Clothing Swap: Janis X Regina

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Thank you to the people who requested for a Regina X Janis

Janis watches it happen almost in slow-motion. Some poor freshman is walking by their lunch table when he has the ultimate misfortune of tripping and spilling tomato soup onto Regina's all-white outfit. It feels like the entire cafeteria goes silent while everyone waits to see just what method Regina is going to use to murder this kid. It's a testament to how far Regina's come (and the quality of her therapist) that she just closes her eyes and silently counts to ten before calmly telling the profusely apologizing freshman to be more careful next time.'Everyone at their table stares at Regina in shock. "Wow," Cady says finally as the freshman scurries away. "You handled that really well, Regina." Regina just sighs, looking down at her soup-stained top and pants. "Does anyone have a change of clothes?" "Don't you always keep a spare outfit in your locker?" Cady asks. "I took it home because it was out of season and I forgot to replace it," Regina answers, pressing her fingers to her temples like she has a headache. "I have clothes in my locker," Janis says. "You're welcome to borrow them." Everyone turns and looks at her. "What?" Janis says defensively. "I get paint on myself a lot."'Regina looks at her for a long moment. "Okay, fine." Then she adds, almost as an afterthought, "Thanks." "I can't wait to see this," Damian mutters, leaning against the sink in the girls' restroom. He'd followed Janis and Regina in, not about to pass up the opportunity to witness this. "This looks ridiculous," Regina complains from inside the stall. "If you hate my fashion choices so much you don't have to wear it," Janis says, crossing her arms. "No, I mean—" Regina huffs out a breath. "It looks fine on you." "Is that a compliment from the great Regina George?" Janis teases. "Shut up," Regina answers, unclicking the lock and reluctantly stepping out holding her wadded-up stained outfit. Damian promptly bursts out laughing. Janis tries to keep a straight face, but the sight of Regina in ripped, paint-splattered jeans, Janis's "we are not alone" alien t-shirt, and Regina's own three-inch heels is pretty amusing. Something about it is also giving Janis a fluttery feeling in her stomach. Regina's face reddens, just a little bit, but she's half-smiling, too. "Honestly?" Janis says as Regina good-naturedly twirls for Damian. "I think this is the best you've ever looked." The smile drops off of Regina's face. "You take that back!" she demands. Janis just laughs and shakes her head. The bell rings.  "You ready for your runway?" Damian asks. Regina squares her shoulders, lifts her chin, and shakes her hair into place. In a matter of seconds, she shifts from dorky-normal-person-Regina to the apex predator of the savannas of North Shore. (Janis may have watched a nature documentary with Cady last night.) It's kind of impressive to watch. It's also kind of—just a little bit—hot.) "Let's do this," Regina says determinedly, starting to strut to the door. Before she leaves, Regina turns back to Janis with a soft smile and says, "Thank you." Janis hates the way it makes her heart beat a little faster.

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