my eyes feeling the wind softly caressing my worried mind. I knew in my heart of hearts this was the right thing to do. Why do something if it doesn't fit your mold of doing what you love. I called the office and explained to them I just couldn't do it after all and apologized then thanked them for their time and hope we can all keep in touch if a position come about later on. Sliding my phone to my side again I closed my eyes again only to feel a pair of warm wet full lips on mine. Tingling sensations filled my cheeks and the kiss didn't stop.

"Open your eyes." He said very softly to me.

I can describe to you what it felt like when I looked into his deep rich hazel eyes. His hand moved to touch my cheek and without hesitation I reached out with my own hands pulling his lips back to me. I've only just met him yesterday and already he's making it hard to breathe just having him around.

Later that day :

"What the hell do you mean you didn't take the position, are you insane? You can't survive on no money Giselle we will not be helping you with any money or food your out of luck! Your old enough to know better !" Once again my father is going off on me for not doing what HE wanted me to do.

"I don't remember asking you for help anyways, besides I can just go live with Kali she has room and told me if I ever needed help she would be there. I'm not a damn kid anymore for Christ sakes!"
A hard slap came without warning across my face making me even more angry. I didn't even fathom hitting him back because unlike him I love him as my father till the day I die. "I'm leaving oh and don't worry if I'm homeless on the streets I'm sure the Pope will take me in before you do." I ran out of the house filled with anger and pain. I called up Kali telling her about what had just occurred. Of corse like I already knew she told me I could stay at her house till I got on my feet. Only one problem , I still hadn't told her the whole truth why I wasn't leaving today to go fly after all.

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