Janis X Reader

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When you started your senior year at North Shore High, you simply expected that you were gonna breeze through. You were going to focus on your studies and try to survive so you could go off to college. You didn't expect to make friends but when a tall, chubby kid named Damian and a short, bubbly brunette named Cady walked up to you with open arms, you simply couldn't resist. A couple friends could be good to keep you sane. You began sitting with them at lunch and were introduced to the rest of the gang; there was Karen, a bubbly, airhead blonde; Gretchen, an insecure brunette who was seemingly attached to Regina, who seemed to be stuck up but she was nice enough that you brushed it off. Then there was Janis; Damian introduced her as his best friend, her hair was brown with bleach blonde ends and she was in a giant jacket covered in various patches.
From the moment you saw her, you were intrigued by her. There was just something about her; always paint splattered somewhere on her body, her punk-rock attitude, her soft, small smile. From then on, you knew you had to be friends with Janis. But it seemed that the girl had put walls up, blocking all of her feelings from the outside world. It was something that you hadn't dealt with before but you were willing to try to break through that. You had to get to know her. Around a quarter of your way through senior year, you came out to your friends and family as (your sexuality). Your parents smiled and brushed it off, claiming that they've always known. Your brother almost yelled at you through the phone for not telling him sooner. And the group took it with ease; Damian claimed that his gaydar went off the second he saw you, causing you to laugh. And Janis had a small smile directed at you and her cheeks were dusted a slight red and you couldn't help but smile back. Little did you know, Janis had a huge crush on you. Ever since that first day, she was immediately attracted to you. Her breath got caught in her throat when she first saw you smile, awestruck by how gorgeous you were. And as the two of you had been getting closer, hanging out outside of school and learning more and more about each other, her feelings continued to grow. She was terrified at how much she liked you. Her heart hammered in her chest every time you laughed and simply hearing your voice could calm her. And she knew she had almost no chance with you, you were totally out of her league, and she originally thought you were as straight as a stick, so she was left to pine over you and drive herself crazy. In a little over a month was your brother's wedding, and your mother insisted that you brought your date with you. Your mother hadn't realized that you weren't dating anyone at the time, and you didn't have many friends so your options were limited. But, you felt this could be the perfect opportunity to spend some more time with Janis without the rest of the group around. The next morning, you walked up to Janis before heading to your first class. She was at her locker, grabbing a few books away before spinning around, faltering a bit after noticing you were there. She ran her free hand through her hair before speaking, "Hey, Y/N. What's up?" "I was hoping to ask you something, do you have a minute?" "Yeah, uhm, go ahead." Janis's fingers were fidgeting with the hem of her jacket as she leaned back against the lockers. "My mom insisted that I bring my girlfriend to my brother's wedding, but y'know, seeing that I don't actually have a girlfriend right now, I'm kind of in a knot. So if you're free on the 5th of January, I was wondering if you could pretend to be my girlfriend and go with me? I mean if you don't want to, it's fine I'm just really desperate-" Janis interrupts you with a small laugh. "Y/N, I'd love to. I've never been to a wedding before though, so you're gonna need to help me out." Over the next month, you and Janis have been spending more and more time together in preparation for the wedding. The two of you would hang out in Janis's garage as she painted, talking until the sun went down. She was hesitant to go to your house though because she knew that if she encountered your parents, she'd be introduced as your girlfriend. And knowing that it wasn't real, it would cause her to shut down and block the world out for the rest of the day. And she didn't want you to see her like that. One day, the two of you went out shopping for the wedding and you took her hand as you walked down the hallway at the mall, causing Janis's heart to drop to her stomach and a small smile to stretch across her face. After that incident, Janis called Damian and could not stop rambling about how much she was falling for you. "Damian, you don't get it! I can't be her fake girlfriend when I actually like her, it's almost like she's leading me on but I know it's not real. I can't even face going over her house because I won't be able to face her introducing me to her parents as her girlfriend. Y/N doesn't even know what she's doing to me. Every time she so much as looks at me, I get butterflies. God, I can't believe I just said that." "Janis, goddamn, chill out. Have you seen the way she looks at you? I swear, y'all are oblivious. Y/N likes you, Jan. Just give it time." "Whatever you say." Janis couldn't fall asleep that night. Her mind couldn't stop spinning, thinking that maybe you could like her the way she likes you.
