Break me down

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For the last three hours we have been fighting breaking stuff and I'm pretty sure the cops have been called. She refuses to leave and I'm gonna make sure I shatter her heart in a million pieces to end this whole ordeal once and for all. "I hate you and I wish I never met you. How can you say you don't love me and yet I put my heart out to you and you I at stand there no emotional at all. What's wrong with you I mean are you even human?"

I stand toe to toe with her with a blank stare on my face as I say " I'm the devil haven't you ever noticed that before?" I push her away and headed out the back door to the patio. I reach for the bottle of vodka to take a drink when it suddenly flow outta my hand crashing to the wood below. "Don't you get it ? I don't love you I never have never will! What more do I need to do to prove that too you Kali? If your looking for a white prince on a horse to come save you I'm not him." I pass her by and she falls to the floor. "Oh my god don't even play like i shoved you get up !"

She stayed on the ground and held her head crying loudly. Again she's trying to get a emotional reaction out of me, when will she ever learn. "I hate you and love you at the same time." She said with tears in her eyes. "Sometime I wish I never met you but yet I can't seem to let you go.  You love me and your lying to yourself when you say you don't."

She finally got up and came over and tried to touch him and he went slap her hand but missed and pushed a little to hard knocking her hard against the wall. She laid yet again on the ground not moving or speaking a word. He laughed to himself and said "Oh my god again here we go. Just stop being so over dramatic and get up. I have things to do for Christ's sakes. Kali? Hey get up! Cmon get up-" his heart stopped as he saw that wasn't breathing or responding to him. This wasn't fun to him anymore and he knew he needed to get help and fast.

As the ambulance pulled away with her in the back of it he dropped to his knees and felt his world shatter. His true feelings surfaced in private revealing he did truly love her yet he pushed her to the breaking point and hurt her so badly. What would he do now how could he possibly fix this broke mess ? He rushed off to the hospital arriving within a few minutes and ran down the hall to her room. What would he walk into would she still be alive or want to even see him? So many thoughts raced through his broken mind.

There she laid lifeless and helpless in a hospital bed eyes closed and all alone. He sat down by her bed and waited which was all he could really do.

"Kali I know you can hear me, I am so sorry I put you in this situation. I love you so much I swear if anything happens and you don't survive this I will die along with you. I can't go in a life that's not with you. I'm a selfish bastard who deserves to be alone and die alone. You deserve so much better then me yet you stayed and loved me when I all I did was hurt you in return. You have to make it through this and when you do I promise you I will make you the happiest woman alive. I'm a fucked up crazy mess who needs mental help and your all I have left. Please, please don't leave me here alone. I love you, you hear me? I love you kali!"

He laid his head on her stomach and held her hand right to his heart rubbing it softly with his thumb. He drifted off to sleep for a short while until someone woke him to check on Kalis condition. He stopped back to give them room and waited for any news that she will wake up and be ok again. Guilt flooded his veins and he sank lower and lower into his darkest moods ever. If something indeed did happen to her he knew that her sister and his own brother would never forgive him and probably would disown him all together as well.

"Well what's going on will she be ok?" He felt his heart racing so fast he tried to remain calm.

"Did you know she was carrying your child ?"

Jared's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he had just heard the doctor say. Could it be true ?

"No I had no clue , will they both be ok?"

The look on the doctors face wasn't good. "Theres a huge chance the baby won't survive they both have internal bleeding which may result in both passing away. The mother has slipped into a coma and she may never come out of it. That being said the baby may die as well. It's a waiting game from here on out. I'm so sorry if there's anything we can do we will do it no matter what. Let us know if you need anything ok?"

Jared couldn't speak as he just nodded his head yes. His body and heart felt numb his anger and cold nature had got the best of him. He returned to the bed next to her grabbing her hand again never letting it go. Tears streamed down his face as he sat and waited for her to wake up someday again soon.

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