A Hard habit to break

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"Listen I just want the stuff so I can leave.  I don't have time to waste , do you have it or not ?" Shannon asked as he paced the hallways trying not to lose his temper with the man on the phone. "What do you mean you don't have it ? What the hell I need my shit Damit!" He hung up and headed back to the taxi to take him to the next stop. "Take me  to the plaza downtown." He slid his hand into his pockets and became angry once more. "Oh my fuckin god where are they at ? I put them in my pockets when I left...oh god don't tell me!" He held his head in his hands and knew what was coming.

That's weird ,why won't he answer his phone he must be busy. I still can't tell what these are I think they could be pain meds like Tylenol or whatever , she thought to herself. She typed in the small numerals on the back of the pills and what came on the screen scared her. "Why the hell is he using these Oxycodone pills for and Xanax? He doesn't seem like the type to have any  anxiety issues? " She thought to herself. She tucked  them away in her pocket and left  him be until he came back to the house again. She threw in some laundry and made some soup and a sandwich for lunch.

Later that night when he still hadn't answered her calls or text she knew then he wouldn't be coming back home tonight so she plugged in her phone and called it a night. Sending off a good night text to Kali she quickly got a replay right away saying good night and good morning from America. "Hey is everything ok there I just have a gut feeling somethings off?" Kali texted with a heart emoji.

"Everything's good don't worry, but he hasn't answered my calls or texts so I left him alone. I'm just assuming he's staying over with someone for the night. Oh and I found a bag of pills on the floor by the doorway , just after he left. So yea , you might be right about what you said earlier."

"I don't wanna jump to that conclusion but that's what it seems like to me too Giselle. I'm sorry to say , but yea I think he's using like Jared accused him of. What did the pills look like ?"

"It's Xanax and Oxy for anxiety or pain whichever. I just don't understand why he needs those he seems fine to me, not that I'm one to judge . I barley know him or anything about his past for that matter. Anyways,  how's the vacay going, you guys bang it out yet ?"

She sent me a laugh emoji and flames. "Damn is all I'm gonna say the man has a mouth!"

"Yea that's what Shannon said about mine too lol"

"Dirty bitches we are huh? Hey I'm gonna let you go, we're headed out for a boat ride and breakfast. The man can romance a girl I tell ya. Talk to you soon and don't worry about Shannon , he's grown he can handle his own. Love ya!"

"Your right ok love ya speak soon xo"

I placed my phone back on the dresser to go brush my teeth when I hear the door closing. "Shannon , is that you ?"

"Yea, I'm leaving again though."

"Oh, ok" I swished some mouthwash and rinsed again. "Well I'll see you whenever I guess." Shutting off the lights I came out to head to bed , when I bumped into his body. "I didn't see you there."

"Did you um.. maybe find a bag of pills on the floor ?" He scratched his head looking nervous.

"Yep you mean the Xanax and Oxy? It's on the counter in the bathroom." I went past him , just to be pulled back again his chest. "What shannon? I wanna go to bed besides you said you were leaving again anyhow."

"It's not what you think. I just have stuff going on that's all."

"You don't seem stressed out or anxious to me!" I pulled away and got into bed. "I thought you were leaving ?" His arms pulled me closer and nuzzled his lips onto my neck.

"It's not that,  I just don't wanna get into right now, ok? I will one day you.. you  just have to trust me."

I grabbed his hand kissing it , feeling his breath in my ear. "I do trust you, but I feel like it's more serious then your leading on. I won't push it , just don't drag me into whatever you up to that's all I ask. I've been down that road with many of my exes. I'm not about to cross that bridge again."

"I won't and it's not that serious at all. Goodnight,  I will be home in the morning." He kisses my cheek and sat up to leave again.

My heart hurt because I knew he was lying and hiding the truth from me. Yeah, I didn't know him very well , but already I'd grown attached to him and how he made me feel inside and it's only growing stronger and stronger each time we're around each other.

I just pray his habit doesn't get way out of hand later on.

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