Resisting temptation

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How the hell did I let this happen I should have told her no don't take those damn pills there not what you think they are. She's so stubborn and I'm a asshole for letting her take them. The doctor said she passed because her system took the medication way to fast due to not eating or being used to them. He asked me if I'd given them to her I lied and said I found her that way and had no idea where she got them. To my surprise he believed me thank god.  Those pills were methadone the pills you give to heroin addicts so they won't spiral out of control and hurt someone.  Which I should know a lot about too.

The nurse came out to get me to let me know Giselle had woken up finally. Yea we've been here for a couple days not hours, I didn't think she would live truth be told. She was in bad shape when we arrived not breathing enough for me to hear or feel. I walk over to her room scared she will hate me and never want me to come around again. I'm lucky this time , she smiles and waves me over. 

"Hey where am I and what's happening?" She winces in pain trying to move her arm only to see it's hooked up to an IV drip. "You look tired no offense".

"None taken how do you feel ?"  I sit down beside her bed. 

"Head hurts but I'm ok, how are you ?"  She grabs my band pulling it to her lips. "I love the way your hands are so big they dwarf mine in comparison. Your skin always so warm and hairy too I love it." 

I watched her close her eyes falling asleep again. I don't dare move my hand away. I feel awful this happened I should quit taking those pills but I just can't they consume my anxiety and help me get through my day. My eyes grow heavy and I join her in a nap.

A light pops on overhead awhile later bringing me out of my sleep. It's a nurse with a blood pressure get up and a small cup of pills. "What's that for ?"

"Detox meds just making sure she doesn't get any bad side effects from those pills she got ahold of earlier. Just precautionary measures sir. Mind stepping out while I do an exam it's private. Won't take long at all."

I stand up and let her do her work and go into the hallway. Rubbing my still sleepy eyes I catch sight of her medicine cart.  I move over closer and look around to see no one is near by to each me. The cart is unlocked and my mind can't help itself.  I quickly and quietly open the side left drawer and see lots of bottles labeled with different Narcotic names. Some I've taken may times before but some this is the first I've been in close proximity to get my hands on. I grab the bottle of morphine and the small one of the OxyContin. It's full fuckin strength too my god I'm gonna be feeling fantastic for days.  I shove in my pants and head for the doors making it out to the parking lot before anyone caught me. I made sure their were no cameras around to witness my getaway.

I arrive back home and get a couple out and swish it down with a chug of water and wait for it all or take effect. Tomorrow I would go back and see her, sober again.

"What do you mean the drugs are gone ?" The Doctor was furious with the nurse threading to fire her in the spot if those meds weren't recovered soon.

She searched up and done high and low but to no avail they were no where to be found. She couldn't think of who could have taken them because when she came out her cart was where she had left it and was locked up right. It was a mystery and no witnesses remembered anyone around that area except for one man who was visiting his sick girlfriend earlier. His name wasn't known due to no sign in when he visited and he never mentioned his name to any of the nurses or staff on duty.

"Have you seen my boyfriend he was here earlier, must have went home. " she said half groggy to the nurses aide. "When can I go home ?" 

"Today in fact they are getting your release papers ready right now. Who can we call for a ride to come get you ?"

"I'm not sure I forget his name I'm sorry just feel off right now. But here's a number I think that's his ?"  She laid down again and the nurses aide told the doctor the info.

He couldn't hear the phone ringing over and over again.  He didn't hear the banging on the door downstairs either. He was passed out cold. The medics opened the door with Giselle's key and took her to the bed downstairs. "Will you be ok by yourself now ?"

"Yea thank you so much ! I will call if I get into any trouble again." 

They Left back to the hospital and she turned to her side looking around. "Wait this is Kali's House Shannon should be here too, SHANNON?" She called out three more times , no answer. Maybe he was  just sleeping  taking a nap? She laid back down feeling nauseated and dizzy. Leaning over the bed reaching for the nearest trash can she threw up. She wished he was awake to take care of her.

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