It's fine

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Credit to maiawakening on tumblr
This is a long one. Be prepared.

"No, you're not hearing what I'm saying. Max is going to propose to Matt, my whole life depends on it." Damien dramatically waved his hands, nearly hitting at least three different passing students. "You're not hearing what I'm saying. I. Don't. Care. Wes and Isaac are superior anyways." Janis mumbled, fiddling with her empty pudding cup. Damien gasped at Janis' casual insult to his favorite couple. "You take that back you-" "Guys! Maybe we should find out what in the hell is going on with Charlie and Ryan before we debate on which couple is better?" You cried out while attempting to scoop out what little pudding was left in your sad, little cup. Lunches were something else nowadays. They were enjoyable sure, but exciting they were not. Ever since the plastics got their shit together for senior year, there's been nothing to moan about other than bad test grades and Broadway couples. You turned your head to look at Janis, who was staring out into nothingness, slowly crushing her empty pudding cup in her palm. "God. I have no idea what the fuck is up with them." Janis said just above a whisper, dropping the crushed container on her lunch tray. "Well they're obviously back together but the important part is-" Damien sighed, pulling out his phone. "What!" You yelped. "You can't just drop the 'back together' bomb on us and not explain your reasoning! I demand answers!" Janis laughed, finally coming out of her head to enjoy the conversation fully. "No. I have no time for that." Damien argued, viciously scrolling on his phone. "Damien there's 25 minutes of lunch left." Janice fired back while simultaneously creating a little tower of food garbage in the middle of the table. "That's plenty of time." Janice smirked as she completed her tower, leaning back and prepping some little napkin balls to throw at her masterpiece. "My Matx slideshow presentation is 30 minutes long, so actually, I don't have much time. I must prove a point." Damien scrunched his face up, trying his best to add finishing touches to his presentation on the shitty Google Slides phone app. Janis rolled her eyes and sprinkled her napkin spit balls on her trashy tower, wanting to save her little creation. You watched as she did it, becoming increasingly aware of little details you don't usually notice. You bit your lip and turned back to the empty plastic on your plate. Janis finished decorating and wiped her hands on her army jacket, turning to you. "Yooooo" Janis flopped her arm over your shoulder, leaning most of her body weight on top of you. She began to talk, but you've already tuned her out. Not purposefully, your brain just kinda stopped functioning. Ever since you moved here, you thought you had your feelings under control. You told yourself 'no more falling in love with girls who you have no chance with'. And you thought you'd be fine around Janis, because you have a type. The straight girl you'll never get. Not that you wanted it to be your type, but it wasn't your fault you always fell for the straight ones! Janis was always comfortable with contact, and you thought nothing of it. But over time she was just getting touchier and touchier. Then you realized that she wasn't getting touchier. You were just noticing it more. That made it even harder for you to keep your feelings under wraps. It just- "(Y/N)? Helloooo, are you alive in there?" Janis knocked lightly on the side of your head, pulling you out of your head. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't sleep much last night..." You looked down and laugh nervously. "Well I know what'll make you feel better." Janis sung, dragging out the last syllable. You raised your eyebrow at her. "Getting us some more pudding!" "Janis. Oh. My. God. I am not getting you-" "Please (Y/N), I'm begging you." "No." "I'll pay you extra!" You narrow your eyes. "How much?" Janis fumbled around for her old leather wallet. "I can give you... two one dollar bills." She held up a fiver for the pudding and two ones. "Deal." You snatched up the money and stood, sliding out from the table. Janis laughed and let her arm go, letting it brush against your waist. You blushed and froze for a tenth of a second before moving on and bolting to the end of the lunch line. Taking a deep breath, you leaned against the vending machine and pulled out your phone. Damien looked up at a frustrated Janis. "She's bound to notice your advances sometime, Janis." Damien sighed, still setting up his presentation. "Damien. We're lesbians. We're oblivious." Janis grumbled, tugging at a loose thread on her shorts. "Then just ask her out!" Damien exclaimed, struggling with his phone. "Damien! Lesbians! Oblivious but unwilling to make the first move." Janis snapped. She threw her head back and groaned before collapsing onto to the table, head first. "Uh, Janis." Damien perked up and starting swatting at his friend's arm. "Hurlgh." "Seriously. Clayton. Ten o'clock." Janis' head snapped up, immediately zeroing in on the interaction that was about to happen between you and Clayton. Back in the line, you were still scrolling. Half paying attention to the cafeteria and half paying attention to the latest spongebob meme. That was, until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to face the stranger and frowned when the hand stayed on your shoulder. "(Y/N), hey!" You