What you see is not what you get

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It's a beautiful day out here in Greece the sun is high on the sky as I enjoy a moment of peace and quite.  My friend whom is dating a douche from Germany has been fighting all weekend long driving me nuts. Makes me kinda happy that I'm single right now. Unfortunately I can't convince my heart that I'm not with Shannon anymore.

"Did you miss me?" The devil says behind me giving me chills up and down my spine. "Taking a day off from your binging I see. I caught the earliest flight out yesterday so I could see you as soon as I could."

"Fuck off Jared you gonna shot me like you did your brother hmm? Oh wait is that your bitches job to your job now! Too pussy to pull that trigger yourself now a days eh?"

He yanked my hair back hard almost breaking my neck in two. I showed no fear knowing that he would smell it and feed off of it. "I should blow your brains out right now and watch you bleed to death slowly gasping for air. No that would be to enjoyable, I rather give that job to the one person who'd I think be last person you'd expect. Ohhhhh Shannon come here please!"

Jared's hand still fisted tight in my hair as I turned and saw Shannon walking towards me smiling.  It baffles me how someone who I used to look at with love in my heart , would turn evil in a snap. "Karma just landed in town and I think payback is in order for you shooting  me. How can you shoot your own flesh and blood your own brother?"

I started shaking seeing he  as serious which  made me hate Jared even more. "I'm not your sister Shannon you have to believe me,please!"

He rushed me placing the pistol next to my head. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I WILL TELL YOU WHEN TO TALK YOU HEAR ME!!!" I hear him cock the gun and feel Jared's hand pulling my head back even further and now my eyes were looking dead on into Shannon's. The gun moved down under my chin I couldn't hold back from begging for my life as tears flooded my cheeks.

"Don't kill me I love you! I fuckin love you!" I felt a hard slap across my face as I shut my eyes. It stung like hell too I knew that hand, it was Kali's.

"Look at you! How damn pathetic you look right now, if only you could see yourself." She kicked me hard in my stomach. "Whore! I mean how dare you mess with my man , THIS crazy bastard and THAT dick belongs to one bitch , and that's me!"  Slapping me again then smacked Jared catching him by suprise. "I will deal with your ass later too, that's just a warning shot!"

She backed away as Shannon came down to my level. "You enjoy suckin his dick , I bet you did , didn't you ?" He skimmed my face with his finger and grinned, "How can you say you love me when your blowing some other man?"

Shannon was someone I didn't recognize anymore. He wasn't the same person I fell in love with months ago. "Kill me already WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" I spit in his face and knocked the gun out of his hands and ran to grab it when Jared beat me to it.

His foot pushed me onto my back and stayed on top my chest. "I think I will just kill you myself!" He aimed for my chest when suddenly -

"NOOOOO!" Shannon grabbed Jared pushing him to the ground beside me and began to beat him senseless with his bare fists.  I was scared that he might get shot in the process. I hurried to my feet and kicked Jared square in the head making the gun fly feet away outta his reach.

I scooped it up and aimed it at Kali who was rushing at me full speed. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. It fired , I hear screaming , blood curdling screaming. I opened my eyes again and see her lying on the ground , holding her arm gushing with blood. I feel someone's hand grab mine. I panicked thinking it's Jared's and look to see it's not Jared but Shannon.

"What are you gonna do kill me still?" I say as my heart pleads for him to just let me go.

"No! I'm gonna take us somewhere to hide from the cops, that's what I'm gonna do! C'mon, we must go now!" He ran as fast as could with me in tow. 

"What changed your mind about me all of a sudden? You still think I'm your sister?"

He squeezes my hand and turns and smiles, "I faked that whole amnesia shit. I knew who you were and what they were planning. I couldn't blow my cover with Jared. He would've killed me and then come after you. There's a car waiting for us just near by too. Oh and we have a lot to talk about because lemme tell you, everything Jared might have told you is all fuckin lies trust me. I couldn't let him do that to either of us, by the way-" He turned swiftly and pulled me into a deeply luscious kiss making me dizzy. "I love you too baby!" 

I finally had my heart back again. I followed him into the  taxi car as we fled for our lives to find somewhere to hide away.

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