11: Crown Princes

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"How did this happen?" Hades asked as he looked to the two girls who also bowed.

"Stark brought them to the tower to meet me," Percy said from his seat.

"The distant legacy of Hephaestus, yes?" Percy nodded to the god, "what do you suggest we do? They are your old friends." Hades looked down to his second crown prince.

"Nico can handle that, he has more ties to camp to know what would work best," Percy said, his face was passive as he stared at the two.

Nico raised a brow at the statement, "well Rachel is fine since she's known for a while but Piper might be a problem." Nico deliberated.

"You can have her take an oath as I did," Rachel suggested.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? How is Percy still alive? Why can he Shadow travel? Since when has Rachel known about all this?" Piper finally asked, head hurting from trying to understand what was happening.

Percy sighed at the daughter of Aphrodite, "A few gods and goddesses helped me survive after I was thrown from Olympus." Percy's eyes narrowed at Piper who shrunk back. "Now I serve them in exchange for being kept dead in the eyes of the others," Percy continued with a passive shrug.

"But Hades confirmed you had made it to the Underworld and died," Piper said.

Nico snickered, "Yeah not going to lie, Percy's face was priceless when Father said that. He wasn't wrong though, the son of the sea did die. Percy now is a son of Hades, together we are the crown princes of the Underworld, hence our crowns." Nico pointed to his own black, skull-encrusted crown, Percy's matching navy crown glinted in the dull light.

"I never asked to be a prince," Percy clarified.

"But you look so nice in that crown," a voice purred from beside Percy's seat. Percy jumped and instinctively threw a dagger at the source. Loki dodged the blade with a yelp.

"I told you to leave Loki," Percy growled.

Loki ignored him and approached again slowly, "you never told me you were now a prince of death," he cooed. "It suits you quite well," he continued, "though the smell of the sea on you is quite a bit more enchanting." They were standing quite close now.

"I don't need your flattery," Percy snarled as he sat back in his throne.

"Calm down, I'm not here to talk to you," Loki turned to the bigger throne, "I'm here to talk to you."

Hades frowned, "about what, Asgardian?"

Loki silently bristled but continued, "it is about an offer I offered to your son earlier but I thought you would like a say."

Percy's eyes widened and he tried to protest but was suddenly restricted to the chair and gagged by familiar gold ropes. The three others got into battle stances and waited to strike.

Hades glared at the Norse god, "continue."

Loki stepped forward, "as I suggested to your son, as a God of a different Pantheon that is quite seasoned in the use of magic I could release the curses you and your fellow gods and goddesses have failed to lift."

"Intriguing," Hades pondered glancing at Percy who still struggled in his bindings. He took a moment to think the decision over, "and what do you think Perseus?"

Loki released the gag. "I don't need unnecessary pain in my current life," he spat.

"And the chances of success?" Hades continued.

"If given the right environment and support, almost complete certainty, Lord Hades," Loki all but boasted.

"Then Percy shall escort you back here in a week's time for my thoughts on the matter. Am I clear Percy?" Hades decided and looked to his pouting son.

"Yes father," he stood up after being fully free of the magical ropes.

"Then you shall return back to the mortals and have Piper McLean take the same oath as Miss Dare," Hades concluded.

A/N Another forced chapter yay! The more lighthearted ones and actual plot-driving stuff are coming back soon but I need a little more storyline planning done first.

My impromptu beta reader for this (aka got to read for a last day of school present) loves the next couple of parts but they need polishing up (is that a good term?)

Anyways tell me what you think.

Love you all! -Ghost

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