Soon, the day of the wedding rolled around. Janis had to take almost the entire morning to prepare herself for the fact that she was your girlfriend for the day. She arrived at your house at around noon, knocking on the door, causing you to jump off the couch to run and greet her. Janis had straightened her hair, the blonde locks falling gently over her shoulder. She was in a floral tuxedo (which she had painted herself) with a matching bowtie, resting against white dress shirt. She had black dress pants and a nice pair of black boots. And you were awestruck. You must've been staring because, after a moment, Janis let out a chuckle. "Y/N, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna let me in?" Embarrassed, you step back as your cheeks are painted a rosy red. You let out a small laugh before apologizing. "Sorry, you just- you look amazing." Janis's face is clad with a smirk before speaking herself. "Why, thank you. You look gorgeous," there's a small pause, barely noticeable, but you catch it, "as always." You were in a light blue dress with spaghetti straps, the top cutting down in a V to just below your boobs where it then flows out, the skirt reaching your ankles, where a pair of silver sandals are barely visible. You smile at Janis before your parents appear out of the kitchen. You don't notice that Janis becomes nervous and begins toying with her fingers. She smiles and shakes your parents' hands as you introduce her as your girlfriend, but her eyes dim just a little bit, only wishing that this could be real. The day brushes on with ease, the ceremony went somewhat quick, marrying off your brother and his new wife. And then the reception came along, the two of you at the front table with your family. While most of the conversation, surrounded the newlyweds, you two were asked quite a few questions (some about your relationship; you took the liberty of answering those, seeing as Janis was uncharacteristically anxious). As the party progressed and people became more drunk and rowdy, you decided it would be the perfect time to slip away and get some peace and quiet for a bit. You nudge Janis as a dance song comes to an end and take her hand, leading her off the dance floor. "Do you wanna go somewhere a bit quieter?" Janis simply nods before following behind you. The wedding had taken place in a valley up against Lake Michigan, so you led Janis to the shoreline. You took your shoes off before running into the sand, finding a spot to sit and look over the lake, Janis following close behind. The two of you sat in silence for quite some time before you pipe up.  "Hey, Janis?" The brunette looks over at you, muttering a 'hmm' before you continue. "Why were you so anxious tonight?" Janis looks down at her lap, hands playing with her tux. "It's scary. Meeting my friend's family for the first time and being introduced as her girlfriend when I'm not actually the girlfriend." "I'm sorry, I should've just told my mom that I didn't actually have a girlf-" "No, Y/N, it's my fault honestly. I've known from the start that I was coming as your girlfriend and it's my fault for going along with it. I like you, Y/N. As more than friends. And this whole time I've been dragging myself around, knowing that I'd end up disappointed and broken in the end but I knew it was making you happy so I kept playing along. And here we are now, the night coming to an end, and I'm going home empty-handed." A small, hesitant smile grows on your face, before scooting a bit closer to the other girl. "You like me?" Janis doesn't respond, scared that her voice will fail her if she tries, and hardly nods at your question. The silence washes over the area for only a moment before you speak again. "You could've told me, Janis." "I was too scared. I know, me and scared are an odd combination. But I've already been destroyed by close friends twice. I didn't want to have to confront another heartbreak. It was easier to not tell you and have things be normal than tell you and have you shy away and things get awkward and-" She was cut off by your lips on hers, your hand cupping her cheek as you pull her in closer. You pull away slowly, Janis looking back at you like a deer in headlights. You laugh, sitting back on your knees, a huge smile taking over your face. "Has anyone told you how oblivious you are? I like you too, silly." Janis simply sits up on her knees, comes over to you and wraps her arms around your waist before pulling you in. Your lips connect again, your arms falling around her shoulders. You stay that way for what seems like an eternity before breaking apart to breathe, both of you smiling like you've never been happier. Janis cups your jaw in her hands, thumbs caressing your cheeks. "I really like you, Y/N." "I really like you, too, Janis."

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