14: Mindscape

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"Hey!" Thalia  ran at the two, "Put him down!" She drew her sword and charged at them. 

"I think not," Loki just put up a hand towards her. The instant she hit what seemed to be an invisible wall she, and the surrounding features crumbled leaving a black abyss. Loki put Percy down gently and backed away as the demigod tried to pull at the gold rope on his mouth.

"Mmm!" he protested. Loki grinned.

"In a second. First, I talk," Loki said and sat on a chair that appeared behind him. Percy huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at the god. "Did you really raise Gaea after you worked so had to get her to sleep?" he started. Percy nodded tensely. "Why?" 

Percy seemed taken aback by the question but after recovering pointed to his mouth. "Show me. This is your mindscape, you can bring forward memories of events, objects, people, places, etcetera," Loki guided. 

A small piece of bloody paper appeared between them,

"What did she do?" Loki asked but gagged as he looked up

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"What did she do?" Loki asked but gagged as he looked up. Percy's eyes were closed but the scenery was now different. It showed a furnished bedroom with a large king bed in the center. Blood spattered the walls and was in patterns that suggested torture. The only clean part of the room was the bed. White sheets were put on it and held two figures that could be sleeping if not for their stillness. "They're not sleeping are they?" A shake of the head. He carefully walked into the recreated room and pulled back the edge of the sheets, gaging again. He dismissed the image and told Percy he could look again and removed the gag.

"I wasn't satisfied with her just sleeping, able to rise again to hurt more people," Percy whispered with soft sorrow. He looked at his hands in regret, "Annabeth was right, I am a monster. What I did to Gaea was way worse than what I ever did in Tartarus to Misery." He didn't seem to notice Loki still there. "Maybe everything would be better if I just rid the world of myself as Zeus meant to that day," his voice was filled with so much depression it started to cloud the mindscape.

Loki moved forward and pulled him into a hug, "we all appreciate you here at the tower. No matter to your past but how you can improve yourself for the future." Percy tried to back away but was held tight to the god's chest as he started to rub circles into his back. Slowly Percy relaxed into the embrace.

"Why do you care?" he finally whispered. He couldn't see it but a light blush covered Loki's cheeks.

"I, uh, to be honest, I have become quite fond of you since we have met," he stuttered out and nervously backed away. 

"Oh," Percy seemed unsure how to react. Silence ensued for a solid uncomfortable minute.

Loki cleared his throat, "we should return to the physical plane." They flashed back into the real world and Loki released Percy's head from his grasp and backed away a few paces, "I apologize for forcefully entering your mind." 

Percy's face was the same passive state as usual, "Thank you for helping me." A small smile graced his lips for a second and stood, brushing himself off, "Now if you excuse me I need to have a chat with Anthony." Loki followed as he exited the room, smirking all the while on what was in store next.

A/N Sorry this took so long to update. I've been pretty busy with school, work and keeping somewhat sane. 

If anyone has a better idea for what the note says, please share since I feel that what I wrote is really awkward and forced. 

Anyways, tell me what you think.

Love you all! -Ghost

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