4: Sanity

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"What was that?" Tony exclaimed after a moment after the group had taken in the fact that the emotionless agent was now acting like a teen.

"What was what?" Percy looked up curiously. The more senior members were slightly unnerved at how much emotion was suddenly being shown on his face.

"You just 180'd in like a second to food after threatening a god," Tony motioned to Loki who was still stuck to the wall by the black piece of metal.

"I would very much like to be release-THUNK-d nevermind," Loki sighed as his other arm was pinned by a second dagger that had been accurately thrown over Maverick's shoulder without a glance.

"I will deal with him later. I might end up unpredictable today since he released my emotions this morning," Percy turned back to his food without a second thought and took a bite of the mostly finished meal.

-Gasp- Percy dropped his fork and turned quickly, "You have a godly weapon. Gimme." He opened and closed his hands childlessly as he waited to be given the hammer.

"This will be good," Tony muttered as Thor dropped the Hammer into Percy's arms. Percy then tossed it from hand to hand. "How the hell." The Avengers watched in awe as he played with the instrument of lightning.

"How do you find it, Perseus?" Thor asked as he watched in amusement.

"Light. I understand why you can throw it so far, much more practical for battle. It also seems to be more of a conductor since I can't activate it," Percy was now swinging it lazily around himself as compared it to his memory of his uncle's own weapon of lightning.

"Interesting," Thor took back the weapon and put it down, "Now finish your meal." Percy obeyed and finished the bowl before scarfing down a second, waiting for the others to get over their shock.

Percy got up and started to move to the couches in the adjoining living room when he suddenly collapsed. This seemed to finally break the mortals out of their thoughts as the other occupants rushed to his side, minus Loki who was still stuck to the wall. Thor ripped out the daggers that held his brother and dropped them as soon as possible to avoid any effects from the rare black iron.

Loki raced to the teen that was attempting to thrash under the grips of the Avengers as he mumbled in Greek. He grabbed the boy by his head and put his thumbs over his temples as he let his power wash over the boy, holding his head in his lap. Percy slowly started to relax and the others let go as the boy slowly opened his eyes. "Do not move Perseus, it seems you were experiencing a flashback," Loki said as Percy tried to move away, holding fast to the boy's head.

"Are you okay?" Bruce asked.

"Fine as soon as the asshole lets go," Percy growled, thrashing to get away.

"What happened."

"Someone released the seal that keeps me sane," Percy ground out.

"I also removed the curse that it was counteracting it and let you show more emotion," Loki defended.

"Yes because having my PTSD back is such a joy," Percy rolled his eyes as he tried to get up again.

"How did you end up with that?" Tony narrowed his eyes.

"I might tell you if I can get off of this floor. I'm fine," Percy scowled at the god that had pulled him back down.

"Then let me put that part of the seal back," Loki relented.

"You can't. You aren't powerful enough," Percy stated and decided that he as done being polite despite his irrational rant for him to do just that earlier. He pushed himself up forcefully and was ripped out of Loki's grip, missing the small spell being discreetly placed on him. "What the Hades?" Percy stumbled and grabbed his head before falling into Loki's waiting arms. Asleep.

"What did you do?" Steve stepped forward protectively.

"He's sleeping, soldier," Loki lay the teen on the couch gently. "If you want the answer to his mental situation Stark, just look under his shirt," Loki motioned behind him.

Bruce approached Percy and looked under his shirt cautiously, "What the hell happened to him?" Bruce pulled the fabric back to reveal a multitude of scars.

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