8: Normal

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Percy had gone back to sleep once the god had walked out of the room and the door had locked. He was glad that he slept peacefully and soundly for a full 20 hours before waking to Steve pounding on his door.

"I'm coming," he called as he slowly rolled out of the soft bed and walked up to the door.

"What?" He said as he squinted against the light from the hallway that poured into his dark room as the door opened.

"I was wondering if you were alright? It's been hours since you passed out and we are wondering what happened yesterday."

"Just trying to stay sane in this hell of a world," Percy gave a grin. Steve was not amused. "Give me a couple more hours and I'll be back to normal okay? Goodnight," Percy closed and locked the door before Steve could reply and promptly flopped back onto the bed to sleep.

"So where's the kid?" Tony asked as Steve came into the Avengers Level.

"He said he needs to sleep for another few hours before returning to 'normal'," Steve said as he sat down, putting air quotes around normal.

"Normal?" Clint stood up and started toward the elevator doors Steve just came out of.

"Where are you going, Barton?" Tony from his spot at the bar, whiskey in hand.

"I don't know about you but I'm not gonna have that kid be a walking killing machine with no emotions again," Clint stated as he called for the elevator.

"I can help with that," Loki got up to join the archer. Clint glaring at the God but not saying anything against the help.

"What?" Percy groggily called through the door.

"I want to talk with you Jackson," Clint responded.

"And I don't want to talk to you. Can't you wait until I'm done sleeping?" Percy groaned.

"No, now," Clint hit the door a few more times to encourage the agent out of bed.

Percy lifted his head off the pillow just enough to glare at the door, "well then that sucks." Percy grinned slightly at the responded swearing and banging on the as he hid his head under the pillow.

A period of time passed like this and Percy was about to fall back asleep when the banging abruptly stopped. "You can stop Barton. I can do my work from here," Loki's voice stated as he prepared to launch his spells through the door. Less accurate but still effective. Of course, that wasn't the main use for it though, only to get the locked door open.

"Don't even try," Percy growled as he cracked open the door with a terrifying glare.

"Watch me," Loki then sent a forceful spell at the door, launching the demigod back into the room.

Loki advanced on the stunned demigod with a binding spell so he could dismantle the seals with minimal resistance as Clint guarded the doorway. The archer noting how disturbingly well the two were working together.

"Esrever lleps!" Percy shouted and the God was stuck in his own binding. Clint's eyes widened at the situation and tried to get away but fell as his pant leg was pinned to the ground by familiar daggers.

Percy calmly picked up the god and walked to the fallen agent, "you either come willingly or I tie you up too." Clint chose the first option as he followed the demigod, like a kicked puppy.

Natasha raised a brow in sync with Steve and the room's other occupants as Stingray entered the room with the other two. "Well he's out of his room," Tony remarked as the God was thrown down harshly.

"Ow," the Loki growled from the floor.

"When I say I need a couple more hours, I mean a couple of hours," Percy seethed as he glared at the people in the room. "Keep away for another hour and a half and I'll be fine. Am I clear?" Stingray stated forcefully, sending an extra glare to Loki before walking out.

A/N well this scene was kinda bad... If it's unclear, Percy has a few of his emotions showing from this point on but he tries to keep them suppressed with more minor seals but they haven't kicked in totally yet.

So yeah this is my apologie chapter for not posting that second chapter yesterday....

Tell me what you think (including suggestions)

Love you all! -Ghost

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