I see right through you

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It's a strange feeling when you wake up in your best friends bed knowing that you can't go home again. If I knew my father there was no way in hell he would forgive me. It's was his way or the highway I never had a choice made on my own. I can smell food cooking and my stomach begins to pull me from my rest.

"Bout time you woke up lazy ass! Help me make some coffee make yourself useful." She switched on the faucet hinting me to to go fill the pot. Never one to be gracious before she had her morning cup of joe, oh no Mary sunshine she was far from.

"How was the date with pretty eyes?" I smirked knowing she wasn't gonna give me the good stuff. "You gonna see him again?"

She rinsed off the cup filling it again with fresh orange juice, "It went good, and most likely yes I will. What about you , did you make an impression on the man?"

"Yea Maybe who knows, whatever happens, happens I'm not holding my breath besides he's probably just being friendly." I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. My skin still scented all over with his warm aroma. The way his hands touched me left me yearning for more. What can I say I'm a woman who loves men. "If he calls cool it's whatever." I wasn't about to let her know I wanted to see him again more then anything. All our lives she only knew me as the one who never kissed and tell. I keep my affairs of the heart closed tight.

"You never know he might surprise you. We don't even know these two for all we know they could be crazy fucks who drive us mad in the end. Coffee ready yet ?" Handing me her cup I filled it half way filling the rest with half and half with a touch of sweet cream. "Breakfast is served!"

I watched as she kept looking over to the window like she was day dreaming about him. She tried to play like she was tough as nails , but oh she wasn't at all. Soft hearted gal deep in love with love ,  bestie of mine would give you her last dime and make you dinner even when she had just got off of work. She loved love and being admired. Oh don't get me wrong once she found a man she makes it clear he's hers and she's not about to share. Only had her heartbroken twice, once in high school by her prom date and once while we were on spring break in Cancun Mexico. His eyes blue as Jared's , same hair lips everything. He promised her the world and all she got in the end was left behind for another woman.

"What or should I say who are you thinking about dear Kail?" I shook my fork at her raising my eyebrow.

"Work actually, I need to ask for some time off to travel to Louisiana next month! Just for the weekend is all I need he... I mean I think I need." She blew her cover right then.

"He meaning Jared I take it? Why are you moving so quickly , you guys just hung out one day."

"I don't remember asking you if I should or shouldn't do this! I wish for once you would let me make my own choices Giselle, you can't control everything or everyone!" Now she was being hurtful and that stung.

"Do what you want, I'm not taking that job because my father was to controlling over me and for you to accuse me of being like him really hurts my feeling! Enjoy your coffee I have to get some air." I stood up walking outside not bothering to stop and hear anymore she had to say. I love her but to compare me with my father is insulting , I'm nothing like him.

A couple hours later after cooling my head and thinking maybe I was being to over bearing, I decided I needed to apologize and talk it over. "What are you doing here ?" I thought I was imagining things as he came closer to me. "Not that I'm not happy to see you I -"

"I think you should take that job and just take a risk! What if you regret this in a few years and look back knowing you gave up your one shot to live out your dream? Can you look at me and say your ok with not becoming a pilot ?" He stepped so close to me I could feel his breath on my lips which made me wanna jump his ass right then and there , even if we both regret it Tomorow. Something about his being made every fiber in my soul come alive.

"Yes I can , and I'm happy with it. There is that good enough?" I looked over his shoulder knowing that part a lie and part truth. I was scared shitless to fly to be honest. You know you work to the final stage of a dream and stop like a deer in headlights thinking if you take that next step your gonna fuck it all up. That's me right now , but like hell will anyone find out I feel this way.

"Why lie to me? I can see in your eyes your scared to make a move , is that it ? You don't have to answer me , we barely know each other but there's something about you I can't-"

His lips sucking the breath out of me leaving me dizzy with lust wanting more. If I knew anything right now, I was more terrified of falling for him then missing out on that career.

Back at home Jared was cozying up close to my girl. She was nervous and excited to see his hometown and get out of Greece for a couple day. "My brother is trouble just so you know."

"Meaning what , your the innocent one?" She laughed and caressed his hand.

"Oh no I have a dark side just like he does , but not everyone gets the chance to see just how dark we can be. I don't wanna talk about that right now, it's too soon." He kisses and licked her neck grazing hand up and down her inner thigh. "Trust me you may not wanna cross that dark line with me , you'll only get burned!" 

His words consumed her mind and body. She was eager  to test that theory see how far he could take her.

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