3: The Betrayed

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The group looked to the now angered teen. Now that Loki pointed it out, his aversion was painfully obvious.

"Why is that?" Natasha asked, reaching out to his leg in an attempt to coarse it out of him.

"I'm fine with Mr. Stark's drinking habits," he said curtly, ignoring the try at comfort.

"But you don't like that he's getting angry while drinking," Bruce deducted since they haven't noticed it before. "You were abused by an alcoholic weren't you?" He continued gently.

Agent 18 stayed silent but it was answer enough. The agent was looking down at his hands in his lap to avoid eye contact at this point and didn't see Loki prepare a spell. The others not knowing how to react. As it hit the boy his body glowed and he grunted as he fought the effects but soon gave in. His foot started tapping a moment later. "This isn't annoying at all," he drawled sarcastically.

"You had it suppressed," Loki deadpanned.

"I need to be able to have a longer attention span than Hawkeye," Stingray was peeved.

"What was that?" Clint eyed the now fidgeting agent, ignoring the obvious jab at him but getting defensive towards what the god had done to his teammate.

"I released one of the many seals he has on him. That one suppressed his ADHD and Dyslexia," Loki explained.

"Seals? How do you have seals?" Tony asked quickly.

"Better yet, what did you seal?" Steve leaned forward. Stingray wasn't listening as his thoughts wandered.

"Perseus?" Thor caught the teen's attention.

"It's Percy," the response was automatic and his eyes widened. "Shist," he muttered.

"So you are Perseus Jackson," Bruce asked and the black haired teen sighed on defeat.

"You tell anyone I'm alive and I swear to the gods I'll kill you, where you fucking stand" Percy threatened the two gods present.

"But why do you wish for them to think you dead? They hail you a hero," Thor questioned.

"If they wanted me to stay they shouldn't have thrown me off the top of the Empire State Building," Percy growled. His emotions now coming through slightly since he couldn't focus the same.

"Why would someone do that? That's just gross," Tony commented, thinking of the giant mess that would leave, not to mention the people that it could kill. "And immoral," he added.

"I was framed for being a traitor and that was my punishment. I was disowned, my powers were sealed and I was sent to die," Percy growled. "I'm going to bed," he got up and left the room before any more comment could be made.

But Clint wasn't done, "okay, and why are you here?" He growled and pointed a drawn arrow at the trickster god.

"My brother has been sent here on punishment," Thor stated. "He is to dwell on Midgard until father determines that he may return to Asgard.

"As long as he doesn't mess with my head, I'm fine," Clint spat as he too left for his room.


"Where's Stingray?" Tony yawned as the Avengers sat around the island in the kitchen, snacking on various breakfast items or leftover pizza (Tony).

"His room. I wouldn't disturb him considering his current state," Loki said as he strode in.

"Why? What happened?" Bruce looked concerned towards the elevator.

"I released another seal this morning along with the curse it suppressed," Loki waved them off as he took his brother's Poptart.

"Will that hurt him?" Natasha asked. A black dagger was then launched at the mischevious god who dodged.

"No, only him once I'm done with him," a scowling sleepy Agent walked in with what seemed to be hastily put on t-shirt and shorts. A change from the SHIELD uniform that he always wore around them.

"Now there is no need to be hasty," Loki backed away.

"You broke into my room and messed with the seals that literally keep me sane," he growled.

"And seem to now be showing proper emotion," another dagger was thrown, pinning the god to the wall by his arm.

"I don't need proper emotion, I don't want it. It interferes with my work. Put them back," Percy demanded almost childishly as he drew another dagger to the god's throat while he pushed him into the wall.

"I like you better this way, none of that covered up bullshit you were pulling with that act," Loki taunted.

"I don't care. It made me feel stable and I didn't come to SHEILD to interact with weak gods," Stingray snarled and pushed hard enough for blood to be drawn, the red substance running down the short blade. Maverick eyed it confused for a moment since it was red and not gold, but turned to face Thor without moving, "Do you both have it?" Loki shifted underneath the touch of the metal uncomfortably as he tried to push away from the effects it was starting to have on his being.

"Have what?" Steve looked between the two as Thor seemed to contemplate his answer.

"Father did not wish to alarm the Midgardians," Thor finally said.

"Interesting," Stingray wondered but his mood seemed to swing, "I need food." He stepped away from Loki and sat at the table as Steve, unfazed, set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him.

A/N To cancelled busses meaning there's no lesson and Mug cake since it's Foods class.

Tell me what you think and if you want to, join my Discord server. The link is in my Bio.

Also cause I'm curious, what country are you from? (Not in a creepy way but I wanna know what kind of cultures my readers come from.

Side note that I will be changing what I call Percy a lot. So for reference, his names so far are: 
Percy (of course),
Stingray and Agent 18 (Agent names),
Maverick West (Fake name).

If there are any spots where I messed that up (I changed his names a few times lol) Please tell me so I can fix it.

Love you all! - Ghost

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