recognized him almost immediately. His name was Clayton, and he was in a couple of your classes. Grade twelve advanced functions and health care? Or was it kinesiology... All you knew was that it was something science based because he always pretends to 'make love' with the display skeleton. He wasn't exactly... Your ideal... Acquaintance. "Clayton. Hi." You said shrugging off his hand and reluctantly turning off your phone. "What's up?" "Well you see, I know you're new in town-" You cut him off. "It's been nine months. That's not new." You grind your teeth. You were not in the mood. "-So I thought that you could be my date to Spring Fling, as it is your first school dance." He took a step forward, obviously trying to get in your personal space. You tried to back away, but bumped into someone. You whipped your head around to see that the line still hadn't moved and there were people right behind you. You couldn't escape. "C'mon, (Y/N). You're hot. Do a guy a favour..." You felt a hand slide onto your waist. Your own hand flies down to grab it but Clayton's other hand meets yours and grips your wrist hard. You let out a small noise of surprise. "Hey!" You shout, then immediately regret it. Looking around the room, you bite your tongue. You didn't want to make a scene. "Listen. I'm not gonna take no for an answer. I always get what I want." He started to move him thumb in soft circles on your hip as a 'comforting' gesture. You try to shimmy your wrist out of his grasp but he just held on tighter. "I always get what I want." "U-uhm... Uh..." You stumbled, trying to form any words at all. You glanced at the room. Some people in the line were staring intensely or whispering at you, and you just couldn't handle it. Could you reject him in front of other people? Could you reject him at all? Oh God he was staring right at you, you needed to make a choice and make a choice right then or- S L A M Okay maybe you didn't need to make a choice at all, because all of a sudden a fist flew in between you and Clayton, slamming into the vending machine. Clayton froze, staring at the intruder's army jacket covered arm. Wait... You'd recognize that army jacket anywhere. Is that- "Move. Your. Hands." Janis said in a shaky voice, her fist still implanted into the machine. "What the-" Clayton yelled. "I said move your fucking hands, dickweasel." Janis screamed. Clayton immediately removed his limbs and bucked the fuck out of there. You bring your wrist towards yourself because shit he dug his fingernails in and you didn't even notice. You clasp one shaking hand over another and before you can say anything to Janis, she removed her fist from the vending machine(revealing cracked glass is the shape of her fist) and wrapped an arm around you, walking you out of the cafeteria. The two of you stumble out of the overpacked room and ignore the whispers and shouts coming from behind you. Janis angrily stomps down the hallway, keeping you in close quarters. "Janis... Where are we going?" You whispered, not wanting to pull the taller girl out of her inner monologue, which you were sure she was having. "Nurse's office." Janis said shortly, beginning to shed her jacket. "What, why are you-" You asked her, but was cut off when she shoved her jacket over your hunched torso and grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into her side. You look up to see Janis glaring down the hall at a pair of whispering freshman. You reached out your hands to pull the jacket tighter over your body and looked down at both pairs of your walking feet. Janis shifts your shoulders to turn down a couple halls and eventually pulls you into the small nurse's office, which the nurse is never in and defeats the purpose of a nurse's office in the first place. Janis transfers you from her arms onto the crappy office bed and begins to skim the room for medical resources. She grabbed some alcohol swabs and a big square band aid. Janis stopped moving for a minute and took a breath, biting the inside of her cheek before walking over to you and tossing the band aid package next to you on the bed. "Wrist," Janis held out her arm, waiting for you to give her your (slightly) injured limb. You did as instructed and winced when the other girl cleaned your wrist with the swab. Looking up, you found that janis was eerily straight-faced, and her lips were pursed. "Janis, are you-" You started. "I'm fine." She replied, chucking the the rest of the swabs across the room in a random direction. "Really-" You said. Janis began unwrapping the band aid. "It's fine!" She yelled, although she slid the band aid on your wrist gently. "Hey! No! You don't to yell at me like that!" You shout back. Janis stepped back a bit, surprised. "Did I do anything wrong!?" "... No." Janis said. "Then why are you snapping at me?" You ask, lowering the volume your voice. "I just... I don't know how to handle my emotions..." Janis mumbled. "I hate Clayton. He's a douchebag and you deserve more than what just happened." "Aw, Janis" You furrowed your brows. "I'm not good with words..." Janis banged her head against the wall. "Can you... Show me? Would that be easier?" You ask. Janis stomps her feet on the ground and spins in a circle, letting out a long noise of annoyance. You giggle and begin to say something, but before you can, Janis does something you never imagined she would do. She kissed you.

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