Kill for love

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"Kali called me and we talked , she said that Jared mentioned something about a job and not to fuck it up ? Did you guys get a contract to do an album?"

I swallowed hard and looked over to her, "Yea you can say that. I was gonna tell you that yesterday but we got interrupted."

"Congratulations !! I'm happy for you guys,  when do get to do your album then?" She sat down her coffee cup and smiled making me feel like the worst person in the world because again I was lying out my ass.

"Next month I believe we have to have the job done... I mean the album, started by the 16th of next month!" Jesus Christ man get yourself together for Christ's sakes don't let your brother down!

"That's very cool we should celebrate! I'm feeling better now how bout I uh..give you a gift and we start this celebration off right" She came over to me and started to kiss on my neck when I pushed her away. "Not in the mood I see, that's fine."

I'm having second thoughts about this and wanna back out because Its very much happening, I'm falling in love with her. How do you push away what you feel inside yet not betray family ? There's no way around this for me. I have to make a choice. "I have to tell you something and I I don't give a fuck who calls or tries to interrupt us. I don't blame you if you never wanna speak to me again."

"Shannon just tell me I'm a big girl I can handle it !"

"I was hired to kill you and your friend for what your brother did to one my friends. I was gonna be paid to kill you and then your brother." I could see how hurt she was by the shocked eyes and tears falling from those innocent eyes. "There's more! Your brother stole drugs from my friend Jaxton and about 50 grand In cash. He called jay and I , told us if we killed you and your girl , your brother would go crazy with revenge  then come after Jaxton, therefore he would be a easy target to kill off and the cops would never find out if they never find the bodies."

She looks at me still not saying a word and it hurts me to the core that I've broken us. I never planned on falling in love with a hit. It wasn't suppose to end up this way!

"So your telling me that when I asked you for those pills that you lied and said they were simple Tylenol were actually meant to kill me? I mean did you accidentally drop them too or was that planned to be found , so I would confront you?"

"It was all planned all of what happened, I'm so sorry I don't-"

She slapped my face hard as fuck it stung bad too. I knew I deserved that no doubt. I didn't follow her in and just gave her space. I knew there wasn't much chance of us staying together after this. I put money and power over a person who would have no pun intended , die for me to save my life. Yet I'm selfishly fucked up in the head  not to do the same for her.

I could hear her yelling loudly inside and throwing shit around. I didn't blame her for feeling enraged and angry towards me I mean who wouldn't? Then I hear her say Kalis name and Jared's, I'm really fucked now!

"Put the phone down hang up!"

"Fuck You asshole get out of my house!!"

I grab the phone and shatter it as I throw it hard against the wall. "I didn't have to tell you I could've gone through with it but I'm-"

"Your what fuck up in the head, Yea you sure are Shannon! Your gonna buy me a new phone too that's messed up your temper is out of control. Don't speak to me ever again!" She storms off upstairs to the bedroom and I'm not far behind.

"Fuckin stop and listen to me! I love you that's why I couldn't kill you! I fuckin love you Giselle I didn't wanna hurt  you like this, I'm so sorry!"

I tried to touch her and she slapped all my attempt away. "Just leave please , leave me alone,  you've hurt me so bad!"

She laid on the bed and I came behind her still she pushed my hands away. "Give me another chance I love-"

"Fuck off telling me you love me! It's to late the damage is done. Tell me something, when I met you that night back at the bar,  who was that girl you guys were sitting with?" She wipes her eyes bloodshot from tears.

"That was Jaxtons girl,  she was his go between to make the deals. He's got a rap sheet but always buys his way outta doing hard time. If you want me to leave I will leave. I'm sorry I hurt you Giselle, I will never forgive myself."

"Good , because I May never forgive you either." She faced away from me and cried some more tears hugging a pillow that I wish was me.

What have I done ? I have nowhere to go and no money. I have no choice but to try and make it best I can. Jared is far away and won't speak to me again most likely and I have no contact with family since I lost my phone somewhere on my drug binge.  I walked the empty cold streets searching for a place to sleep , praying I don't die of starvation or freezing to death. I can't say I don't deserve this.

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