Janis x Reader

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Credit to you-thinks-wrong-Romeo on tumblr

Janis knew that it was weird, her liking you. She was a dark rocker chick with a cold outer shell and no emotions, at least to everyone else. Damian knew the other side to Janis. The emotional mess that liked you. You were a pastel musical geek that made perfect grades and smiled at everyone. In other words, you were the complete opposite, but Janis still liked you. Janis also still had no ability to talk to you.

One day, however, luck struck, both bad and good. You had your first class of the day with the Plastics. Regina George happened to have just bought a pink jacket at the mall. You had happened to receive the same jacket as a birthday gift. Today happened to be Wednesday. In any sane world, these rare cosmic happenings would go by, possibly unnoticed, but you weren't in any sane world, you were in North Shore High.
"What are you wearing?" Regina asked you, sounding offended.
"Umm... a jacket. I-I got it as a birthday present. From my mom." You answered.
"You can't wear that," she stated, "I'm wearing the same jacket. Honestly, I'm doing you a favor. You look hideous, and that jacket isn't helping." Regina finished, looking down at you, completing the "queen of hell" illusion.

You ran out. It looked weak. It was awkward. You felt bad when the teacher yelled that you needed the hall pass. You just couldn't stand it anymore.
You hurried to the library. It was quiet there, something you desperately needed. You ran to the furthest corner of the library to sit and collect yourself. You thought the library would be deserted in the middle of first period, but you caught someone's eye. The same eye that you always seemed to catch, however, you weren't aware of that fact.
Janis and Damian walked over to your corner quietly, just to make sure you were okay, well, that was why Janis went over there. Damian had another idea. He did care about your general wellbeing, but he cared about Janis more, and her excessive pining over you was unhealthy. When they arrived, they saw you curled up in the corner while crying and hyperventilating. Janis's heart hurt as she saw you.

She wanted to help, but she didn't know how. She wasn't good with feelings. Especially when she was the one who had them. Most of the time, she was filled with rage or just general negativity, but when she saw you, she just melted, and she hated it.
As Janis tried to come up with a game plan, Damian got impatient and pushed her at you.
"Hi. Umm...are you okay? What am I saying? Obviously, you're not okay. Uh... wanna talk about it?" Janis asked cringing at her own awkwardness.
"Not really." You said, quickly recognizing a look of sadness on her face at the answer. She turned to walk away before you added, "Do you want to sit with me? I could use a distraction right now."
"You asked the right girl, (Y/N)," She said while sitting down.
"Thanks, Janis." You replied, looking at her.
Her face suddenly changed to a look of pleasant surprise before she asked, "You know my name?"
"Of course I do," you laughed, "why wouldn't I?"
"I-uh-I'm just not really popular or anything, there's no reason to know me," she said, looking down at her legs. She looked a little bit shy, and, god, was it cute.

"Except that you're cute," you mumbled, hoping she didn't hear. You would be mortified if the incredible girl in front of you knew about your crush on her.
She did hear, though, and she was shocked. A cute girl liked her! Aaah!!!!! She honestly couldn't believe it. She was shocked. She just sat there staring at you for a minute like the gay mess she is.
"Ididn'tmeananythingbyitI'msosososorryI'llgonowagainI'msos-" you explained before getting cut off by Janis kissing you. You were stunned for a minute before you wrapped your arms around her to deepen the kiss. You eventually had to pull away because humans need oxygen.
"Woah" she breathed after you pulled away.
"Hell yeah! Go Janis!" a voice coming from behind a bookcase.

Janis started laughing hysterically as her best friend startled you two.
"(Y/N), meet Damian, my best friend. He's almost too gay to function," she said, still not completely done laughing.

"Hey! Me too!" You laughed, kissing Janis on the cheek, which made her blush hard, and you laid your head on her shoulder. You three stayed there until the bell rang, you and Janis cuddling while Damian occasionally gagged at how lovey-dovey you two were being.

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